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Lloyd's are hard to land unless it's right after a successful backstab/riposte though. Either that or while they're busy with mobs.

>20 vig

That's not Quelaag the Spidermilf.

Right lads i'm doing a Scavenger Run for DS3.

>Luck build
>Start as either Deprived or Thief
>Can only use weapons and armor you find off of enemy drops. Or at the very least they take priority over ones you find out of chests and corpses.
>Alternately, can use weapons that are obviously just tools or other improvised weapons. (Handaxe, pitchfork, broken straight sword, torch)
>Cannot wear more than two items from a single armor set
>OOh Shiny!: if you find a weapon or armor piece, you must wear it immediately and cant take it off until the next bonfire.

anything else i aught to add?

>get invaded in dreg heap
>invader won't just fight me and runs off
>obviously wants to go on le ebin chase through level but I can't be bothered
>after waiting at 2nd bonfire for 10 mins I just rush the boss then quit game
lick my sack cunt

kek he made you so terrified you did this

Nth for Fair Lady is pure and Fina is a slut

yeah I was shaking in my boots mate
anyway I gave him a few beatings and he ran every time so now he gets nothing

*points down at u*

>live in biggest city in one of the most developed nations on the planet
>can only get third world tier internet
might just give up trying to pvp, I've seen phantom range and latency that you wouldn't believe

>blocking required no timing, no actual input from the player.
Bingo, blocking as featured in Souls is broken, because it doesn't require enough input on the part of the player, doesn't require you to make in-depth decisions about spacing or timing, it's too one dimensional.

Blocking is a failed mechanic because:
- Holding block doesn't impact your movement in any way
- Holding block doesn't penalize you in any way other than slowed stamina regen
- Holding block doesn't require you to identify the incoming attack
- Holding block doesn't require you to judge distance or make decisions about where to stand or how to move

Since it's so basic, you can't make it strong against everything, because then your entire game is basic. So either blocking is effective against an enemy and the enemy becomes trivial, or blocking isn't effective in which case you throw the shield away. To fix blocking you need to change the above factors.

Costing stamina to hold block is one option, but if we're talking about a new series that doesn't have to copy Souls at all, then you have the option of redesigning it. Make blocking into an active decision which you need to do in response to an attack, which roots your character to the spot and puts some real weight behind a big shield. Force the player to set their block facing manually, so to block a big swipe from the right they need to face right and shove their shoulder into the shield.
Have massive pushback on blocking a giant swing, so the shield user gets blown about in the arena. That encourages you to avoid attacks without blocking when possible, so you can get more damage in, but you could remove i-frames entirely for heavier characters to make blocking necessary in some cases.
You can have a timed "just defend" bonus where perfectly timing the push into a shield causes the weapon to bounce off and gives you an attack window.

Blocking could absolutely be made cool, you just have to abandon Souls blocking.

The last one is basically souls parrying, only more realistic. Or skyrim bash. Shields is one of the few things tes did good in combat
The tripfag doesn't make threads before the previous is about to die. How you can fail at something harder than luci is beyond me

Maybe move slower while blocking? Or just make shields more dynamic in general, since often they were as much a weapon as the sword or shield they were paired with (you did NOT want to get hit in the face with a scutum).

>Blocking could absolutely be made cool, you just have to abandon Souls blocking.
Agree 100%. I wish From would do stuff like this instead of fixing things that already worked.

Never buy a single item, no upgrading, no farming

How the fuck are people escaping a from greathammer R1>R1?

I find it highly unlikely that they toggle escaped out.


>when you gmb just in time to tank a massively damaging hit

Alright boys i've started out, we're gonna have a great time!

Your second R1 doesn't stunlock like the first one does. Also this may still work: youtube.com/watch?v=ZsybH0qXMys

Nice face, nice name, nice theme.

More like Shiteater. Seriously, is that poop coming out of her mouth?

What, still here?

>invade world
>two blues instantly summoned
>dispatch both of them
>host made a run for it and cut the bridge
Cool, now what the fuck do I do?

Nevermind, figured it out.

Nothing you can do to catch up to him. The only way there is through the entire level, but the door to Ariandel chapel in the crypt can only be opened by the host.

Meanwhile the host can just descend to the Gravetender boss.

Stick around, maybe the host will die to gravity.

The Ivory King was a cool guy

No one cares, Alsanna

In the end he was all but cool

He still used Ice powers tho

What are the best gank spanking weapons around? Currently been using Ledo's for a couple of months and It's incredibly effective but looking for something new. Considering Gundyr's Halbred but I suspect it can't pump out enough burst to beat chuggers.

Pic related is current build.

>SL 125
hold on, let me google image search "disgusted anime face"...

Just finished up Highwall. And a damn good haul. Got a halberd, 3/4ths of a lotheric set, a wood shield and enough deserter leggings to hang vordt with. am fatrolling like maniac and am loving it.

here's hoping i get a pitchfork come the undead settlement.

