League of Legends General - /lolg/

this guy gets more pussy than u edition
hes also richer lmao

Other urls found in this thread:


Scarra is literally /our guy/ so I don't care if he's richer than me

>no Lulu op


xth for lewd elementalists

next one bby

top lane is a whole new hell, holy shit
you don't even exist to anyone else on the map for like 20 minutes

If you start off being 0/5 on Yasuo, you're probably just bad at the game.

Being able to carry is not a requirement of being able to "play" a champ.

>Riddler getting a thornmail second item just to fuck qt up
good shit my dude

Udyr Buffs When?
Leona Buffs When?
Shen Buffs When?
Taric Buffs When?
Wukong Buffs When?

Give me more info about keystone runes goddamnit

it's great friend
the isolation becomes comforting after a while

Why didn't you make it then?

Lulu would be ashamed of you.

I want to SEXUALLY ABUSE Lulu!

How is ryze difficult to play?

easier than sona

Most people have terrible internet

My question is, how the fuck is he ping reliant? This is the simplest iteration of Ryze yet, unless they Re-reworked him while i wasn't looking.

Hello Summoners

I hear people talking about the new runes system and even through it is primed to come out in November I'm hear to leak a few WIP runes.
>The World Walker: This one replaces your trinket with a Cosmic Token on a 80 second cooldown. This token can be used to teleport to allied towers, alive or dead, and gives a 100 point shield to surrounding allies (tower range) for 2 seconds
>The Solari Blessing: Enemies that auto attack your will be blinded for their next auto attack against you for 3 seconds, doesn't effect the enemy attacking creeps, 15 second cooldown per champion.
I hope you like these new Key Stone Runes and I also hope you especially enjoy the new Demonblade Yasou and Angel Blade Riven comes next patch.

See you on the Rift Summoners :^)

the ass to save us all

I bet you use TP to teleport into lane.


is that fiora ?

How to nerf oriana:
1. reduce move-speed she get's from her w
2. reduce shield amount and/or cooldown on her e

good nerfs y/n?

This guy walks into your tribush and slaps your support's ass.

What do you do, adcucks?

Well I guess by that definition anyone can play any champ, but what does it matter? I dont want non-feeders on my team, I want players who can carry the game.

>my screenshot

Patch notes when?

>I want players who can carry the game.

Why don't you carry the game, you fucking faggot?

I couldn't give less of a shit if my teammates can't carry. I play carry champs. All I want is for them not to feed, because that just makes it harder for me.

o my
tfw not good enough to play riven and make it look that cool

I hate when people ask you for your role, happens way too often and makes everyone angry all game. If you get autofilled, play what you got. We all have to.

the animations reminds me SO fucking much of a Kingdom Hearts character but i can't fucking remember the name

I honestly dislike how hard they tried to emphasize her ass by shrinking her waist and torso. It looks like a Fiora ripoff, which is complete garbage because Fiora looks retarded too.

Autofill optional when?

All hail the destroyers of Elo; Riven and Yasou

>hey can i jungle?
>2 people that are not jungling say "ok, np"
>ok thx
>jungler goes "wtf, i am jungle"
>guy who asked for jungle "ok report for no communication i troll :)"

>fail it
>now starting at 62 lp
every single match ive lost has been due to someone else, and it tanks my mmr even if i still do great in every aspect

why should i be given a team grade when i do fantastic, but the rest are utter shit

just say no and shut the fuck up. If you talk back you're part of the problem.

I can only assume this is pre30 or normal games because only a true retard would take the NotJunglers permission.

longest time youve held rageblade's max stack on jhin?

20 minutes here. i have no idea how i did it but i did

i like playing top mid and adc so im fine giving up my role as long as i get one of the three, i assume they'll be more comfortable on what they want to play but it's when you give them your role and they lose lane or feed it's ridiculous like holy fuck can you at the bare minimum know how to play what you requested

Ping question marks all over the area and be an obnoxious faggot in all chat.

what's the point of posting this bizarre and blatant lie

With new honor system coming soon, mains of which role will get honor ranks the fastest? I bet for midlaners.

Support mains propably will get them last.

build AD instead retard

AD reds/yellows, AP quints/blues

start dorans BLADE

enemy is tryndamere/yi/quinn? max blind fuck them up

enemy is garen/ability based? max E and build botrk into bruiser or three zeal items

mid laners are toxic as fuck 90% of the time, support mains are still toxic but they're the best behaved players imo

That's my smurf, yeah.

Only if I can go bot lane for some LCS BIG PLAYS
Otherwise it's ignite

>graves is still didn't receive a meaningful nerf
why does his Q still deal almost as much damage as his ulti?He is a ranged,tanky assassin if gets ahead a bit.Absolutely retarded.

