How much money is in your wallet?

How much money is in your wallet?

£1200 here

5 dollars and some shrapnel. Why are you carrying around so much cash?

$100 CAD
$60 USD
$25 EUR
$60 MYR

I haven't used cash in almost 15 years.

$445 US

>carrying the Folding Jew

>carrying more than 100 in cash
it's like you want to get robbed?

about three fiddy


$1 Australian Dollaroo

Never more than $20 CAD. I make less than 30k a year.

I have 3 credit cards with like 15k in total credit limit in there. So that much plus the 25 bucks in cash.

Two bucks.

Er, does the £1.40ish on my desk count?

>not having anything to give the robber
You are asking to be killed

$100 and two Credit Cards.

I mean, no offense, but it looks so disgustingly dirty.


I don't have a wallet. People who still use wallets are stupid.

a few dozen grand in my bitcoin wallet

960 on debit card and 900 euro in cash

>thieves become murderers because they didn't thieve enough

don't think that's how it works m8

About 10$ and a few odd coins.
Who doesn't pay with cards nowadays anyway?

500 DKr
150 Eur
1 Rub
1 GDR Mark

a condom


795 EUR
30 LTL
15800 BYN
60 CAD
15 TRY

I should clean it up.

Like $50,000 in debit
Fuck cash

We get it, you're poor and/or life in a basement
Or you use a fanny pack

Idk like 200ish usd probably another couple hundo in jeans

>carrying cash
>carrying £50 notes
What are you even doing with £50 notes? Only drug dealers use them OP...

Put it in a fucking bank.


Just bought a log splitter and a power washer off a bro.

$200 severe good buddy discount

i havent used cash to pay for anything for like 7 years, i dont even have wallet.

$455 AUD

$20. It is always good to have a little cash in case of emergencies. I keep $20 in my desk drawer at work and $20 stashed somewhere in my car too.

>Give me your money, user!
>Gives $1200 in wallet
>Thanks! Now I won't kill you!
>user reports him to the police.

>Give me your money, user!
>Tell mugger you have nothing on you to give.
>Well I am gonna kill you so you don't report me to the police!

What makes you think that a mugger that's willing to kill a person isn't going to kill you because you gave him money? The liklihood of you reporting the mugger's crimes to the police probably increases with the more money you lose. These type of people would probably be under a larger obligation to murder you.

Option 3
>give me your money
>Draw firearm and shoot robber

No excuse for not carrying a gun on you at all times

>4 credit cards

I don't like to carry cash unless I honestly have to.

Literally none, I don't carry cash unless I'm making a purchase.

I haven't received the training to be responsible with firearms.

I haven't used cash like this user
Carrying tons of cash just is asking to get robbed. At least i can lock my credit cards if I get held up.

27 USD, and an $25 Outback giftcard.

Neither have the police

Doesn't stop you from getting your carry license though

Because they don't go through police academy?

440 cad

If he was going to kill you no matter what he'd just shoot you in the back of the head and loot your corpse. Robbers are irrational by nature however so failing to pay them could piss them off enough to get you killed.