League of Legends General - /lolg/ Anonymous

Comfy elise edition

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>Gragas is now meta both as a jungler and as a toplaner

Really milks my goat.

xth for cute love


How do I start playing Ekko as top main? He seems fun

xth for Syndra

This is a spooder thread user


>the one team liquid fan in the audience audibly straining his voice has a giant paid by steve sign
This shit is too funny


>nerf champ
>becomes even more cancer later

I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!

Lulu is for abuse

repost for posterity


why dont you go fucking watch the replay

xth for fertile foxes

hm get roa and somewhat tanky ap items, like zhonya, the new banshee, iceborn etc, if you want be tanky, but i dont think it would work. Riot made everything in order to ruin ekko bruser

I will kill you and keep Lulu to myself anyway.

Xth for RARE crackships

Help me you fags


>made it to promotions to get out of bronze
>too scared to queue up

Oh shit i missed it

>tfw you get carried
note to self: if your top lane feeds first blood, don't try to gank them until 6, or you end up giving second blood


>lulu build
typical lulufags

>posting it again

xth for breast metal waifu

>Bronze 5




new thread and it was my most recent game, that and I'm a faggot.

what exactly did the singed do?

xth for Kayle x Karthus

vixen is the correct term for female foxes.

I do enjoy boobs indeed

>riven mains

Literally nothing.
He threw people around and missed his own slows and failed in basically every why

>Janna mains

10/10 ships

comfy bfs~

no, I mean >riven mains just scored

best ship is draven x draven


Why does Orianna get to do assassin tier damage with her combo but has easy waveclear, great sustained damage, extremely safe laning, and amazing utility?


That's a limited edition ship, my friend.

Oh my god can this Piglet cuck shut the fuck up

God bless that one TL fan

>pick up the courage to hit the button
>support picks Darius


Fuck TSM

I genuinely think that Steve paid him

He's an ironic shitposter

you inspired me


Thanks to these missions I'm finally getting key fragments

>tfw some retard tried to tell me cody sun wasn't awful the other day

fuck off, cunt
leave tristana alone

Very important poll - hard nips edition


I really like this ship.

It appeals to my love for tender loving cock milk by two voracious women.


I want to explode my firecracker inside of jinx

I wanna go to the beach with Lulu!

>the Liquid fan vs. all the TSM babbies


No contest.

It makes me sad
Although Liquid definitely deserves it


>shipping two monstergirls together

that's a good ship

why can't more reworks be sion/yorik/warwick tier?

...or not because remake
Thank god too, the Tahm was a trolling shit that ate me while I was trying to do camps and kept trying to steal my buffs

>another galio lane
could this champions gameplay be ANY less exciting?

shen and morde are strong champions.


But he's not awful

it's almost like a tank with really good wave clear was a really bad idea

I fucking love this guy in the audience

>turn into c9 v imt after piglet got dunked on by hauntzer
>smoothie is 0/8

semi global "tp" and dmg reduc, waveclear, decent DPS, tank steroids

the combination just makes him OP


I actually don'th think he's that bad because tanks create team fighting situations.
Probably most boring thing to watch right now is kennen top.

It's not actually assassin tier damage if you look at her numbers

I wanna brew potions with Lulu!

>sej balanced
>darius balanced
>raka balanced

I hope TL gets kicked out when franchising begins next year fucking disgrace.

Am I retarded if I spend my tokens on the icons? Should I just get the orbs instead?

Who is the worst champion in the game and why is it Diana?
Who is the most forgotten champion in the game and why is it Diana?

my boy amumu has been trash for 90% of his existence

If any team deserves to get kicked out it's certainly them

would you cum in the potions and tell her to try one?

nah, they have too much money and have been around too long to be kicked out unfortunately

she's picked once in a blue moon

Orbs will just give you shit legacy skins. Icons are guaranteed at least.

because warwick and yorick actually took the playstyle of a champion and made it GOOD while keeping its innate weakness

I dont know much about old sion so I cant tell if its the same playstyle but looking at the other 4 brand new champions all have playstyles based around their new abilities so theyre effectively new champions and since those abilities are cancer they just end up with the cammile issue

fioras got too much everything, galios got too much everything, poppy has too much everything, and gangplank HAD too much everything for the longest time and is now just barely scraping above cancer in the hands of OTPs

old fio use to be balanced with her double dash having a cooldown but this new one is inescapable, has that bullshit heal, and tank plus squishy killing damage up the ass

old galio in the hands of an OTP was effective at what he did which was lockdown, fuck over mages, but this new one does all that AND shits on everyone else

new gangnplank is the worst offender though, old GP was centered around his Q and cheesy FUN gameplay and new gangplank took a dump all over his lane phase, his teamfighting, and his lategame, everything about the barrel is bullshit but instead of taking power away from it and putting it back in the Q they chose to nerf the Q and keep the barrel cancer until they finally broke down and nerfed that too


Has anyone done this to you?

Team Liquid needs to be demoted.

A lot of people have enough money for this.
Most important thing is whether or not a team can show it can run a team.
Team Liquid has shown that they can not.

Best guy!!!
Please remember to never play Nasus in ranked, please!!
best draven ship is draven x me tbqh

>I actually don'th think he's that bad because tanks create team fighting situations.

This is a dank meme. You have people tickling each other for a little bit and then walking away because they can't kill each other.

Zuan street drawing is coming along nicely. I need to start looking for a scanner so I can upload my league drawings. Sadly, I cant draw on Pc even with tablets, it just feels off.

Zuan reminds me of kowloon, but in a more steampunk fashion

Aren't there some great legacy skins though?