League of Legends General - /lolg/

Sleepy Lulu edition!


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I want to touch__ Lulu in her sleep!

tfw still no graves bf to choke me


>Pick up Panth
>Start winning
Explain this, fucking explain this.

I swear I have had so many good games with him in a row its unreal. I just cant stop fucking winning

I mean, I have a 61% winrate in normals, so I'm pretty happy with that, most games I pop off and crush people, and ironically in my normals 90% of my team mates have gold/plat/dia borders (which could be from shit like 3v3 but yeah)

Just can't handle ranked I guess

i want to be IMPREGNATED by shyvana!


you're trash and you needed brainless champ like you to win against bronze brainless noodles

I love Poppy! I wish she was real so she could be my wife!

How do I improve my top lane lane phase? I get what to do after I get items and group buy I never seem to do better than barely even in lane

>/Lolg/ says TriForce Alistar toplane was bad
/Lolg/ is dead.

i want to suck his dick so bad :(

>Reminder for the superior Angelblade

Rolled this skin out today.

How do I play Tryn?

New League daddy WHEN?!

I wanna give Lulu a lifetime supply of headpats!

I want to caress Kog'maw!

So did QT get kicked off of Delta Fox after two scrims?

>Tfw no league mommy who mains Sona

Any girls (female) want to duo with a Plat V?

Where should I go and what am I looking to do with the current free rotation? Am I good sticking with the recommended items for now?

How far off am I in my impressions of the different champs?

t. sub-level 10 noob

I know this guy is played in the jungle. I guess you try to bandage toss and then go into your ult or AOE. Despair for jungle clear.

A support. It seems like you try to counter-initiate and peel.

Toplaner? I guess you use the fruit for cleanse CC and sustain. Powder Keg to set up the Parley. Can you use the fruit when you're CC'd, or does it have to be done pre-emptively?


Jungler? It seems like you try to go in to blow someone in particular up.


Bottom lane ADC. Rocket stance for clear, minigun for boxing? Use the soft CC from the Zap and mines to engage or disengage. Try to get kills to snowbal.


Midlaner. Spam Q for clear and poke. Wall to disengage or turn on people. Defile to boost your DPS against melee champions. Watch your cooldowns to get the most out of your passive.


Jungler. Use the blink to close gap and burst people down. Bouncing dagger for clear. Wait for a few people to get low before ulting to mop up a teamfight.


ADC. Shred protections before going in with your steroid, so you probably don't need much penetration. Use the slow probably to engage more than disengage. Ideally, you can use your passive to trade evenly with your lane opponent, or generally take someone with you. Ult to clean up.


Seems like a support. Stay in the backline to shield/buff your ADC, and CC/poke enemies.


She seems like a AA-based champion. Jungle or Top, and she seems to have good 1v1 and backline diving potential.


Seems like an asshole and a jungler. It looks like he's built around mindgames with the ability to burst down squishies.


He seems like a Jungler. Comes in, knocks you up, AA's you to death, and has a nice gap-closer.

Pretty sure thats the best pic splashbrush has ever done

>Hurrrr let me unload my full combo onto you to chunk the shit out of you with no counterplay because lol 60% ult reduction

Please drink bleach my dude. S4 was fucking awful and in hindsight so was pretty much everything before it

fuck off cunt

non-consensual headpatts?

Why would qt get kicked but not scarra?


>decide to watch boxbox
>hes duoq with nidhog while losing lane
>try to watch boxbox again next day
>duo with nidhog while losing lane again

does this shitter every play without nidhog and why is he always getting shit on?

>this wall of blog

Ask permission before you eyerape the general

Katarina and Yasuo should NOT be used for jungling.


>Ywn play league with your friends mom who mains Sona and casually makes references to carrying you being akin to breastfeeding

why does elise have massive tits?

spiders dont need milkies

Put it into my lewd folder despite not even being very lewd, it's just very good

But I need milkies.

>People actually think that Heartseeker Quinn and Lucian are supposed to be a couple and that Quinn got blacked xd
Do they not fucking see the blatent and obvious ring that the artist intentionally made sure you saw that Lucian is wearing? Or the fact that Lucian is married in the first place? Or the fact that Quinn is aviosexual? They don't have the skins because they're a couple, they have the skins because they're devoted to someone else.

It's probably the Xayah/Ahrifags who are saying this since they're always obsessed with cucking and blacked shit.

spooders need big tits they have many babies

right click
spin sometimes
use your die move
enjoy diamond

>he can't out farm and out scale Alistar
Yea, bronze must have been terrible for you back then lol.

>be optimistically waiting on based drawfag

Also I'm on a 6 game winstreak with Elise and Zyra right now (only one remake in between games where enemy team's ADC was afk making).

