/sthg/ Sonic the Hedgehog General

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/sthg/ #795 - Gay Shipping Edition

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>Those embeds
People are going to get triggered by this, but you're just doing this shit on purpose now




did you mean to do that or?...

Yeah, why? Is something wrong?

Can you please stop with the gfur OP images.

Oh they're actually different pictures, I didnt realise until I looked again with both of them enlarged. I thought you might have accidentally posted the same pic twice is all.

Why user? Does something about them really get under your skin? Make you feel awkward? I mean they are sonic related, I don't see whats wrong.

user, are you sure they're different pics?

>off-the-shoulder top
I need more. Drawfags?

>Never even got mentioned from the classic cast
>accused for being a "creepy stalker"
>never gets that blue dick
>always cucked by a fucking chipmunk
>on the same tier with any "shitty" friends

Is Amy the most suffering character of the franchise?

Yes, they're different. One's a special edition and the other isn't. Color variations.


Yeah, the first one is slightly brighter with different shades.

Hype for a Sly cartoon aside, I wonder what the implications for Boom are. Will it be kill? Will they kick it to a new studio? If the latter, who would you hope they'd give it to?

I don't know what you're talking about, user.
>Got that blue dick in Boom
>Is being advertised almost as often as Knuckles & Tails in promo art
>Still around, while Sally is kill
>Last issue of the comic was centered around her & Sonic
>Most popular female of the series
>Best girl

Would you participate /sthg/?

xth for lewd Tikal cosplayers

And would you make it?


kill all furFAGS

So is the comic kill or no?


But user, how will this general live if we're all killed?

yes, thankfully

It would be extremely painful.


What's the info on these, are they going to be available for sale? I need one of these really bad for my gillestuga.

Wtf, 1000$? Why not just loads of Sonic merch.

1000 dollars can buy many sonic merch



Explain how

Money can be exchanged for goods and services ;)

It was pretty rough for her like a couple years ago before Boom and the comics got rebooted, but it's a little better now. Still, her treatment isn't the best. Well, at least she's still here.

I'm over the weight limit ;_;

What's wrong is that I come here to talk about Sonic not fur shit. I don't even care if you guys talk about your autistic ship in the thread just fuck off with the gay ass OPs.


calm down

I just noticed this not even an hour ago but it was being sold starting yesterday and the special variant is already gone.

Once its gone, it's gone. No new ones will be made
Regular = $45 (Only 250 pieces) Special = $55 (Only 150 pieces)

30$ for delivery to me.
Shitty month to be out of money!

Did someone say sonic merch?

I know that feeling. I wouldn't be able to get it either.

I'm kind of surprised that it sold out quickly though. Hasn't even been a day yet.

If you had to choose two characters to be your parents, who would they be?

I'd be one happy camper to spend it all on Sonic merch. Though, I rather be responsible and use the money for college books and other life necessities

>the French get their masterful hands on another furry franchise
Don't be silly, user, the studio getting more work doesn't mean Boom is disposed of. One project doesn't really affect another.
I'm thinking the Sly Cooper people saw the relative success of the Boom cartoon and approached Technicolor.
I hope Nintendo will approach them for a Star Fox series.

>Sticks and Amy with Ankama hips
Lord give me strength

Reboot King Acorn

I think I just managed to 'loan' some monies..

I will get one.

>Sonic and friends in Orangina commercials

Show me your top 10 games from E3

I would but there's not enough to fill out even a top 3 list.

1 - Mania
2 - Odyssey
3 - Kirby 2018
4 - DBZ Fighter
5 - Forces
6 - Spiderman
7 - Code:Vein
8 - Super Lucky's Tale
9 - The Last Night
10 - Rare's pirate game

Sonic and Nintendo pretty much make up most of it. Others would be MHWorld and the animal platformers.

Do you mean games only shown in the big shows or just got a trailer released while E3 was going on?

>DB Fighter Z
>Yakuza Kiwami
>Yakuza 6
>Forza 7
>NFS Payback
>The Crew 2
Technically all announced before E3. Nothing new really caught my attention.

Hmm, good for you user. Hope you'll enjoy the pretty piece!

About anything appeared in this E3 in general

Most of the stuff at Nintendo's spotlight
Especially Mario and Rabbids

>Mario and Rabbids

I am honestly surprised at how good it looks. Really my only complaint is I wish it wasn't a cross over and just had more Mario characters in the Rabbids' places.

