League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
but have a Vi instead because people sperg when I post Ice Wife

Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.

xth for breast metal waifu


Claim your waifu/husbando or forever be cucked like Australiafag or Ezfag.

stop with this bullshit damnit, everyone knows riven is the true alpha in league of legends

you're all faggots, holy shit.

they're all mine


I fixed your game.

>Why are people perman banning these eternal cancer champs

Why indeed i fucking wonder


yas daddy

riven desu

>he plays flex ranked
you're shit

no idea why it didn't post any pic

here's what i have of Bronzord, The Promos Slayer's splashart, haven't been able to work on it due to different real life stuff.

>can't find good brush configuration to blend stuff


twisted treeline already exists and your joke is stupid.

>tfw trying to get gold in flex
>queue into diamonds and even a master boosting their friends
>tfw don't even know what the reward'll be and am probably wasting time

I unironically think S7 is my favorite season of League so far, and I've been playing since mid S2

>Eternal cancer

If you're an immobile champion with a stun/snare, Barrier is all you need to counter Zed.

If you're a mobile champion with enough gap closers, Exhaust is all you need to counter Zed.

Considering all things said and done, Zhonyas also punishes Zed as does GA. So Zed is sadly outclassed currently due to the length of said items.

Fizz on the other hand is a different story.

I'm playing flex ranked with two friends you fucking nigger

when's NACS

>not a 5man
was making 2 friends the limit of your social abilities?


Korea has been permabanning Zed hard ever since you couldn't QSS his ult and for good reason. The champ is just obnoxious as fuck to play against

>bot lane single handedly ruining this game is just a "joke"

found the bot lane retard

got to diamond in it, then i realized D5 is hell and now i want to kms

precisely the reason you're shit user

you are wasting your time indeed user, go play solo/duo ranked

Is there a limit for how much shield/heal power you can stack?

That's not funny, Riven is an able and smart girl!

>Korea being this retarded

I could've sworn they had better understanding of optimizing their summoners outside of ignite and flash?


What should we expect from this?


What champion do you play if you want someone that speaks non-stop about "darkness" and uses the power of some vague element called "darkness"

>inb4 edgelord 14 year old shows up

>A manaless champ who is guaranteed for you to win any matchup in lanning phase isnt eternal cancer somehow
>This champ is midly bothered by the same things as other champs so he is weaker than them somehow

Zed will always be superior / easier than other assassins due to his easy ass mechanic and get out of jail free card

I want to go swimming in Lulu.



I love Poppy! I wish she was real so she could be my wife.

It's not so much retardation in that high elo there is saturated with autistic OTPS with immaculate mechanics who can snowbally comically hard in a SoloQ environment.

Look at Korea's banrates and you'll see that Assassins are all over the fucking place, even the ones you wouldn't even really define as strong right now.

aside how you can only have 6 items and how multiple same items won't give twice the healshield power, no

Windspeaker (10) + ardent redemption (10x2) + mikael (20)
but I think they stack multiplicatelively not additvely

there's an infograph about it somewhere, that also tells you how it interacts with spirit visage and all other +%healing recieved

>posts this every thread

Stop being shit.

Poppy's cute but she's blue, how's that gonna pan out

>play Zed
>run out of energy in a full combo pre-6 while proccing thunderlord's
>play Fizz
>all in and get a kill while having enough mana to do it again pre-6 and proccing dot and proccing thudnerlord's.

Can we just be bros? Assuming I was even gay enough to want to, how would I even get it on with a dude made of arcame energy and pieces of the tomb that entrapped him?


muh bogey man

Renekton knows how.

until dyrus and scarra get replaced, probs nothing.
also, voyboy is good, but he doesnt listen to them when they tell him to make plays so he's gonna be a problem to


I claim Lulu once again
She will live an unhappy life filled with abuse

>Manalessfags trying to make manaless seem like a bad thing now

To be fair, i have no idea why dont more people abuse Fizz? It is like that case with the season 3 Le Blanc / Kassadin again, fucking sheeps

Scarra's just not a good player anymore

Dyrus is okay still but I feel like Voyboy, Shiphtur and QT are slightly better overall

You the type of nigga who will try to play footies with an Urgot under his tower when he is level 6.


