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Bully Mercy edition


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Here comes T.Racer!

mercy a shit

Orisa buff when?

>Game is marketed as a first-person "shooter"
>Flow of every match weighs heavily around who can get their ultimates the fastest, and if their teammates have the ability to coordinate them rather than actual aiming or proper map control

>nine arrows

10v10 confirmed?!

OW needs crossover skins

>tfw you'll never annoy Tracer by asking her why she wears the mask

>this somehow changes the fact that you spend the majority of the game shooting in first person

Except it doesn't.

>Still 800 gold from buying that skin

You are chosen to write the next short about a hero(es) of your choosing
Pitch the hero and plot

Lockout elimination is the best gametype. Prove me wrong

She's the opposite of a big girl.

For you, luv.

everybody fucking dies
overwatch gets deleted
the end

sadly modern technology makes it impossible to prove shitty opinions wrong

>50 or so lootboxes
>still don't have the Genji, Sym, or Zar skin
>spent my last coin on the Tracer skin

I don't see myself buying lootboxes, but fuck if I'm not tempted to buy 100 of them just so I can get all the skins I want and some coin for the next event.

>100 boxes
>all the skins
The number of boxes you need for all the skins is theoretically unbounded because it's pure RNG

nth for Amélie
>tfw headshotting a flying monkey as he jumps

>No game mode where you pick what role you want and get matched with others for a 2-2-2 team

If I wanted to play with no healers or tanks I would pick no limits not fucking quick play. God even competitive is like that at times

oh boy

Fuck you League is garbage

Considering that only 25% of the items are guaranteed to be part of the event, and that dupes are a thing, the odds don't look good.

Are there any tank mains here, specifically Reinhardt mains, that have reached the conclusion that the only way to win is to DPS yourself because your team gets filled with Widowshitters and Hanzos that don't stick with the group?

i want overwatch with lanes and creeps!

>Joining Game
>Select yoDEFEAT

yeah why isn't this a thing
sometimes i just want to chill out and play lucio

That backfill though.

Can someone post Cyborg 76 first person view? Gotta see if it is worth giving up Mustache 76 for.

pick dva and solo the enemy to death.

So hots?

no it isn't, there exists a finite maximum because duplicates give you coins

>show any interest beyond fucking around in QP
>WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW IT'S ONLY QUICK PLAY IT'S JUST A GAME BRO WHAT A TRYHARD *jumps off cliffs for the rest of the game*

>People who leave a game as soon as it doesn't go their way

So Smite?

>let's go play this class based shooter bros

Eventually you'd get coins for duplicates, regardless of what they are.

I was getting duplicates out of the 2nd and 3rd boxes I opened (both were Cyberninja Hanzo)


Nice Veeky Forums Gold account

They really need to nerf mercy
She is retarded

rein kind of depends on his teammates not being retarded and healing you / staying behind shield
if you don't trust your teammates to do this or they've shown they can't do this, switch to hog / zarya / some dps

An ED-209-inspired hero or D. Va with an ED-209 skin when?

They need to do something about Pharmercy. It's absolutely the most annoying thing in the game right now.

Looks like Blizzard didn't just buff Hanzo, but increased the size of his arrows again. Now anything above waist is always a headshot. It was nowhere near that bad before the patch.

They didn't put in the patch notes because they know what reaction it would cause.

Arigatou yo

Buffing Mccree will help against pharmercy

Were Hanzo mains complaining that much about Hanzo charging arrows "too slowly"? It's like how Lucio mains were whining about not being able to kill everyone in four shots so they buffed his damage, the last thing he needed done to him.

>Write a post
>Thread has already gone sour
>Have to wait 1 minute before deleting the post and posting it in the correct thread

Is there anything more skill testing than a Junkrat duel?

>Using an SSD, you load the game first and scope out your team to make sure there are no Genji/Hanzo/Widow mains
>if there are you autolock that hero
>switch off them after the game has started and they have left spawn

They either play something useful, or they ragequit before the game starts. It makes games significantly better.

>hit one grenade
>throw out mine

wow so hard

Do some people just not enjoy winning or something?

First of all hacking is for Ovaltine, spooge-drinking, niggerfuckers; ok. As a matter of fact they have to—I don't even know how to do sys-entry to be quite honest. I have no use for it. It's a protection mode; it's ring three faggotry. I want fucking ring zero, I don't want fucking ring—... don't give me fucking ring three. Fuck ring three amigo, I want ring zero. Ever since I was a system programmer at TicketMaster, fuck yeah ese, I'm a queen, ese. I fucking programmed in ring zero. Ring three is ghetto, f-fuck ring zero, that's for ghetto putas. Putas program in ring-fucking-three, man. I fucking... Ring three is for putas.

