/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

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AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/JqsQerui
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> Engines
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

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hello darkness my old friend


Is gamemaker still the best for 2D games even if the art isn't pixel art?

No, that's Godot.

Spine a shit

Gamemaker is for complete newbies that have zero experience with code, and even then it kind of sucks since it costs $100

Godot is better for all types of 2D, including non-pixel art. But it's a bit harder to get into compared to gamemaker. It is free though.

Godot is incredibly shit for tiles : youtube.com/watch?v=cff7O036IpM
I can't believe this

Please, how do I get good at writing stories? I can't even write good short stories.

>The engine doesn't literally make everything for me so it's shit


get feedback on your short shitty stories

>using proprietary software for 2d games

if the engine doesn't literally make everything for you it's shit and you're worse than enginedev

Just watch more anime.

Setting up a tileset could be a lot better I agree, there is a free plugin that imports a tileset automatically though. Also once the tileset is actually set up using it is simple as fuck.

I know you're probably just memeing but no, tileset creation hasn't changed in 3.0

the godot defense force is here

Nah, I'm the #1 godot shill and I think it could be better at managing tilesets. It feels very jerry-rigged

Reminds me of the Unity defense force that shows up whenever there's a problem in Unity.
Or the Gamemaker defense force that shows up whenever there's a problem in Gamemaker.
Or the Unreal defense force that shows up whenever there's a problem in Unreal.

>#1 godot shill
no, that's me

>b-but unity...!

it's just the Godot Way™

I wish I knew. Whatever you do dont show your writing to other people they will laugh at you

>tfw Waiting for Godot to implement tile-sets

but i defend both already

can we not

just rewrite the tileset system if you don't like it

how many objects can Godot have?
I would use Unity but it seems a lot of objects are a problem in it, so I can't.

How could you be the #1 godot shill if you didn't even update your GodotPepe to Gobot ver 3.0? Are you one of those losers who is still "waiting" for it?

its the Unity way

I want absurdist humour to die and stay die.

you need to just use two or more unitys to have more objects

Make your game in whatever engine you want! Godot, Game Maker, Unreal, or make your own! Do whatever works and is most comfortable for you!!

There is no incorrect engine except unity

I just stole it from someone else, I would draw more godot memes if I had the artistic talent.

That would be buying a tileset system on the unity store.

it's existential-horror humor not absurdist humor you pleb.


BTW guys, I've been leaked classified information on Godot 4.0, and it's gonna blow your minds. Here, have Gobot 4.0

>He still thinks The Hero's Journey is good

is there anything out there with the feature set comparable to ogre3d but less fucking bloated and swollen with oop garbage? something that will let me get animated 3d content to the screen, with custom shaders, but without having to interact with a hundred singleton managers of other singleton managers? c/c++ library, no faggy sdks like unity.

worst prosecutor, even klavier was better

This is the most correct post in this thread currently.

Are they ever renaming the engine to something decent?

most writers cant write good short stories.
something something brevity something.
whatcha having trouble with anyhow?

nope, still unity

But now its Unity 2017

Game Maker

godot is unironically the fastest 3d engine

you sound like the worst of the degenerate scum that reside here.

I mean for rendering mind you, GDScript is pretty slow.

This is true but he said no OOP

Your own custom engine is your only choice


No the fuck it's not you stupid mother fucker

vulkan is not an engine

you don't know anything about vulkan

Any 3d anime games being made?

Unity is a great name compared to GOY dot and that is just sad. I Mean it was bad when I thought it was pronouced go dot but now that I know its something ridiculous because of some pretentious book its just horrible

The fate of anime is death

It lacks the fun stuff like automatic lod from UE4 but in a 1:1 vert comparison it's the fastest between UE4, Unity and Godot.

it's go-doh

its goodoo


its ゴドット

And its horrible

amateur goydoh diction general

So, what's the best practice for saving and playing particle effects on multiple objects in unity?

It seems ridiculous to expect a separate particle system component for every possible dust cloud on every game object that can use them. Is there a way to basically prefab a component and add it to the objects when necessary?

The ideal system would be one where I can just use a single line of code, like PlayParticles("LandingDust01") and it'll load, emit, and clear the particles for a pre-defined particle system on the calling object.

how to deal with slopes in godot?, i don't want my character to be sent flying up because hur dur y acceleration. I can identify when the character is colliding with a slope, now I have to figure out how to make the character "stick" to the ground


You probably want to write an object pooling system.

i dont know but about godot but this article should apply to any engine anyway


Guys I'm scared... what if Godot takes all our Unity jobs?

God bless them for that automatic lod stuff, I wouldn't bother otherwise.

>fire sword
even fwoosh would have been better

The issue is that I need to add a particle system component to an existing object. Is there a way to do a sort of component pooling system?

>not bwoosh

Art boi made some new background art for the rooms.

more like object pooing lol

>not fwawsh

Has anyone here written a game in Kotlin?
What did you think of it?

this is not how you pronounce godot, ma8te

what the fuck is kotlin

no, unity does not support copying data between components without writing all the shit yourself

you could use reflection to do it but its a pain so i decided not to add that kind of feature into my own pooling system

its probably possible to do whatever you are intending to do by spawning an entire gameobject instead of just a particle system component but you might have to do some refactoring

Why not go
myParticleSystem.transform.parent = theExistingObject.transform

It's a fairly new JVM language.

Who's the best AGDG dev right now?

Anyone who has actually released a game


You're not amate-
You're not a 'dev' if you deved a game in the past. You have to be DEVING now

This is probably not the best place to ask, but what engine or language I should use if I want to make a mobile game?

Nothing serious in mind, just a simple Pong as my first try but I want it specifically be made for android or IOS.

For Android, you might want to look into the libGDX framework for Java.

Construct 2 is the easiest

wingman and woh are probably the most promising titles currently in works on /agdg/

>You have to be DEVING now
posting on Veeky Forums is not deving so you can never be deving now.


It has no mature libraries for anything gamedev yet so I would say don't bother unless you're okay with using Java libraries (which you shouldn't be)

I have two hands and two eyes, what makes you think I can't do two thingds at once?

Alright, thanks for the input

somebody make a tool that converts shitposts to actual game code so that i could do two things simultaneously