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/dbt/ map: Meet & fuck.

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Fucken spot on OP image

Also hard luggage is the one true religion


I was canvasing local stores for milk crates and I accidentally found the most fun twisties in my entire city

in the fucking mall's parking lot no less

I'm desperate here in florida

did someone say sidecar

ill wave as you all pass me



how do you guys feel about the cbr1100xx? ive had a honda interceptor 500 for 4 years now

Sup nerds the life of the party has arrived.

Also one of my guys brought my bike back. Its not bad at all for a highside. Lots of scratches, bent handlebars, mirrors, and broken tail fairings. No pics yet tho.


use your brain, retard. Trying to go fast in a parking lot is high school boyracer tier retarded. There's all kinds of pedestrians and cars going to/from every direction with no indication of what they're about to do.

I rode a few

Superlative performance and function, excellent build quality and attention to detail. Very complicated to work on and this bike has ZERO SOUL. It's just like a really fast laptop or something.

It looks the part and goes fast.

>no MG42 sidecar
Disdain for plebeians.

i think they're pretty cool. I would have bought one if the headlight/front fairing wasn't so ugly

use your brain retard, do you really think I'd be street rossiing at any time before 12:00 AM? The place is empty after 10:00, midnight ensures there's no one for me to hurt but myself

Dont do it bruh. Mall parking lots have even higher accident rates than intersections and those aint no twisties. Just fire up google maps and look for actual bends. My local circuit includes a low activity boulevard for sanic fun with a divider and no cops. If i bother ill draw it out.

I should've specified in the original post that I wasn't going to do it during the day. Only late in the dead of night when there's no one there but me.

Should I get earbuds or Bluetooth kit for music while riding?

helmet speakers

literally the worst of both worlds

i meant the ones that stay attached to your helmet. I guess you could call it a bluetooth kit

BMCO is pretty fun to watch

turn the sound up
>tfw no sticky outy cylinders
>tfw can't drag shoulder

I have both, Bluetooth is way easier and quicker but earbuds have better sound quality.

I dunno mang, the speakers that come with the Sena work pretty well for me and my bike is loud as fuck.

wow forgot link

i thought senas just connected to headphones?


get on this level

They do, but they come with a set that fit into the pockets most helmets have for speakers. Mine are behind the helmet padding itself and it's still plenty loud and decent quality.

Nah it's Bluetooth

Well here it is. It's alot more fun and twistier than it looks. The main bends are on the east side you can take at 30-60 easily and it includes a tunnel for brapps and I've drag raced/willied on the straight before. There's also a two speed bump before the twisties I like to stand up on the pegs and get a little air on. Usually I get 4 or 5 runs in an hour during the afternoon before rush hour starts but if I stick around I wave plenty of bikes heading off/to the highway. Nice sea breeze and its best of all right in front of my house. Whenever my buddies meetup for rides I take them for a few warm up runs.

Mall parking lots are for 8s, quick stops, and body position when theyre empty. I really advise against fucking around in them unless its empty.

If anyone remembers 6hunnit from dbt with the r6 we did the same run.

>in the middle of the city
Are you cucks really that scared to leave your town and ride into the countryside?

why is she so perfect /dbt/ and when will she be mine

I really dunno man. Youre driving right alongside the stores if someone walks out on the corner you might have a fucked up night.

There's a huge parking lot I know that alot of street racers and bikers hang out at but its just a hang out. Ask your riding friends (if you have any lol) what highways are good or like I said try skimming through google maps.

She's 7.5/10 until you upgrade the suspension. And if you cant even afford "her" you have my pity. Also the 07 is way too upright and commutery for my taste. Whereas the duc streetfighter 848 is 11/10 sexy but uncomfortable and expensive as shit, good canyon carver though.



Story time

Went up to Bear Mountain to celebrate my anniversary of meeting my riding club and crashed on the exact same run this exact same time last year. Last year I crashed going 90 because the group split up unexpectedly at a fork, hesitated but committed aggressively, the fuck infront of me decided to stop in the middle of the turn so I stood up the bike to stop, clipped him, hit the divider and went cartwheeling 50 feet. Walked it off with a sprained ankle but the cops slammed me with 1k usd on tickets because lol state trooper surcharge.

