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2nd Latest Released Hero - Phase
youtube.com/watch?v=5LlQHe7e_4Q [Open]

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/parag/ OC:

You slackers let it die again edition

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WTF did they do to the bots? matches used to last 14 minutes maximum before the last update now rushing them takes 16 minutes

>my team dies by a Howitzer, Wukong and Countess combo

>mfw when I'm playing Revenant and don't have an Ult ready

guys ive noticed generals work better when people actually post in them

Stop letting the thread die while I sleep REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I just started playing, how do I use Khaimera's Ambush? I'm right clicking enemies, I have enough mana, I'm even trying it in melee range, it just makes a sound and zooms in a tiny bit for like half a second and nothing happens, it's not like it's unbound or anything, 'cause I get the "no mana" popup whenI try to use it when I'm out of mana

It's making me feel like a fucking idiot

are you trying to kill minions with it because hard lock on abilities only work on heroes

I tried it on minions after looking at heroes didn't do anything
Then it didnt do anything and I went back to mashing right click pointing at Heroes

>I get the "no mana" popup when I try to use it when I'm out of mana
Am I retarded or just lacking reading comprehension?

you know its activated by a left click? right click to lock on left click to jump them

>play Kwang literally all day
>do well, but lose every single game because the technology does not yet exist to allow us to take manual control of the idiots on our team and play 5 characters at once
>play Phase
>win easily
Bitch needs to go.

Left clicking just basic attacks after the little zoom and sound. No targeting thing comes up like every other ability, no indication appears that I can do anything

i dunno then. do a solo vs bots match and just screw around in it and see if you can figure it out. maybe check your keybinds

Ok, so,

I bound cancel ability to right click

Because I figured, "thats how you cancel things in other games, it'll be easier"
"It lets me bind it to 2 things, so it clearly knows the difference between right clicking to start an ability and right clicking to cancel one"


It didn't

Maybe I am an idiot

Down 100 Elo in a week. Feels bad.

I used to be one of them niggas saying "git gud its your fault" but silvers from 4 months ago all got boosted or some shit and they're all gold/low plat. I go 8-1 before 40m as mid, sometimes two of us do that well and we're still losing games. It just boils down to who has the better Phase and NOW who has the less retarded Monkey.

>but silvers from 4 months ago all got boosted or some shit and they're all gold/low plat.
The mystery has been solved.
I've been enjoying the game in mid gold for the longest but I guess it's time to grind to mid-high plat.

Yeah, never go into a game without a Phase ("Riktor's fine u guys") or some hard CC for le sneaky destroy-your-towers-in-5-seconds monkey.

As an example: I had a game tonight where I would SPAM retreat at everone I saw in a terrible position who were about to get rotated on. For 45 minutes straight, I told them what they needed to do to avoid getting the interior of their anus remodeled.
Every time they would just ignore me, and literally LITERALLY every time they would get rekt.
45 minutes.
That is not an exaggeration. Worse still, I spent about 15 minutes after offlane tower fell rushing to safelane, setting the wave, backing, then doing the same thing on left. These people are scum.

It's games like this where I do my own thing (farm, catch a straggling enemy by themselves, get fed) and show the enemy team that just because they're retarded, I'm not.

Phase needed to get gutted weeks ago, fuck's sake.
It's unreal to think that rev, as good as he is, has a really shitty winrate just because his phase synergy is a bit lacking


>absolutely BEAST as Kallari, just short of Epic
>die once at start, then once at the end in a vain attempt to stop Primed up enemies from taking the core
>still lose because our foul-mouthed Sparrow cannot stop feeding
Still made everyone on their team deathly afraid of me, which is a great feeling.

Gotta go to bed: will this general be here when I wake up?

>9 kills in 46min
>absolutely beast

Didn't notice the 9 assists? You don't go for a kill as Kallari unless you can get it: a lot of them were taken from me. Also, not dying is a big part of good play, friend, but of course you know that.

