I've had a driver's licence for over 5 years, but am getting my first car in the next few days...

I've had a driver's licence for over 5 years, but am getting my first car in the next few days. Please share some do's and dont's, since I have a lot of Veeky Forums-knowledge catching up to do.

do a donut every chance you get

Check your oil every time you fill up with gas, change your oil at the factory recommended intervals. Read the owners manual. Learn how to do easy shit like brakes, changing a tire, changing your oil, topping off coolant and brake fluid if need be. Basically keep the wet parts wet and fix whatever starts making noise sooner rather than later.

Make sure you have a eurobeat CD to hand at any given moment

>Check your oil every time you fill up with gas

That's a little overkill

>change your own oil meme
do NOT do this OP. you WILL regret it.

Using a format that could stand for 'Cross Dresser'

I bet you drive a Mazda as well

only if you're a fucking retard who can't follow basic instructions

>jack up car
>get bucket thing, put under oil pan
>take thing off of oil pan to pour into the bucket thing
>take out old oil filter
>put oil around gasket of new filter, put it in
>put cap back on

literally all there is, the other "best practices" are basically a meme

It's a meme you dip

is actually putting the new oil in a "best practice meme" because your post doesn't mention doing that at all

i'm sorry but using your dipstick is not a meme, dolt

>jack up car
maybe if you're fat or you have a stanced piece of shit

or just have a car thats low to begin with

if its not stanced and you aren't a planet you can fit under any car without a jack

try changing oil on a mini cooper or miata without jacking it up, maybe you could in the miata but in something like a mini it'd be fucking impossible

if you've got long arms you can wrench the drain bolt without being entirely under the car

it's still inconvenient

maybe they should've put the drain bolt on top of the valve cover for easy access, makes no sense to me why nobody's done that yet

or they could put a button on the steering wheel to electronically open it



You forgot mentioning spark plugs change as well

What the fuck?
It's literally the easiest thing to do
>look up oil online
>buy said oil
>put bottle under oil screw
>remove screw and let engine run until no oil comes out
>pour old oil into storm drain
>fill up oil until oil stick is on the upper marking

How are you too retarded for this? Afraid to get dirty you pussy?

Also use a funnel (if it isn't obvious)