Last friday's crash I went wide due to lack of visibility and my own incompetence, leaned more to correct, next thing I knew I had my first highsider at about 40mph. Didnt panic brake but I went so wide I was up against the opposite lane's curb. Fucked up my tailbone and finger but will recover fine. Highsides are fucking scary man.

I was wearing 2k usd of gear including an airbag vest which prevented any injury whatsoever to my neck and back. Not even whiplash and no pain at all. The 25$ c02 cartridge in it very well may have been the only thing I lost besides pride and bike damage. I cant attest enough how much the airbag vest helped. I didnt even realize I hit my head. I think everyone should have one just as much as a full face. Jackets wont give you neck stabillization. Still shouting and flailing in my sleep according to my gf.

Oh yeah and the same cop that showed up last year showed up again. He was like, "wait are you the group that crashed at exit 19 last year, is this the same fucker?". And told us to never come out there again.

Its a hell of a road. True twisties with elevation, cliffs, and we were doing the run at midnight to celebrate the harvest moon. Had 30 guys this year, 70~100 last time.

>Its a hell of a road. True twisties with elevation, cliffs
post google maps

Nobike here, how can I make sure something like this never happens to me when I get my first bike next spring?

Holy fug

>dragging visor

dont take the fucking twisties at night. it's pure retardation, your headlight is useless because youre looking 30 degrees to the left or right of straight, so youre completely dependent on the headlights of the guy in front of you so you have to clump up while going fast

Don't be a literal retard that thinks he's hot shit

Practice practice, buy two books on amazon called Proficient Motorcycling and Total Control. Watch twist of the wrist abridged on youtube and no prisoners on youtube by konstantinos777. Find local riding groups on meetup.com and facebook, take classes, get your counter steering, body position, leaning, target fixation, clutch, throttle, and braking polished. Finding a group/club is the best advice honestly. I had two active EMTs with me but we all knew the protocol. Try not to do anything crazy alone. Knowing is half the battle and the rest experience and practice. Buy good gear, have a dealership help figure out your helmet size/head shape, and get an appropriate bike that isnt too tall/powerful. People recommend starting on a 300~600cc bike. Dont bother with 250s, I had one theyre disgusting.

I can upload some scans from proficient motorcycling if youre interested.

Not terribly hard. Anime girls can do it.

I'd really appreciate if you did upload them.
Thanks for the advice too by the way

Im not trying to be an asshole but google it. I dont know exactly what roads we took. They were pitch black mountain roads in the woods with deer, cliffs, elevation, and no signs etc. Dont think im ever going up there at night again. It's called bear mountain.

Yeah that was part of it for my crash. The second the guy I was keeping extra following distance behind turned it was pitch black and I didnt slow enough for the decreasing radius turn that was coming up. We've been to decomissioned airfields at midnight, now that was something. Since you have to point your head where youre going and the bikes lights dont folloe suit.

In all seriousness motorcycling is fucking dangerous. But its massively rewarding and can turn your life around for the better too. Riding with a responsible group, not a bunch of rev bombing squids in t-shirts with straight piped gixxers, fills the holes in my life.

Also never ride high/drunk. Sure it's fun but I dont need to explain how stupid it is.

How are we supposed to know where you crashed you dumb gook

Buy frame sliders or a crash cage for your first bike too and sure as hell dont buy the bike new or financed. If you do craigslist or cycletrader bring a friend who knows bikes and pay for vin runs.

It's a little different but it is the predecessor - I have a CBR1000F Hurricane. I gotta agree with user above who said it's like a fast laptop - even with a carbuerator, it's not particularly exciting in terms of sound, presence, or anything sports-wise, really. But they're both pretty and really, really god damn fast.

Depends on what you want - they won't fail you, but I really liked a high-revving, slightly slower and lighter bike, so I should have gotten a naked 600 or similar. But if you want unlimited power on tap and a reliable, a not too-crazy bike for ergo, and like fairings/highway ride a lot, it's a great choice.

Im sorry nigger I was busy being in pain and being loaded into the ambulance. I can ask what exit exactly when its not 12am if I remember.


This pic always gets someone asking why 2 years crash more than new riders.