>onna smurf
>carry the shit out of team, yet they still don listen to my comms
>spam retreat 15 seconds before they die every time
>the aurora walks past an inhib that's dying to minions to go jungle
>shinbi died numerous times in 1v3s
>no one watches their lane
>babysit their lanes the whole match and still get a ton of kills
>they want to surrender early game when we are winning, but not late game when we are losing
>aurora dcs

Got a penta kill at least. Also set a new personal record for most hero damage and minion kills. Why are silvers so bad? Why do silvers ignore comms?

Said match

>tfw 13-1 so far on the smurf i made a few days ago because i ran into a smurf duo running Phase/Yin
how much of a faggot do you have to be to not only duo que on a smurf but use fucking phase while you do it

>spam retreat 15 seconds before they die every time
>walks past an inhib that's dying to minions to go jungle
>no one watches their lane
>babysit their lanes the whole match and still get a ton of kills
I patiently await the day that ranked is released, the mmr is reset, and I get another chance to solo q my way out of shit like this, because it's exactly what happens to me. You're lucky: at least you can choose to leave lower-Elo matchmaking.
inb4 that one contrarian faggot that insists we're making it all up, and that we're to blame.

mmr isn't being reset

That is disheartening.

why? the game doesn't have a weighted system you can lose 15 matches in a row and you'll get the same from a win as if you won your previous 15. theres no other point to resetting mmr

I think I'm actuallly going to take a break from Paragon until ranked hits /parag/. Today I had the worst games I have EVER had. I'm talking 3 ADC, rampage support, Riktor mid. I'm in fucking high gold on my way to plat and I get this shit. The thing that makes it even worse is I'm going against coordinated teams who take our jungle and ward gold camp.

I'm done.

make a smurf i haven't played on my "real" account since a week after phases release

Find a stack to play with desu senpai

I just figured that they'd make a clean break of things for the full release: put everyone back on equal footing and let things shake themselves out with the completed system in place instead of basing matchmaking on the steady stream of shit that is the open beta and #everythreeweeks.

This is what I'm talking about. Sincerely considering uninstalling: trying to reach any kind of Elo/ KDA I'm happy with in the current system has consumed my life for months. Every time I come close, it gets yanked away from me and everything goes to shit. I'm good at this game (clearly not "great", or I'd have lifted myself to high Elo), but struggling with the shit matchmaking is taking a toll.

Phase's release has fucked this game so much that choosing anyone but her is a direct hindrance to your team. I honestly contemplate dodging when I see any other support picked. If you have learned to play against a Phase laning against anyone else in the offlane is a breeze.

things will shake themselves out quick enough since im sure they'll have a solo/duo and then a team mode. all the boosted accounts will drop within a week since they'll constantly be getting matched with other 5 stacks or forced to actually know how to play the game.
honestly the worst time to play this game after ranked is implemented will be the first week or two since you'll have to deal with all these boosted diamonds with 1kda's who are used to 5 stacking and beating up silver and gold shitters

>If you have learned to play against a Phase laning against anyone else in the offlane is a breeze
This. When I see a Dekker, I get excited because of how much easier they just made my life.

>Why are silvers so bad?
>Silvers were any good in the first place

Dude is talking out of his ass, we don't know that yet but MMR has been reset in the past. They will be introducing a new matchmaking system for ranked though that allows them to make changes, it's very flexible and if I recall, they said it has lines of code in the thousands whereas the current one doesn't have too many. I can't really recall what they said about that last part but it made the matchmaking system sound like it's going to be very fluid.

not him, but trying to get as many assists as possible is pretty fun
especially since ebin's assist system is wonky


they said there would never be another MMR reset after they reset it with v27 and as i already said resetting it won't really do anything anyway.
but they also said this game would be focused on skillshots and not have healing so whatever

phase is fun famalamadingdong
and she's the only real support, every other one needs to be buffed, and muriel needs to be unnerfed

That's a fair point friend you would have to be mentally deficient not to choose Phase. I came in during Serath release so I never got to see Muriel in all her glory. How good was she?

phase is broken all the other supports are fine except muriel. the only good thing about phase is the satisfaction i get subtly intentionally sabotaging games on my smurf account when i play as her. i still win them sometimes because shes just that fucking broken

imagine everyone in the game having the durability of whoever is linked to phase because the meta was retarded and then adding healing and massive fucking shields on top of that

That sounds terrible I'm glad I wasn't playing then.

a legitimate tactic on legacy was rampage or greystone getting black buff which gave double damage on structures and diving inhibs and core with muriel shielding them.
because epic is retarded there was no protection if they didn't have minions. if you lost an inhib you had to devote 1 person to guarding core the rest of the game or blow all you wards around it so you could know in time to back

My friend got himself out of silver with black buff attack speed Grux going behind enemy lines while everyone was distracted. He was a Kwang player before he decided he'd had enough of the game's shit.

