League of Legends General /lolg/

OT: Return of the Riben Maynes Edition


xth for NTR/Rape/Mindbreak/Impreg.

hehehehehehee >:D



*kills your whole team*

Ill do one today for old times sake

comfy bfs~

Whew! It stinks in here. Smells worse than anime NEETs. Why won't Riot just get rid of the garbage and be done with it?



>Angelblade Riven




who's you're waifu lolg?

sejuani ! she is big and will protect me from the danger !

why do people keep drawing tits on her? She's as flat as her boyfriend


half of those are not only viable but strong

delete this image and never post it again

Best husbando!
go back into hiding pls and thank you
or fight the new ez autist idk

he found a bf

what about you huh

>half of those are not only viable but strong

hey buddy missed you too

I wanna cuddle Jinx

That skin looks like shit


>Not including Akali in the trashcan
I'd take damn near all of them over that piece of shit in a heartbeat.

>lane-swapped trundle

Hope you're ready for a few more weeks of this

Fuck it he's fun.

>Kill a Darius with ult
>Know 100% he's opening death recap to see how much True Damage I did to him

>you will never blackmail Janna for sex
>you will never molest Lux
>you will never convince a homeless Riven to blow you for room and board

What did he mean by this?

o god look out its eating her leg someone helop

ur mom lol

>tfw reporting everyone that says anything negative

>get disconnected during champ select while picking masteries
>instead of this counting as a dodge I'm now stuck in a game that I can't actually connect to but am forced to attempt to rejoin immediately upon login
what an exciting new feature

Why don't people ever pick Yi into Fiora? I mean, I'm not a Yi picker, but I can't see any situation where she beats him.

>no wild haired sustained damage dealer with bouncing bombs, area denial, a mine that can be reactivated to knock back himself and enemies but only dealing damage to enemies, with an aoe nuke ultimate



Academy Diana: grumpy, nerd, fan of astronomy, "still learning how to apply my eyeliner" goth phase, Y/N?

Please approve of my autistic headcanon before I write some shit for your retarded ass contest I love so much

gets ganked too hard and most people aren't good enough at yi to lane with him

more like move that blanket over your face rofl

Literally why. Sion is already dead and Nidalee is safe.


Who is this semen demon?

also bait

>Triple DRing Galio

Jesus Fucking Christ this might be the most obnoxious thing to lane against. He shoves you in faster than Quasus, roams like a motherfucker the moment he hits 6 and lord have mercy on your soul if you're AP.

if you honestly think urgot singed udyr nunu ryze ezreal diana trist and cho are trash its you who is in silver

actual trash is autolose champs like rengar zed etc

A semen demon who apparently didn't accept Krepo's semen offering.

t. gold v

skin looks like shit tho lmao

>all regularly used in diamond with positive winrates
>hurrrr trash xd

dont reply to me again

Pick shit like Fiora/Riven/Yasuo into him and proceed to dumpster him

It's called Dawnbringer though, you dumbass.

>[New] Redemption's heal amount is affected 3 times as much by "Heal and Shield Power" amplifiers
Shield amount changed from [70 - 665] to [65 - 575 (+15% Bonus Health)]

it takes 2 Qs and his passive to clear a wave with 3 rings, have your jungler ready to come gank him as he tries to push because he can't escape for shit and 3 rings really isn't much durability.

this is gonna be fun, i'm against a cho
>when did keith start maining top?

Thoughts on the PBE changes to singed, righteous glory and zz'rot portal? It seems to me like riot is nerfing tank singed but buffing AP bruiser singed, especially because the build path for zz'rot is so shit now (≈1080g combine cost), and Righteous glory doesn't build out of catalyst anymore which was half of the reason you bought it on singed.
They're pushing redemption on healslut supports and locket on tank supports

Is there any better feeling? I get one of these every 10 days or so.

so, what are THE 10 bans that it's your duty to ensure every game

I'll start
1. reksai

where are you getting those numbers from?

