What is the best injection and why is it port injection? Enjoy your dirty valves directfags

What is the best injection and why is it port injection? Enjoy your dirty valves directfags.

>not straight runner intake
What a cuckbox style intake

>fit provent oil separator
>never have valve/manifold build up ever again

Don't intake cuck yourself

>not choosing multiport

y tho

idea: hollow valves and the fuel is injected through them

That's why you use port and direct injection.

this is objectively the best option

Wait what? Direct injection sprays right into the cylinder, missing the valves entirely, whereas port injection sprays at the backside of the intake valve. Wouldn't port injection be the one that fouls the valves?

>Fuel lines oscillate at 9k rpm
Good idea senpai

Fuel cleans valves. Without fuel, dirt and egr sticks to valves.

wouldn't have to do that. make a hollow valve with an opening on the side where the injector will inject fuel

I think the more restricting part of this is the pressure. DI requires high pressures that I don't think sliding seals will contain.

the valve would have to have thicc walls to hold up to that as well as the pressure of being slapped around by the Cam. say goodbye to 4 valve/cylinder

are you even trying?

Would add a ton of weight to the valve, causing float.

Valves are gay anyway. There should be an air injector and an exhaust outjector, and then we can run mad boost and 2-cycle and it will be clean and more efficient.

2 strokes are gay and make no torque

>He doesn't methanol inject

Enjoy your inefficiencies portcuck.

>2 strokes are gay and make no torque
do you have why idea how many 2 stroke diesels powered the US's infrastructure for like a 100 years?

They only make more torque when rev'd higher. If you have them at the same revs like at 4k a 4t will make more torque than a crankcase breathing 2t because of volumetric efficiency.

The diesel-electric locomotives near me would like to have a word with you.

There all 4t now.

Not all of them, and the cement trucks still have Detroit Diesel 2-cycles in them. God Almighty what a sound.

why don't we just shoot fuel through the valve. Make them hollow.

2 stroke diesels aren't crankcase breathing. They mainly do it for emissions.

Air travels around the valve so it won't mix very well. Many other reasons like complexity also.

Well yes, of course the supercharger method is in effect for these cases because people aren't stupid when it comes to getting shit done.

This isn't Juan Jorge Jose with his leaf blower at 5 in the morning when you're trying to sleep.

but when fuel is injected, valves are closed and cylinder is compressed/compressing.

Not any more complicated than VVT systems and that kind of thing. if anything, strength of the valve would be of concern.

Well you have to get pressurized fuel in the valve. DI is just easier and it would have the same problem with carbon build up.


>he doesn't ignite fuel by laser, in 40 places at same time

>Wouldn't port injection be the one that fouls the valves?
The EPA requires all automobile fuel have a minimum amount of detergent in it to reduce valve and cylinder deposits. This minimum is too low (due to oil industry lobbying when the standards was set). As a result, the car companies banded together to create the Top Tier gasoline standard which has a lot more detergent.

Of course, Top Tier gas doesn't prevent carbon deposits on the backs of direct injection valves. Those deposits can be reduced by applying two treatments (over time) of CRC DI valve cleaner as seen in the picture. It must be applied to the input as instructed. It is not a gasoline treatment.