Nude pant skin when?

Love trumps all user!

"My cock is THAT thick user, you should be able to easily stick your tiny human cock into my urethra"
Claiming the best healslut.

>literally has a cock block aura built in
>choosing to cuck yourself with a blue midget

What if Poppy doesn't love you back

Why is this fucking allowed? Lucian is SO BROKEN you can't even defend him.


not gonna watch your webm since nobody tries defending lucian anyway

>try to bite her with Elise
>she throws it up so my gap close animation gets cancelled
>Poppy still dies though

I don't understand.

You must now have sexual intercourse in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation with the waifu/husbando posted above you.

How fucked are you?

Ooh that Elise is pretty

>An ADC, a role that has historically been balanced by the fact they're weak early game, that not only competent but borderline meta as a solo laner

Did we really need anymore proof that Lucian is one of the worst things to ever happen to this game?

if ahri didn't pussy out she could have easily killed him before he hit her. but that's a bit complicated, and I don't expect that level of thinking from a firefox ahri player that's somehow only got one level on the adc.

Different user here but I remember the first time I ever played against an Urgot top.
>be new to lol
>vi comes out
>play her top because i don't know any better
>urgot would ult me under his tower
>ult him and end up right back where i was
>murder him
>end up getting fed enough to 1v5 their entire team
>his team surrenders despite having a 5v4 advantage

Those were good times...

Fuck off cunt


Fuck off discuck. Most unremarkable webm I've ever seen too

>kennen blatantly coming in to secure the kill
>retard midlaner and adc give lucian a double anyway
everyone except me is retarded

Sorry, Australiafag, I already claimed her. You can sit there and watch as I thoroughly breed her with my superior seed and she moans my name and claims your tiny little inferior peashooter can not even compare to my massive throbbing veiny pheromone leaking cock.

Where are the Ahrifags at?

4v4 summoners rift would be so fun


yeah then we can finally remove the useless lane which is toplane

>0/6/3 vayne + 2/8/1 zyra
>losing that hard to morg lucian
yeah, lucian is busted, that vayne clearly isn't bronze.

Oh I get it, they're talking about how a Renekton, at 1/3rd Health, almost beat a Darius at full health who also had ignite.



I want to blackmail Lulu :3

Then I will accept that and move on.

waaaaaah no one will gank my island waaaaaa
no summoners top after I gave first blood, tped back and gave second blood
waaaaaah why won't you gank meeeeeeee

Oh i get it, he's sending him a kyss. What a kind-hearted gentleman.

well given how much she's in to being blacked, I'm sure she'd have no issue with blackmail.

They don't stream it live except on thursdays or some shit apparently
So tomorrow

thats what happens when you dont q with fury

Dangerous game dude

t. your top laner after i dicked him

i'll give you one too diana user you cutie

are NA Veeky Forums games ded???

>tfw no genetically engineered Poro pets to cuddle with and sleep on your lap


bookers fell into depression after he realized he was hardstuck d5

Claiming purest waifu so no one may defile her

And Destroyer and Wiggums both killed themselves

All we can do is hope for the oddball host now and then

what's stopping you for defiling her

Does Elise have an ovipositor she impregnates other girls (boys) with?

Who is that in your picture?

Daily reminder that it does not matter if you are Diamond or even Challenger maining a binary champion with low skillcap (i.e Soraka, Garen, Annie) and that elo is only relevant when you play a champion with a high skillcap (i.e Zed, Riven, Yasuo, Jayce, Lee).

A Silver player learning these champions will be more respectable than a high elo player that has mastered cookie cutter champions with no depth or risk to them.

>your opponent is using THAT skin that makes you shit your pants
What skin is it?

>Pre-Void Kassadin
>The Magnificent Twisted Fate
>Blacksmith or Lollipoppy