Cars are just machines son, never get attached to them. Sell them as soon as you can and get something newer...

>cars are just machines son, never get attached to them. Sell them as soon as you can and get something newer, don't let them get older than 7 years

Is my grandpa's advice good or bad?

ur grandpa is a cuck which explains why you are a top cuck

>women are just machines son,
I don't want to continue, but you do get the idea

sounds like a rational man

Equally applicable and accurate.

I don't want a clumsy whore as my nurse.

Cars are freedom and self-determination maintained by your own hand. They can be a source of pride if that's your interest. Doesn't sound like your grandpa is interested in cars and prefers not to have to think about maintenance, so his advice isn't very useful to you.

Back in his day cars got more fun and useable every model cycle.
These days the end user experience typically does not improve from one model year to the next.

Basically, grow the fuck up and decide what advice you will and will not take on your own, you braindead loser.

Well, he's rational if nothing else.

Carownership is, though, anything but rational in a lot of times.
>I want this car
>It's a fucking basket case
>I need to get rid of it but I love it

Yes if you're upper-middle class 6 figure annual salary living. Just lease a new above-low-tier luxury something and then get a new one in 3 years. All busriders and poorfags need not add their 2 cents

your grandpa is a massive faggot

Of course not, your grandpa is just a fucking faggot who grew up among shitty made American cars, he is used to the garbage build quality of such cars and thinks it is normal to sell your car every few year, fucking retarded shit.

>don't let them get older than 7 years

i want to save this riko but i feel like my dad is behind me watching

There's nothing wrong with being attracted to 2D, our forefathers did too and it was completely ok.

Maki > Riko

WTF is that, a spider?

Rhagodes species. A solifugid/sun spider.

Love the car, treat it well, and it will get you where you need to go and do what you need done. it sounds sappy yes, but its kinda true.

make it 12 and we agree

Your grandpa is a pleb.

Buy a car and do whatever you want.

Treat it like shit, cherish it it doesn't matter.

Keep it for month, a year, 10, it doesn't matter.

It's whatever you want it to be, whether that's an appliance or a bit of fun.