>Or the fact that Quinn is aviosexual?
Prove that fact if you're so great

Could be it, I already played brainless shit before Panth though

Thanks. It's my instinctual inclination to assume that high mobility, bursty champions go to the jungle.

Where are they normally played?

>tfw no doujin of milking your wife sona every morning to help her relax

>Literally permabanned at Worlds that year

You must've been constipated with all the bullshit you're spewing right now famalam

100% consensual, i am not a monster!

>Duo with plat who plays carries
>Play support and only ever CC, shield, or heal him
>Win almost every game
Feels good.
Both of them are played mid, sometimes Yasuo is played top but I don't recommend it.

Mid so they can collect their free double kills bot every 3 minutes

but Lulu is for gentle bullying..

that ring is on his pinky though. wedding rings are worn on the left hand ring finger.

How about you show me the part where Lucian fucks anyone that's not his wife.

who draws these? I can tell theyre meant to be cute, but theyre pretty ugly..

If you didn't like season 4, you clearly don't understand the intricacies of League lol

>the Holy council has sent us to render you judgment for your crimes"
>you stand accused of fraternizing with monsters of the female gender"
>how do you plead mortal?"

well /lolg/? what do you say?

Fuck the police

lies! Lulu is for gentle cuddling&protecting!

>thick beard

this leak is probably fake as hell but my dick wants to believe

>Wedding bands (always a gift from wife to husband) were usually worn by Western men in the Victorian age on the left hand pinky finger,

its already been confirmed fake several times its from some shitty chinese game

I have no idea but qt quit streaming and isn't scrimming with Voy/Scarra/Dyrus now after muting his mic while talking with the team

>that webm
Whatever you want man you win you win.

>Moving the goalposts
>"If you didn't like Sx y-you're a shitter!!

Keep digging that hole, nice and deep, so you can put your terrible fucking argument to rest once and for all

Not soon enough

Which ones are the most idiot proof on the current rotation?

what game? i require more pictures.

I want to bully Lulu.

look for yourself its been posted many times

>tfw going through my starcraft folder and finding the shit about ls

ahh memories. Can't believe he casts LCK now.

Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.

playing ad with a shit support is the worst feeling in league

>3rd win as garen

Still enjoying the salt.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>Trap enjoying salt

You'll be enjoying this dick.

I want to go swimming in Lulu while she is swimming in Zac


I'd say Braum and Amumu

Sauce/full-version for this Camille pic?
I can't find anything through GRIS or Tineye with just this damn crop.

Karthas is the most idiot proof mid laner. His abilities do exactly what they say on the tin. No hidden synergies etc.

Irelia has quite a basic kit, despite having a certain way to play her. But sub-30 that won't matter to you. Just take the abilities at face value.

Amumu is possibly the easiest jungler in the game after Warwick was reworked. He works exactly how you explained it.

Stay clear of Shaco, Gangplank and Katarina for now.

I don't want to cut my dick anymore.

>"a little birdie told us your been"fucking" those angel weaklings huh?
>"care to explain yourself before we rip a new one and send you down to hell?"

nice going user

now what?

I need help thinking of a cute girly name for my soraka otp account.

Manicpaint is the artist I'm more than sure you could find it on a rule34 site easily. Most porn here can be found full on rule34(xxx) or Dan/GelBooru.

consensual clown

>diamond 5 riven is 0/6 against silver 2 cho

Katarina is really hard to play guys. How do I even play her? Like what do I do?

You won't be needing it where I'm throwing you.

12inch Starchild

Post bugs that have saved you

Every free week has 2 champions that are better for one specific role, but some can be played in more than one.
>Top: Irelia and Gangplank
>Jungle: Amumu and Shaco
>Mid: Katarina and Karthus
>Support: Braum and Lulu
>ADC: Kog'Maw and Jinx
Yasuo and Riven are in this week because Riot wants more people to play them so they buy their skins, but they're usually played Top lane, or Mid if you want your team to hate you.

I give them a bowl of eggs and ask them nicely to eat them before they go.

Sorry sir. I was tricked, honestly, I was.
Those odd beasts have such unusual abilities, they changed into a beautiful female girl and you wouldn't tell the difference.

Demon blade Lulu when?

>Old rageblade
Oh man do I miss my hybrid tryndamere oneshot build

>riot thinks Rumble will be fine after nerf

Is that image technically gay?

nice trips.

>bugs that have saved you

how about we start with bugs that have gotten you killed

Who? Context?

Is it really gay if you stroke a cute girl's horn while you pleasure her with your dick?

>tfw will never have my own sissy heal slut to service my thick 9 inch cock.

but user that name is l-lewd