Hey Veeky Forums

hey Veeky Forums
what is the best method of weight reduction for wheels? does drilling them out like the picture work?

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but how does tire hold air now

Getting good wheels in the first place.

But how does air stay in???

the air is in the tube you dummy

tires are tubeless you fucking retard

I really wish i knew the origin of that picture. i like to imagine it was a guy on a forum explaining how he had this great idea


that's for tires, not rims
silly namefag

would helium make your wheels lighter?


do you even Veeky Forums x?


I drilled a hole in my key, Porsche does it

Azote is better


Helium in the tires

this is a good idea for my ex wifes car

holy shit this is fucking gold

What is that idiot doing? you need to spread the holes out across the flange, that's just a massive stress raiser.

hydrogen. Hydrogen is the ultimate drift gas for tires.

lightweight fucking wheels in small diameter