...For that is our curse.


REMINDER to all champions of ash in their own versions of lothric. In order to breed with this fine specimen, give her back her eyes and let the flame fade!

I spent a bunch of time writing out a few paragraphs about this and it stopped making sense so here's a short question:
Does anyone else feel like dark souls is the most natural and comfortable way to play an arpg? Do combat/controls/camera in other games feel wrong and strange because they aren't the way they are in ds?
It just feels right and when i play other games from no-actual-combat-at-all games like tes to spectacle fighters like bayonetta they seem wrong and unnatural.

You know what you guys need?

I still can't believe so many dsg posters are terrible at using mage builds.

A muscle girl npc to sell me boss weapons?

run backwards and take potshots

almost as skillful as grs spamming in das2

Mage is not viable unless you have 60 int, 40 vig, 45 poise, 30 att, and under 30% equip.

Otherwise there's no point playing a mage build when a Str build can do the exact same thing at a lower sl.


Just makes me hate DS3 cut shit even more. 2 year delay I would have not minded! I would have fucking waited, the last souls by From for a while and it's development is a hollow unused potential. Fanservice aside, we could have a coll twin prince covenant or some shit.

Just played against a dark buffed exiled guy called 2edgy4you
It has to be from here isnt it?

If anybody is wondering about spawning items for yourself, Ive been spawning full upgrade materials, items and whatever rings/weapons/armor I want at the very start for the game for the past month or so. No invalid data warning or anything whatsoever.

>tfw you can be a girl with abs, but your arms and legs will still remain chopsticks
it's not fair, i want to be a big buff girl.

might as well have been from the youtube comment section at this point
Anything that can be dropped from other players is fair game. There is no reason to spawn materials ever because the "upgrades cost no materials" script is 100% safe, easier and faster. The only thing I'm reluctant on doing is spawning spells, and that must be safe too. Just don't drop any gestures or +28 weapons

Who's your main /dsg/?

Havel, no contest.

Gael, rapes half the cast anyway.

>we could have a coll twin prince covenant or some shit

We could have had a trick weapon from Souls of Cinder but FUCK YOU

Navlaan, of course.

The Pisspant Destroyer

Gives me the willies

Want to use CheatEngine to give myself more souls because I hate farming for soul but will this trigger the PvP watchdog?

No, it only detects anomalies in your and your weapons'/armor's stats. Knock yourself out

Oh, that's nice.

Why is that boss fight against the spear of the church so easy? I had a guy summoned who just ran around the hall and didn't hit me with a sword once.

Should I got 40/40 for Hollowslayer or slide more towards dex?

Well let's try this again.

Anyone up for a mule on ps4? I'll give you a heavy crossbow +2 when we're done.

Is SL 66 too much for skeleton chariot? I'm having a hard time finding a summon for the three skeletron bitches.

ds2 matchmaking is soul memory based rather than soul level
and get good

>"upgrades cost no materials" script is 100% safe
only if you never +10 anything. your save tracks slabs and youll get invalidated if you have a +10 you shouldn't have.

+9 is fine though.

What if somebody drops you a +10?

>if someone helps me i'll give you literal trash

it's slightly more dex based but 40/40 is your best bet

you cant drop slabs for people

you can drop +10 weapons

oh wait i read that wrong.

you can pick up a +10 weapon but your weapon level will lock you out of multiplayer until end game

Anyone on ps4 want to help mule items for me?

I'll give you sage+2 and stacks of giant souls.

that's completely wrong. I have +10/+5 all the weapons. And I mean all of them. Including catalysts and shields. And I was in ng++, I don't think 45 slabs are enough. Scripts are safe

the point is, you can't track how many slabs you've used because people could've traded you an arbirtary number of +10 weapons

maybe you're just lucky? i only used the free upgrades and got invalidated within a week. hasn't happened since i started only going to +9.

the safest option is just spawning a +10 of whatever you want but that's a pain.

slabs are limited per ng cycle. the game knows exactly how many are available and if you've pickled one up. items dropped by other players are flagged separately so they dont affect it

>Holding block doesn't penalize you in any way other than slowed stamina regen
>this penalty doesn't count because I said so

Ive been spawning 99 slabs too, no punishment so far.
I also prefer the upgrade materials so I can up weapons for buddies.

Fuck farming for souls/items when I can just take the shit I want and actually play the game.

>heavy crossbow

how bout this user

>want to actually play the game
>but I know fully well I'll get bored really quickly if I didn't work for my characters
I dunno, it's boring to play through the game for the 50th time, but man, cheating them in feels even worse.

Except that Souls PvP was never supposed to have any of this ranked duel nonsense, it was only ever supposed to be invasions. The meat of the game is PvE, but invasions were a big part of it that players had access to, a play-mode where you specifically target people who are attempting to PvE and then dumpster them. The invader was supposed to have high win rates, it was never supposed to be fair, it was always about frustrating attempts to progress, rather than increasing your arbitrary rank on a scoreboard, because increasing adversity increases reward. You were supposed to be a living difficulty slider.