>thinking anyone that plays league has a sense of civility or respect for each other

>Play games just fine
>suddenly DC
>have to restart shit
>game won't let me connect
>get back into the game
>Nexus towers are being destroyed as I reconnect
>game ends at 9 minutes
Thanks a lot Riot
The first game I ever fucking dc I get instant leaverbuster punishment and my team cries for x9 THIS KARTHUS PLS

Why is Poppy so bad now?
I don't think she got nerfed, but no one plays her anymore


>Post yfw riven and yasuo skins

probably just wanted to post that image

>sick ass yasuo skin
>too bad he's gonne be permabanned

fuck dude

How do you win when your botlane dies at 2:00 and gives the enemy draven first blood?

Yasuo - good
Riven - bad

Consider this:
fish tiddies
league of lego0nds

What are the chances Yasuo and Riven will be a couple in Lore?

>Edgy champion
>Edgy skin
>Edgelord likes the edgy skin on his edgy

Breedinghips Riven is patrician tier


it's implied that riben was the one that killed yasuos master.
so i dont think they like each other

>all these bandwagoners trying to get on my waifu
fuck off, apes. i've been loyal to ribbon since the beginning. go jack off to something else

w-what's with that look?

so when do we get the angelblade riven hentai

Yasuo's banrate after 10 bans implementation?

When the FUCK is the patch hitting?

>expecting anyone who plays league to have a sense of right and wrong

Yasuo- Man ass
Riven - Thicc

Just take your 10 bans and make sure there's never a graves on your screen again

You underestimate the power of love! If League was an Anime, you know damn well YasuoXRiven will be a popular ship and that episode when it is revealed that Riven did kill Yasuo's master but in the end Yasuo doesnt kill Riven because he loves her.

>mfw I'm going to ban either Riven or Yasuo every game on the PBE
who /devilish/ here?

what do fish tiddies taste like


I miss HxH

But Togashi doesn't


>if league was an anime
it isnt.
they taste like fish tiddies

>Yasuo and Riven get impressive new skins
>10 bans means they'll never see the light of day.

Sure am gonna love never getting to play due to many dodgers.

100% from me. 95% in general.

who /hateyasuo/ here?

based minions

Embrace it user, she's already one of the most popular champs in the game. You're not alone.

your waifu is a slut

>That moment when Angel Blade Riven crouches to get her sword.

Well if the Green Ribbon I've been sitting on for 3 years means shit I would actually say supports will get them first
>Wow man you saved my ass with those shield so many times take a GG

Are they still on the boat?

what're yer thoughts on angelblade?

Leaving numbers aside, I think Yasuo may require some finesse on his E, but in general he's really straightforward. Riven is even hard to punish if she screws up, at least in laning phase.

Lee is kept fair by having not so great scaling, but he obviously has a big impact on laning phase and that seems to be what matters now. Maybe he deserves to be a tad worse but he's pretty much where he needs to be.

> Udyr Buffs When?
He just got some, the problem is that they don't matter because he simply does not fit. It used to be the case that when a jungler failed a gank and got counterjungled he was behind and even if the lanes were pressured, the jungler could sometimes carry midgame. But now because of catch up XP that doesn't work unless he fails constantly since the enemy jungler will be maybe half a level behind. But even on games where I'm ahead I'm a level behind their sololaners midgame so if I'm splitpushing with Udyr it's not great because if I see Jayce or Swain they'll murder me if I fight them.

> Taric Buffs
I think he's mostly underused, not the best, not a fit in every teamcomp but he offers stuff.

Things he lacks:
- Great initiation
- Mobility
- Damage boosting

Things he brings
- Relatively safe laning phase
- Diving potential
- Pretty good teamfighting

The madman
Remember to unironically run it down mid if one of them gets through.

ok sry

Xth for 2x4s and Feathers (but mainly dfc)

>that sweet edgy yasuo skin
>tfw poor as fuck with no credit card
why is life so cruel lads

why would you say mean things about my angelblade

>angel riven q animations
That's literally the first time I actually really want to buy skin on it's release. And I play since s2

>those arguements
damned if they don't make sense
What about Leona Wukong and Shen?

I've never been much of a Riven fan, but that ass is top tier. Will definitely draw lewds of it.

People need to know the truth about ur waifu.

>tfw no Vlad figure

please don't

not the truth

If you have the patience you can always wait 6 months for the sale they do for new skins. If they will make a sale for elementalist lux they will make a sale for him.

You're right, it's not the truth. It's the ULTIMATE TRUTH

hey we have the same oven.
Can I eat your ass?