>tfw no trace of Rosalina
Ubisoft fucked up

But that's a good thing.

1. Db Fights Z
2. Sonic forces
3. Xenoblade 2
4. Mari "One Up girl" o

I still can't think of the Rabbid hatred as anything other than autistic screeching over a thing they don't like and Rayman who by the way has two recent successful games.
I mean I'm neutral towards them but I'm pretty sure they had at least one or two decent games.

I don't really hate Rabbids, I just dislike the games that were focused mainly on them. Meanwhile I love mainline Rayman.

I mean imagine if Wisps were loud and all their humor was potty humor and yelling 24/7 then they started to get games of their own while Sonic games stopped coming out, at least for a little while. It's kinda like that and I probably could have made a better analogy.

I wonder just how instrumental the Rabbids was in making this. I find it hard to believe Miyamoto agreed to this crossover solely because of them.

They're a big reason since this is Ubisoft's baby not Nintendo's
Fair enough but at least the closest to a BWAH so far was DK rabbid's roar and they at tried to give the rabbids in the party a personality other than just an idiot.

Apparently he said Pac-Man is his favorite series. You'd think with them working with Namco on Smash they'd be more up to a Mario/Pac-Man World cross over instead.

Ori and the will of the wisps
mayyyybe metro

why doesn't /sthg/ have any memes?


I like your sister more.

Are satAM or sonic boom worth watching or like most visual adaptations of video games are they trash?

>another shitty OP
Imagine my surprise when it was some queer that made it.

I enjoy them, but you should watch it to form your own opinions.

Imagine my surprise that someone got upset over an image they can just not look at.

>OP image
>you can just not look at it

faggots, everyone

Unless you're always looking at the image at the top of the thread, yeah you can just not look. I don't care for yaoishit, but get over it already.

>OP image
>the image everyone sees at least once, whether you enter from the catalog or from the previous thread
>can just not look at
Fucking retard.

You see it once, then you scroll down & don't see it again. There's been images I didn't like used as the OP, but I don't throw a hissyfit over it, because it means nothing & I can just scroll down.

>I'm an apathetic fag so that means everyone should be
I'll stop giving a shit when it stops being shit.

furries are like gays
>shove your gross fetish in everyone's face
>someone tells you to fuck off
>"Whoa calm down I'm just here to have fun like the rest of you stop being so intolerant, you can just look away, reported for offensive!"
Like a child who pokes a dog with a stick and then cries to mommy when the dog bites him.

It's a harmless image on Veeky Forums, why should you care so much? I think yaoi is shit, but it's not worth getting upset over everytime someone posts it. Besides, the more you bitch about it, the more they're gonna post it, because they know it triggers people like you.

>complaining about OPs
Not that I'm happy with it myself, but why not make it yourself instead of letting them make it every time?

Because they're lazy retards who would rather bitch about threads, instead of doing it themselves.

>It's a harmless image on Veeky Forums, why should you care so much?
Because it's off topic.
This is a board for video game discussion. But instead this general continues to teeter on being

Because every time one of these fudgepackers makes an OP they fuck up post on top of having an awful image.
Last time I did, they posted before bump limit while I did not yet my thread died.

True bros

Sure is a lot of Jet the Hawks here, if ya know what I mean.

It's a Sonic general. Like it or not, the pic is SFW & Sonic related.

Ever think that if you didn't get so upset every single time yaoi is posted, they wouldn't do it so often? Because it's pretty clear that they're doing it just to set retards like you off & it works every time.

Sonic and Crash game WHEN

And here I thought Bubsy was the most embarrassing Sonic kockoff.

>Last time I did, they posted before bump limit while I did not yet my thread died.
Keep trying. If I have the choice I'll post in a thread that's about Sonic The Hedgehog, not gfur shipping.

The new thread that gets posted first is the thread that gets used. That's usually how it always been.

>cucking spyro

Spyro has Skylanders.

>people bitch about new threads getting posted early
>yet they go to them and keep them alive, enabling retards
Just like you're enabling faggots right now. Do everyone here a favor and blow your brains out.

Skylanders is its own thing, they just sort of threw spyro in there and aimed it at kids.

Can we talk about Sonic?

Great OP.