No it doesn't. Crossover anything means the game is trying to appeal to a wider audience which means it's failing and becoming cheap.

nth for widowmaker

>we hate teamplay, supportive skills and everything that isn't long range gunplay
>now let's see what's the best game for us


What kind of music does Sombra listen to and why is it DEATH GRIPS?

I know that feel, I'm 40ish boxes in and I've gotten 3 purples and 2 epics. The epics were currency as was one of the purples and the other epic was the last reaper epic I don't own and I don't even fucking play him. I mean I've literally gotten the same fucking character icon 4 times now so I'm really close to my witts end

>Most popular game mode in one of the largest games
>This game which is becoming just as popular can't have it

?? It would be a god send even if it wasn't the main ranked mode, just being able to play quick play without having retarded teams would be nice


A well-positioned Torb is bullshit and the final nail in the coffin of this game.

>but user it's easy to take down
It requires a lot of rounds, considering that I'm also dealing with
>Old lady putting me asleep for 8 seconds and dumping anti-heal chemicals
>Obese guy with a chain and instant kill
>Grandpa with Bastions gun and Tracers ult at his disposal with a 8-second cooldown and infinite sprint and self heals
>Bastion himself, receiving heals from some blonde whore and protection from a giant shield

These guys will kill and act like they're good, when really it's because you need to focus the turret because it will rip through you in mere seconds, even if it's 500 feet away.


Vampire Widowmaker

It enforces stale meta bullshit, like I said kill yourself

I don't understand it at all

Every qp match I get complete shitters who just want to fuck around and shoot walls while the enemy team are tryhard as fuck

>that guy that flips out and makes a teleporter to throw his teammates off a cliff because we weren't healing him enough

Which track by Death Grips fits Sombra's dance animation best?

>tfw headshotting a Lucio in the middle of dropping the beat

does anyone use the practice range


all the time for warmup

for ping and dpi/sens testing, yeah

More like
>Throw mine
>Play keepaway until it cools down
>Throw another mine

It's the best place to get screenshots of dva out of her mech


>play last round of CTF
>pick zen because my favorite autist was instalocked and team didnt minded not having a torb
>fough winston and lucio with a side of tracer
>ulted at enemy flag and got our pharah to cap
>enemy picked our flag, i went to town on the enemy base
>PotG was me, blasting a tracer and junkrat from behind then ulting with our cappers
peaceful religious omnic kills 12 and humans rejoice, more news at 11

>1 game mode enforces stale meta
>Meanwhile roadhog soldier and ana ruins 3v3
>Symmetra ruins no limits
>And winston ruins total mayhem

Quit being so childish just because a game you don't like uses the format. There's 25 million people playing this game and I'm pretty sure a lot of them would want a mode where they can get decent matches without autistic genji mains ruining it

>playing attack Anubis in
>some guy goes Symmetra
>he dies 3-4 times super fast in very retarded ways
>someone goes "hey stop dying, just get behind the shield"
>sym has autistic meltdown and starts screeching at everyone
>we somehow take the first point and symmetra finally gets ult
>he spends it on TP that takes us back to the original spawn and eventually RQ's
this was like 3900 SR comp too, some people are fucking insane

>finally get a purple after nothing but blues for 3 days
>it's 150 credits
>the even item was a dupe icon

okay I'm actually starting to get annoyed, never before in an event have I gotten nothing for a week

If I start playing arcade now then will it count toward winning a loot box?

>Reaper and *new Talon hero here* go to Iraq to get information from the university + kill Mercy
>Genji and Zenyatta show up to help
>Talon steals rare information but they beat Reaper because he can't have nice thing
>short ends with Genji and Mercy deciding to respond to the recall and Zen tags along too

It would at least fucking bolster Winston's list from one to four.

Symmetra autists are just as bad as hanzos/widows/genjis when critiqued

In what reality does winston counter tracer?

It gets worse, user.

>Playing Mercy
>Get more compliments from the enemy team than my team
Feels pretty good.

>>Joining Game
>>Select yoVVICTORY

>thanks for being so bad that we win without trying shitter mercy

>play zen
>constantly compete with my dps for gold elims
>enemy hog calls me a fucking faggot

>have to fight a tryhard team running Symmetra and Torb defense or sometimes offense
>have 4 dps that will never switch to anything useful
>they always use the LOL its QP excuse
There is no way they arent mad as fuck having to deal with that shit

Thanks for dying first so we dont have to deal with resses mercy

literally everytime before I play

Ok /owg/ you can pick 3 heroes that will never be on your team. Which do you pick

d.va telling it like it is

How long until Jack tries to kill himself?

>Free weekend is over
>realize I've missed my best chance to easily get the pixel spray for Sombra

Shit, now I have to actually try when I remember about it.

I got floor is lava :)

Floor is lava is ezpz now with buffed boop and easier wall riding.

>thigh gap
>that cameltoe

I'd hit it so hard the friction of my dick would create enough energy to give every household in the world free energy for a century.
