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The power of Hanzo edition


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>get put in refill matches three times in a row
>its never a winning match



Loli hero WHEN??

Jesse McCree.

>don't usually play McCree
>try him yesterday in QP just to fuck around
>become God-tier some how
>can't seem to miss a shot
>Nanoboosted Genji flies up to us
>stun and kill him before he can get a single swipe off
>Pharahs getting shot out of the sky everywhere
>play him today
>can't hit a fucking shot

Road hooks is.....is just not fun.

what is tracer

I want an Overwatch movie. I think Blizzard should do it now that the game popularity is at its peak. Dont make the mistake of making it when is not relevant anymore like how they did it with WoW.

>keep quitting out of same qp match because I don't want to play volksaya attack with people who have arthritis and impaired eye hand coordination
>you have incurred a 75% exp reduction

thanks blizz

Goodness look at the time

Orb of discord now deals 40 damage over 4 seconds and increase damage taken by 50%. 10 second CD.

Orb of Harmony now heals 150 HP over 5 seconds, 3 second CD. No Target Limit. Can stack.

Orbs are no longer removed on death. Orbs no longer require line of sight.

How would Zenyatta be then?

Would it be overpowered if Sombra's hacks affected passive abilities as well as the usual stuff?

I fucking hate this game sometimes.

>We heard people weren't happy with our loot box odds

>When you buy 2 loot boxes now you get 5 FREE credits to use on cosmetics of your choice
>120 FREE credits if you buy 50 loot boxes which is almost half way to that epic skin you always wanted!

there is no rhyme or reason to what it can hack already

chinese laws are quite something huh

>tfw Tracer is a ball of fun to play as
I hope she doesn't get nerfed by Redditcucks.

>i only won 1 and got like 1700

Thanks matchmaking.

A Ukrainian cossack hero who has a massive scimitar. For his ult, he pulls out a musket that does 250 damage per shot. It's not on a timer, instead he puts it away when he runs out of ammo or dies.



>Using ult in Recon Mode now activates tank mode

>Using ult in Turret Mode now activates his new ult: TOTAL LOCKDOWN MODE

>In this new mode, Bastion is unable to move for the duration (Same as tank) and his repair mode is constantly active, even while firing

>This mode also causes two smaller miniguns to unfold from bastion, each using auto lockon similar to torbs turret, and each targeting the first enemy they see, but always targeting two different enemies (Never the same enemy. So you can have one mini-turret shooting your target in a 1v1 scenario, but not both)

>Both miniturrets deal 50 dps

Bastion also fires extremely loud and obnoxious RED ALART sirens for the duration of the ult

Game needs another char with a DoT mechanic, someone else with snares (think mei not junkrat), and a passive AoE that debuffs the other team.

Here comes T.Racer!

>What about Reinhardt and Torbjorn?
They are white, but they don't have the body type to be considered "normal", so that's why I left them out.

I think even Zarya is more relatable than Rein, Torb or Roadhog, because she's a weightlifter, and not a freak.

She has such a punchable le selfie face though, christ

Torbjorn Lindholm

1911-wielding combat medic with good accuracy, medium/low damage

throws 75/250 HP medpacks on 3 and 15 second cooldowns respectively

E is a cookable frag grenade that deals 125 damage with large aoe 15 second cd

ult allows him to take damage but cannot die for 3 seconds. 2075 charge

Neuros, the Greek flamboyantly gay secretly evil intel collector
>M1: throw knife projectile
>M2: wind up a single slash with one of his knives. 4 second wind-up during which reduced movement speed. Does 200 damage to anything one meter in front of him. Can release earlier for less damage.
>L-Shift: phase through walls (can be performed during slash wind-up)
>E: Recon sentry (deploy up to three Symmetra-like sentries that wallhack tag enemies in line of sight)
>Passive: Intel Gathering (Neuros can see the Ultimate status of enemies that he has landed a final blow on until he is killed)
>Ult: possess an enemy for up to four seconds, during which friendly fire is activated for that enemy. Can use ultimate if available. Neuros suffers 100 damage if the enemy dies while possessed.