Phase is only "broken" in the right hands
sure a potato can play her and probably save some of his teammates, but she's still very killable.
I mean if she wasn't, wouldn't teams with a phase on both sides have really fucking long matches?

>e was a Kwang player before he decided he'd had enough of the game's shit.
Your friend wasn't being successful with Kwang?

He just couldn't deal with the matchmaking. Kwang and Sev were his favourite characters to play before hung up his Paragon hat for good. I've asked if he'd consider coming back, but he said he's done with the game. Another friend of ours dropped it at the same time because Monolith just wasn't Legacy.
A shame, too: I've gotten much better since then, and I think we'd have made a good team.

Damn that's a shame man.
Perhaps your friends can be... enticed to cum back with this?

...naw bruh

which one of you was this and why didn't you insist on lewd

Might work out: if someone on /v/ actually comes through, it could spark some interest.

Why do people insist on picking Iggy? I get that he can hold a lane indefinitely, but there are so many better choices.

silver shitters think this is league and lane management is important.
gold and up they want you to dodge



whats so special about plat ive been in plat for the past 4 months everyone in 1500 are just as retarded as people in gold only difference is they dont make crit grux and rampage builds and once you get to 1600 you get 5 stacks all day until you go back down

>which one of you was this
The hero that /parag/ deserves

>never play adc
>get forced into it
lel, I'm not even mad

how do you not even get 1 kill buddy just pick murdock and ult someone or something

I get the mindset: it's a goal you set for yourself. It may not be Diamond or Master, but it's respectable: at that point, you can just leave your account and have the agora page to point to and say "I'm pretty damn good at Paragon. Never touching it again, though".


>KDA climbs higher and higher with each game
>win rate slips a percentage

its about objectives at the end of the day. if you wipe their team but go back to buy things you wiped them for nothing. plus depending on your role its ok to die. you don't need a 15kda as kwang or somebody like that you need to focus on your kill participation. if you die 6-7 times but were in 80% of the fights that means your were frontlining and doing your job, past that theres nothing more you can do its a team game. play to the best of your abilities and dont focus on wins and loses sometimes even if you play well you're gonna get 4 shitters on your team and be doomed anyway

>its about objectives at the end of the day
Oh trust me, I know. I generally have 35-50% kill participation. The rest of the time I'm pushing lanes, grabbing buffs, warding enemy jungle/ raptors/ prime, and trying to sneak damage on t2's while everyone else is doing the TDM thing on the other side of the map. But once we hit inhibs, my team can never seem to lock them down. I guess I could play carry, since that's the easiest way to get damage on inhibitors without walking right up to them.

you can't really solo take an inhib unless the other team is retarded or you're playing as Obama. after you get the t2 down you should start going in on fights and get the inhibs off of them or grouping to take them
exception would be your wave is already almost on the inhib and theres gonna be a giant fight on raptors or something so no one notices you taking it.

Nah, I mean the last few games I've lost, we really should have won: we standing outside their inhibs trying to make something happen, but they would just clear the waves and turn it around. I guess that speaks to my teams not having good enough poke, or something like Sev's ult/ Howi's bounce, because any team with decent wave clear can just hold an inhib indefinitely in a situation like that. Then they get a pick, and snowball from there, it's infuriating: defeat snatched from the jaws of victory time after time.

oh yeah you're fucked in that situation. you need to set the other lanes then group in one. if you dont get a pick off that you need to split out as the lanes push up and force pressure in all 3 lanes.
since both of these things require teamwork what you'll get is some retard splitpushing for no reason and leaving you 4v5 or when you split after the lanes get up whoever you leave will either follow and defeat the purpose of splitting or try to fight a 1v3 instead of just stalling so everyone else can fight 4v2.

basically fuck soloQ

So how's this game been doing since the monolith update?
I used to main Sevarog for a few months back in legacy, is he still viable or have the kpop heros thrown everything out of balance?