>Lane opponent shoves in, starts heading for Mid
>Ping MIA's in my lane, ping warnings in Mid, proceed to farm-
>Almost 20 whole seconds later lane opponent pops up in mid, gets a kill
>Mid: "user wtf ping mia's"
>Tell him I did
>Mid: "no you didn't"

How do you even fucking respond to that?

League of Heals and Shields

oh you wanted to do damage and kill stuff? fuck you

I don't get them anymore because I spent a week spamming reports at randoms for playing poorly so I'm pretty sure my reports are just ignored now

How the fuck do I beat Yorick in lane?
>go near him
>get buttfucked by ghouls

>try to cs passively
>he farms like a motherfucker and hard pushes my wave into my turret

>my jungler comes for a gank
>yorick puts his pussy wall down and runs away

What do?

who are you in this situation

If top: Fiora
If mid: Fizz
If jgl: Lee Sin
If bot lane: Lucian

I ban Akali or Karma.


I always type up a short description of what the person was doing and that seems to result in penalties a lot more often.

lmao'ing at all the buttblasted assassincucks

this season has been great


Fizz. Every game. Fuck that faggot piece of shit.

>Redemption getting nerfed for non-Windspeaker supports
>Locket getting nerfed for non-tank supports
What the fuck is Bard gonna build?

Lee Sin.
Basically the pantheon of Dunning Kruger.

Malphite and Sion. Almost no one plays Yorick but the ones that do seem to be good, no? Why don't people play him more often?


>There are people who have the ability to snipe with the weakest pistol in an FPS better than most of the people who use a sniper rifle
>That means that the pistol isn't weak, right?

Wrong. The champions, in this case, still aren't good champions at the moment. I can confidently say that about Urgot, because I play him.
People still fall for Singed's bullshit, kill themselves against an Urgot at lvl 3, and so-on because they are human. But in the grand scheme of things, they are not too great.

xth for Camille

yeah yorick is good against tanks due to his sustain and max health magic damage so you'll really struggle as malphite in particular

start D-shield for sustain and just make plays around the map since you can free farm against him

Roll on the list of bans:

0. Fiora
1. Yasuo
2. Leblanc
3. Ahri
4. Fizz
5. Akali
6. Karma
7. Xayah
8. Caitlyn
9. Master Yi

vg vs vg is so fucking cancer, teemo, malz, fid hisssssssssssss


you fucking what

Would Nasus be OP with the current state of the game if they reverted the nerfs where they removed the range buffs Nasus got on Wither and Spirit Fire while in ult-form and his Wither was twice as strong?

full ap

with Sion Rush sunfire/thornmail/gauntlet for free health from his ghouls.

Pls respond

more mad about the tryn

crittle sticks is cancer, WAAH

TFW no qt Camille gf to kill me

it feels bad

>What the fuck is Bard gonna build?


kys, i bet you all play lulu too


i want to fall asleep with my balls in her mouth


You mean Season 2 Nasus since the Nasus we have had since then is a strictly shittier version of that Nasus except for MUH Qs.

Nasus paid in blood on every ability to get that Q change.

>bronze 3


Well, okay, but I liked being able to kill 6item adc's as a 3item tank

xth for breast metal waifu

>promoted to bronze III

new vg vs vg :^) i wanna play wuwu

nice try he doesn't even post here

>hybrid ez with cleanse
>teemo support
>quinn anywhere

>+60% attack speed rune
>overheal rune
lol what the fuck are they thinking

I get off on the propaganda aspect of it. Such a prominent figure to the Vastayan rebellion being portrayed as nothing but an empty headed big tiddied bimbo.

Even his passive got nerfed hard.
And remember, Nasus was considered the worst champ in the game in Season 2.
Then he became a jungle fotm with maxing E for a bit, then he got reworked.

>tfw aatrox will be turbocancer

the only assassin worth banning is twitch desu