Bimbos, Herpes, Money, and Assault

I have had a very weird life. A ex-coworker at my place of work assaulted me, by rubbing his genitals on my phone. He had herpes type 1+2. I sued my workplace and got 500k for damages after the legal fees (frankly I would rather not herpes). Well I have given up on dating in the USA and am in my late twenties. I am going to find a wife, and I want a bimbo that has big fake tits or is willing to get them. My father is leaving me 2-6 million dollars (present value) in 20 years.

What is the best country to get bimbos (replaceable after 10-15 years) from who will literally give me bj's 2-3 times a day?

I can move to their country, to make my money last longer / have more control over the woman.

I want to be able to divorce the woman, and keep all my assets, with no child support / alimony. I have lost any empathy I had, and I literally just want attractive, semi disposable/controllable women.

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Hey man, I'm from argentina.

I can get you a few hoes if you lend me 50k.

do you have any collateral?

What do you mean by collateral?

Look, if you sound foreign and you have an accent, bitches will throw themselves at you. You don't even have to tell them you are loaded.

Also the US dollar goes a very, very long way here.

And I know many bitches like the ones you're asking for.

Well collateral I mean real property.
The only personal loans I have made were through p2p programs. I was thinking like a first/second mortgage.

I have heard argentina is nice, but it is much further than colombia and I have heard it is more expensive

Stop posting this shitty thread on multiple boards.

No, I don't own any property, only 2k USD in savings. I'm just a wagecuck.

Yeah, it's nice. For some reason I've seen plenty americans living in buenos aires long-term, they seem to like it. I hate it, though. Also don't go to colombia.

But anyways, in your case the key is just not telling these bitches that you have money. Perhaps don't get married?

why not colombia?
The women are cheaper and have larger breasts.

Depending on where you are, it can be quite dangerous.

But yeah, combien women are also easier than argentinian women, I'll give you that.


I'm not exactly after difficult women, just super hot ones that won't ask for too much money, and that I can send to the plastic surgeon without much worry of a botched surgery.

So have any recommendations on places in argentina or cost of living?

>lending money to argentina

>and have larger breasts.
Sorry, m8, Russian chicks have the biggest tits on a global average.

even after plastic surgery?

>even after plastic surgery?
Apparently it's based in an average, so not sure. I think the data is skewed by the fact breast "size" is a misnomer. Russia has the largest BUST size relative to BAND size on average. Sadly not sure if this is enhanced or not, but I assume not simply because that would mean MOST women would have implants, but that's simply not the case. Of course the UK is known for having larger breasts as well, but they're all on fat chicks so it doesn't count.

>herpes type 1+2
yeah, when you get that on your face it's called a cold sore.

unless you rubbed your phone on your dick and ass right after he touched it? It might happen, but that's not assault.

For the ultimate sex slave, it almost seems like buying a 12-18 year old...

Let her ripen up, and pay for all her surgery at legal age,one of the US presidents used that model... 'Adopting' a girl, and then banging her at a legal age...

It is 100% legal.

Eastern Europe produces the best sex slave wives.

I have heard good things about Thailand as well.

there are two different stranges of herpes

you can get both in your mouth, anus, dick any orifice really.

I'm aware.

but to do that you'd have to rub your phone on your mouth, dick and anus.

which is weird.

almost as weird as you pretending to have herpes and not knowing that it appears where you contacted it.


stranges was funnier

Or do what my mate did and pay a few bargirls from Thailand to get big tiddies. The biggest gets more visits and more money.

>but that's not assault.
>assault is an attempt to initiate harmful or offensive contact with a person
Rubbing your genitals on something people put on their faces would fit the bill of "offensive contact."

>Rubbing your genitals on something people put on their faces would fit the bill of "offensive contact."
absolutely, but not if you then choose to rub it on your anus and dick. That's weird, but it's not assault. Because you about have to do that to yourself on purpose.

maybe if he rubbed OP's phone on his dick and then held OP down and rubbed the phone on OP's dick. That would be assault.

unless you believe OP's story that genital herpes rubbed on your face is going to magically appear on his dick and not his face like it normally does.

>OP's story that genital herpes rubbed on your face is going to magically appear on his dick and not his face like it normally does.
Are we even reading the same thread?
I don't see any posts other than yours that even remotely suggest that.

From my understanding of the subject, which is limited, you need to find an average hoe and turn her out; buy her fake tits, lips, whatever.
At that point you need to sign a contractual agreement, not marriage.
The problem is you'll have to keep the money coming or they'll leave you for someone else and you're out all of that plastic surgery money.

would be tough to live in BA as a british person? are you still salty over getting BTFO, or is it only the farmers in the south who are annoyed?
a british accent sticks out, so i couldn't and wouldn't hide my britishness, for that reason i think Chile is better, but i'm interested in what the Argie opinion is.

>My father is leaving me 2-6 million dollars (present value) in 20 years.

:^) :^) :^) :^) :^)

I am a 21yo trans mtf in Australia .
I will do this for the exclusive payment of food+drink and surgery. I will obey every command.

You can do that right here. I have genital herpes, OP. It ended up not being a huge deal over the long term. The social stigma is worse than the condition itself. In a weird way it ended up being somewhat of a benefit because it changes the dynamics of the dating scene. When I was single it was easy to meet and bang herpes positive girls that would have been out of my league otherwise.

>I have had a very weird life. A ex-coworker at my place of work assaulted me, by rubbing his genitals on my phone.
what the fuck i am reading

OP wants a woman though.

Never relax your guard around a tranny.

I'll give you a week, maybe two tops before you get annoyed and tired of it and realize you made a retarded decision.

This, just go to a brothel every now and then.

>local males won't smash your skull when they realize what you're doing to their women.

Mister president just set Slovenia as the land of dumb controllable bimbo's, get them before the market claim them

Nah, they're too beta bruv
In fact I look forward to turning their women in to my personal fucktoys, and if they touch me I'd use my money and fuck their shit us
>Implants and hitmen are cheap in SE Asia