Sevarog and Grux are still the top junglers imo

Sevarog Grux and Kwang still solid


there's even a minor bug right now so most people can't see what lane they need to go, A LOT of shitters refusing to play support even if they're last

>I don't like that role
>I don't know how to play support
>I'm not good as support

one of those common excuses, the game is in a shit state with 3-4 heroes that need a balance but we''re probably not getting one for another 2-5 weeks

You're getting back in at just the right time! We just recently introduced 3 game changing heroes who completely shook up the game in fun and exciting ways and we still have our amazing cast of legacy heroes! We continue to strive towards excellence with our tirelessly crafted skins and the introduction of tremendous rewards simply for playing the game with our new Mega Vault system!

Nice, I'll be getting back into Sev in a few days.
>refuse to play supports
Oh fugg, I had this problem in legacy but just picked Narbash with focus on HP regen.
>3 game changing heros
Looking at the 3 newest game-breakers on the paragon hero's page I might need to find a way to hard-counter them with Sev.
Phase and her jumps seem like they might be a problem for Sev's hammer ult, Revenant I already don't like and Wukong just has too much movement.

>basically fuck soloQ
See, this is what I'm saying.

>We just recently introduced 3 game changing heroes who completely shook up the game in fun and exciting ways

Worry not all new characters are perfectly balanced! Don't forget to also pick up the brand new Death Mask Sevarog skin and its loot crate alternates!

>there's a linear correlation between Phase pick rate and Elo bracket, with Bronze picking her less than 30% of the time and Diamond picking her 70% of the time
>Epic will continue to say this doesn't necessarily mean anything

means absolutely nothing those bronze players have clearly figured out ways to counter her that the diamond players havent. learn to adapt

You know, like, maybe, like, three carries is a hard counter to Phase. You don't know.

>inb4 pick aurora

>I mean like, maybe like carry iggy is the counter to stasis gem its like, how do you like dictate to people how they're supposed to ya know like play the game.
>muriels ult was changed because it was being used offensively muriel is a defensive support so we couldn't have that

Good god, I was going to ask how one character could fuck the game so hard, then I realised it's been happening non-stop since December. Shinbi's basically the only dud, although I guess Serath isn't hugely popular.

serath is amazing the only problem is people are still going off that video from 5 months ago that said she works best in the jungle instead of taking her offlane or even safe

>Shinbi's basically the only dud
Shinbi is actually really good, just takes a brain to use her
>people are still going off that video from 5 months ago that said she works best in the jungle instead of taking her offlane or even safe
I hate this so much, people argue with me in draft lobbies that she's a jungler
It's so fucking annoying

shinbi is fine but also worthless currently because stasis. stasis getting cheaper universal and having the 1 stat literally every fucking role builds is another brilliant move by epic while we're on that topic

I don't want to be on of those bush bros, but I think she's fine when you bait out the stasis

>I don't want to be on of those bush bros
why would you say a terrible thing like that

How do you bait out the stasis as Shinbi? Her ult has a pretty obvious tell, you're not going to fool someone into doing it preemptively unless you're chasing them and stop behind them to play your backing animation music.

You're right, I should have put, ' don't want to be one of "THOSE" bush bros.'
I'd never discredit the best thing about /prarag/

It's very situational, not to beat a dead horse.
from my experience, with the right cards like tainted magick and others doing the work for you, I pretty much save my ult only to secure a kill that the jungler or the adc couldn't get.
Bully whoever doesn't/isn't running stasis. That kind of thing.
I'm not sure how to put it exactly, but basically she is more for chipping heroes down and securing kills than outright engaging.

shinbi is an assassin bro with what it sounds like your playstyle is you'd do a lot more work as a gadget or someone like that

Hey guys, i'm new to the agora website, and maybe i'm stupid for not understanding it, but what does this number in the red circle mean?

overall kill participation. if its not at least at 50% in most matches you're a shitter. a notable exception is wukong where if its over 10% you are a shitter