Don't worry, Tracer's condition makes it so that she'll never ever be changed.



Girl with a penis.

Aleksandra Zaryanova!

>can't even wait 10 seconds before queueing up again

She's right though

>10 SR away from plat
>Get stuck on oasis with a retard team and an instalock hanzo

Fuck this game sometimes.

Amélie Lacroix
>tfw beach skin never

>hello I study shit
>I spent thousands of dollars in a field to acquire knowledge
>I am incapable of comprehending on why women want to play or prefer a supporting role despite being one myself

wew lad 12k upvotes about the same warmed up shit over and over again. the female gender does love bringing up old shit over and over again to get a reaction out of it

>Been maining tracer all day
>Climbed about 300 ranking
>Want to buy grafitti skin so bad but Im holding off coz I know it'll be in my next crate

>Get it in next crate
>Buy charleston emote to celebrate

Life is good again lads

swiss healslut and cyborg weeb

>plat tank/support player
>decide to main mercy
>now in masters
Really makes me think

>get headshot trying to learn halo
>give up because I'm a gurl
>guys totally don't treat other guys that way so they git gud

No, more victim drivel.

Better but still bad, not many heroes have passives

>Is the ability controllable like soldier, genji ult
It can't be hacked
>Is the ability uncontrollable like roadhog, reaper ult
It can be hacked
>Is the ability a projectile
It can't be hacked once thrown
>Does the ability have an immediate effect like mei wall or junkrat trap
It can't be hacked once casted but can stop second casts such as mei breaking the wall and hanzo swapping arrows off of ability ones
>Does it disable barriers and shields
Hack doesn't but ult does with the exception of zarya shielding an ally with shield health where it will only remove her bubble and not the health
It will revert bastion to recon mod, will disable orisa ult and torbjorn turret

Yeah it's like when you support people who can kill shit you will kill even more shit with them.

Just have to degrade yourself into becoming a beta support cuck that's too bad to have any meaningful impact outside of his main """role""".

She isn't wrong though

cool design bro, but you forget the most important part
>while using new ult he can use a new skill called last resort, which makes bastion fuse with the map in order to create an holocaust just for the enemy team
>the bastion player loose absolut control over the character but now the enemy players don't have weapons or tools (like sombra hack) just their phisical skills

I got two legendaries and one emote today, none from the event.
I'm going to grind one last level before stopping for today, but I'm sure it'll be 3 whites 1 blue 4 dupes.

>launch orisa orb
>activate it right next to enemy
>doesn't grab them

>launch orisa orb
>activate it several feet away from enemy
>it grabs them

I don't understand, does this thing have a minimum grab range or something?

>see silver portraits on your team
>pick genji before they can

Man these are hard times for Rectangle Man.

I've played some games as Rein recently and even in diamond dive comps triple dps are everywhere. Your shield gone in second, you're getting discorded, bounced around, hacked and cucked all game and you can't do a thing.

It's because that you picked him while being relaxed about it, but today you picked him cause you really wanted to become godlike again. I honestly think he was never bad in good hands. He will reward you if you put time on him esp with the phamercy bullshit.

>They didn't try to teach me they just laughed
You only read what you want user. Besides that's just a personal anecdote in one part of her multiple points

>enemy Genji is way better than your Genji
>your Genji won't switch

if you look close enough you will see that if you can grab them a laser appears if not there will be only the bubble

Post these, pls

I know, but the laser doesn't appear sometimes even if its right next to the enemy, I probably should have worded my complaint better.

Pick one.

She shouldn't expect them to teach her, are you kidding? You learn like everyone else, on your own

Call it "The Final Solution" and you got yourself a deal

>21k damage after three rounds of Ilios as Tracer
>42 elims, gold dmg, gold elims and gold objective kills
>some Russian tells me to switch after we lose one round because "tracer 0 dps"
>"okay I'll give you 0 dps"
>switch to Torb and start building turrets in spawn
>Russian is literally screeching on the microphone, others join him by calling me a retard etc. etc.
>mfw we lost

I really, really get triggered when people tell me I'm doing bad when I'm playing like a fucking angel.

that means there is a barrier or something i don't know, maybe lag?