But DaS3 sort of lost it's way in that regard. DaS2 hit the nail on the head, and I'd argue that it's one of the very few things I unambiguously feel that it got right - There's no 'opt-out' mode for invasions. You can ALWAYS be invaded, unless you're offline. The PvP covenants in DaS2 were great.

But I'm getting off-topic. The mechanics are designed with PvE in mind, and always have been, and I don't think it's a simple matter to reconcile mechanics that work in PvE and mechanics that work in PvP unless you make every single enemy a dude in armour, unfortunately. So, in the end, I don't think they were wrong to focus more on mechanics that functioned for PvE, since PvP was always supposed to be a side thing and never a primary game mode anyway.

I just wish they then didn't meander around and gave us some more repayable PvE a la Chalice Dungeons to support that focus on the PvE mechanics. It feels like wasted potential, and it's a little sad.

tl;dr Fuck Duelfags, Invasions are the true Souls PvP

>the safest option is just spawning a +10 of whatever you want but that's a pain.
Yes but only as long as you already have at least 1 maxed out. And I doubt it was the only thing you did
From fucked up by not letting players buy infinite slabs and gems with some ash, even if it's an ng+ only ash. And by resetting merchant inventories on ng+. Having to go through the whole game again for splintering bolts is stupid

I will help you if you drop me some weapons/rings on a character

As long as the item is obtainable by another player dropping it, they literally do not give a fuck. Just follow standard safety practises and do it offline, back up your saves, etc etc and the chances of being caught are near zero (though it always exists).

Basically don't be a retard and you can CE your heart out.

>Ive been spawning 99 slabs too, no punishment so far.
spawning things is always the safest option

arbalest does more damage, is a free pickup, and drops off of more than 1 pain in the ass enemy

>And I doubt it was the only thing you did
believe it or not. i just +10'd a longsword and ripped my way through the game to manually level and collect equipment because i figured that would be the safest way to "cheat" a build.

>In order to breed with this fine specimen, give her back her eyes and let the flame fade!
Hollows don't breed. You'll murder her for what remains of her humanity then go insane and sit giggling in the dark until new lord souls appear

So your brilliant suggestion is to make blocking into another form of parrying? Your suggestions are either massively impractical for a game for a number of reasons like facing the attack instead of the boss or simply not how shields work in general.

Having a xboxhueg shield IS a passive defense and you'd need very little in terms of actively defending in order to make it work. Just to reiterate, there are 2 forms of active defense already, namely dodge rolls and parrying, with varying degrees of risk/reward involved. Small weapons/enemies already bounce off the shield and big dudes break your guard easily or leave you unable to respond to their attacks due to the stamina drainage. What is more, you're also encouraged to block reactively anyway because of the reduced stamina regeneration.

You're not good, the other players are absolutely terrible.

Yeah I understand where you're coming from. I despise farming. I also level up normally, not like spawning souls and level up immediately.

Each one has his/her preferences I guess.

We could have had so much more. Twin Prince covenant is just the start of it.

>tfw no Sin/Indictment system and functional Darkmoon Covenant
>tfw no Gravelord
>tfw no expanded Profane Capital/Anor Londo zones
>tfw no Chalice Dungeons
>tfw no Bonfire Ascetics

>DS1 Poise allows you to face tank bosses like 4fags and win by just swinging while paying no attention to the attacks the boss is using.
>This is apparently good game design because it includes the penalty of being heavy.

Who are you replying to?

Aldritch. I know he sucks but I'm a contrarian. I'd rather die than be a Giant Dad, Greirat, or Patches shitter.

But the Heavy Crossbow is Veeky Forums

>i just +10'd a longsword
was that before actually getting any slabs? maybe that was the issue

>cept that Souls PvP was never supposed to have any of this ranked duel nonsense, it was only ever supposed to be invasions.
That's nice but what does it have to do with anything?

the real advantage of this heavy crossbow is it's mid STR requirement making it perfect for a MLGS build

>>tfw no Gravelord
What makes you think Gravelording would actually work in DaS3? It was already dead in DaS1.

>Except that Souls PvP was never supposed to have any of this ranked duel nonsense
You may not like it, but it's been a thing since AotA. I agree that invasions are the best and especially in a system where the host is urged to rush to the boss to get rid of the invader, but at some point people sit and think "what if I was on equal standing with him".
Also, that post is solely about blocking. Not blocking in pvp, blocking in general

Flame fan, or great combustion?

It's just an explanation for the mechanics sucking for PvP. They do suck for PvP.

BLACKED Flame with Parting Flame.

>Also, that post is solely about blocking. Not blocking in pvp, blocking in general


Whoops, guess my reading comprehension failed me. I'll just be over here in the corner.