Why aren't there any wooden cars produced by companies?

Why aren't there any wooden cars produced by companies?

Because the "beach boys" were gay


wood is heavy


Because wood is for furniture and campfires. It's weak, shitty, prone to rot and moisture damage and the only reason it was used in the past is it was cheap and the (then) vast base of woodworkers made it convenient.

Ever heard of Morgan Motor Company?

You know how wooden roller coasters are fun because the wood changes and it's a different ride every time? Same thing with cars.

It's also light, flexible and easily replaceable.

Restore a moldy wooden house, simply replace the bad bits with new ones. Restore a rusty steel structure, ????? absolute fucktons of work that make it easier just replacing it.

There is a reason why that's a drawing and this is a painting

>What is welding?

Why aren't there less companies producing wooden homes and apartment buildings? Fuck America.

A log is *heavier* than a steel H-beam of equal strength.

Because mass production of wooden objects that ain't flat pack furniture is nigh impossible

Because we aren't in Post-war America where all our steel and Tom was used for the war effort to build Nazi and Jap busting bombers, tanks, and vessels.

Can you imagine the splinters you would get in a car crash??

Damn. Alphonse looks like that nigga Etika LMFAO

It's doable, but not for production purposes.

>flat pack furniture

wood + hot = fire

dis nibba gits it


weight, heat, weather, crash protection/damage, bugs/pests.

Do you know what wood does when it's impacted at even medium speed? It explodes and splinters, you would be impaled by the shattering bits of your hood coming through your windshield.

They wouldn't even have to remove you from the car, you'd be a puddle of pulp in the middle of your porcupine shaped coffin on wheels.