This with widows

They can't swallow their pride and accept the enemy is better than them and lose the match for the team because of it

>win 6-4
>hear horror stories of people getting put 100s below their last SR
>get put 50 above my previous Career High

Also I climbed to ONE WIN TO DIAMOND for the third time this week.

Wish me luck boys, I'm going in (again).


Lag is the only thing it could be, I know I'm not doing it next to barriers, my internet isn't even that bad though

>"The Final Solution"
excellent name main friend

>play Orisa because I felt like it
>guy raging at me to switch the entire round
>he ragequits after I get a 5k in overtime

It was worth the loss, honestly.

I think skipping season 4 really hurt my rating.

Best solo climb hero now that hog is getting nerfed?

Zarya, Tracer, Solider

If she doesn't own Halo and the guys she plays with aren't helpful towards teaching her then why would anyone want to play it? I only got into TF2 because a buddy of mine showed me how to play. Never enjoyed CoD shit or other FPS

But again, you're still just focusing on one anecdote while not refuting that FPS games have traditionally been marketed towards boys

>picking pharah makes them pick soldier making their team slightly better

>picking junkrat makes them so upset that they pick junkrat to teach you a lesson thus making their team worse

Junkrat secret OP

winston, maybe ripper after ptr i don't know

Zenyatta, balls deep.

>names of teammates consists of series of cyrillic letters
>write "hey" in chat, 0 response
>say that i can play whatever
>they all pick dps
>pick healer and ask for a tank
>no answer

why are russians this autistic?


doomfist tomorrow

lel this happens so often it's unreal

>stomp shit as defensive Junk
>enemy picks offensive Junk that does absolutely nothing

I just solo queued my way up to Diamond instead of playing with my friends who are all around high gold/low plat. Am I a bad person?

>place 51 S1
>place 2800, finish 3100 S2
>place 2500, finish 3050 S3
>place 2900, finish 3000 S4
>place 2340 S5

What the fuck blizzard. I'm already at 2500, but why do I have to make this climb every time? I went 5-5 on my placements solo Q, and I usually play D.Va. does the algorithm hate her or something? If anyone knows why this happened, pls let me know, playing in gold range is pure hell

Because men made the games. Women are free to make games that end up catering to the interests of other women

>writing a graduation thesis for a bachelor's degree

the fuck?

Tracer's more of a shota desu

thanks blizz

>in comp
>Lucio screaming in team chat, even when we're doing well
>people tell him to calm down and chill out, since we're clearly going to win
>calls peoples cunts and tell them to fuck off, screams in chat when he dies
>we win but he's still cussing off people
Why are people like this

Any advice?

say in voice chat "Why are you so angry?" mocking lucio's voice line

I know that feel, I finished at 3200 last season and got placed into fucking 2475 this season. I've decided I'm just going to use this season to learn heroes I rarely use just because of it.

Why is QP full of tryhard GMs for some reason lately?

I just wanna do dumb shit.

>do well
>then do poorly
>haha, we lost but I was just pretending to be bad

fuck off

Okay so you're agreeing with her points then? She was just trying to explain why so many women are Mercy mains, not trying to pass judgment on the state of affairs

What fucked us over, man?
I just want to stay consistent in diamond since most people actually know game mechanics in that range

>Why are people like this
If you have a tantrum, you have a tantrum, you can't be reasoned with and any try to give you an logical explanation on thing XY will end up in you saying
>no fuck off
because your IQ is basically dead.

join a custom game then theres plenty of those for dumb shit

>Winston POTG
>enemy team making desperate final push using all their ults
>say how embarrassing after each of their failed ults followed by quick death
>instantaneous rage messges


but user the arcade loot resets tonight

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard made a story that she was once a guy.

Yeah unfortunately I'm not good enough yet to solo a full team by myself.