Is it weird I read that caption in a football commentators voice.

I've driven drunk, but will never in my life do it while riding, def not fun. I won't even ride tired, which happens pretty often cause I'll go 24-36hrsa without sleep. Worst I've done is rode home after having a beer with dinner, it's all about personal responsibility and knowing your limits.

Something like 2/3 of fatalities involve alcohol and/or no helmet so just not drinking and riding and wearing a helmet greatly increases your chance of not dying.

Guy that was buying a bike if you have gear questions I know a bit as well.

Ive never ridden drunk but I know youll end up doing 140mph thinking youre going 60 and risk blackouts plus reaction speed.

>I've driven drunk
kys before you kill somebody else pls.

I saw a vid of a white girl riding a harley with no helmet and on crystal meth.

And rent a bike when you do.


Just legally drunk, barely.
I know it's still shit, but I've done it. Can't hide from the past, so might as well acknowledge it.
Haven't done it in about 5 years, when I was 20. Unless you count moving my truck across the street to another parking lot, cause I was day drinking and they needed all the cars moved because construction.

Wait, gotta add in on this. It sounds dumb, but do the MSF if you can, read the stats for why people people crash (speeding, drunk driving, and going over the rider's limit take up the lion's share of why people crash and die.)

Also, watch Twist of the Wrist II, it's on youtube and a great fucking watch. It's cheesy as hell, but was the single most valuable resource I've ever had for learning a skill - not just motorcycles either. It goes over basic riding abilities and how to handle your bike properly on the streets. I seriously watch it at least once a year.

>tfw taught by family
>tfw NEVER crashed or even tipped a bike over in 26 years


>never dirtbiked

>"""legally drunk"""

>tfw taught by family
>tfw dads a squid who rides a zx14
Helmet and gloves is all he ever wears.
I ended up being a safer rider than him.
Also, to be fair, we did off road alot, so falling is pretty much gonna happen at some point. only time I ever saw my dad wear gear.

can we do good city routes?

pic related its kelly drive in philly


Want a footjob or something?

>tfw you will never have a water motorcycle
Waterside rides are the best unless its the fucking polluted Hudson river in manhattan.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Buzzed is same as hammered.
I get it, and I don't plan on doing it again.
But when you're the most sober one in the house and your dad asks you to grab more beer from the store down the street, with a friend who was only wearing a towel for some reason, hard to say no.

>have dirtbiked
>a lot

Pic related reminds me to be extra careful around trucks. Also cabbies. And women.

This page is the only non graphic pic I included because it's a good one. Theres no such thing as right of way on a bike.

Im just memeing you sound like a reasonable guy.


I can get unreasonable if I drink.
So if I know I'm going to get piss drunk, I either obtain everything I need for the night before hand, or I hand my keys off to a friend who lives in the building.

Then you must be pretty fucking slow and useless off road if you have never come off.

One more page guys sorry for the spam

this book should replace the bs one you get from the dmv

Think I'm going to give the bike a good washer-up and pack her away in the garage tomorrow. What do you guys do in the winter?

Top right is incorrect.
Being in position 3 gives the best time to react and opportunity to dodge right.

NEVER be in pos 1 when approaching a car on the right

On topic and useful.
Probably some of the better /dbt/ posting in a while.


Git gud son


Last thing I want to say alongside these scans is lane position. Middle is best for being seen by the car infront of you. Right lane should be avoided because of frequent lane changes from on/off ramps. I almost learned that one the hard way. The best position imo is the right lane position to defend your spot from mergers and avoid debris in the far left passing lane. Id say give yourself at least 1/2 mile before your exit to change lanes.

last year i watched revzilla gear videos and track riding tips videos

idk what i will be doing this year, maybe just jerking off 8 times a day

/dbt/ why do ABS vs no ABS testers always lock the rear wheel of the bike that does not have ABS?
no fucking shit, the bike that didnt lock its rear wheel is going to stop quicker wtf is this shit?
i swear every single comparison video in existence is rigged test to make ABS seem better than it actually is, any time i have ever ridden a bike with ABS vs the ABS version the ABS cuts out up to 20% of your braking potential, up to 80% on dirt...

I've had better experience of being seen from the car in front by being to the side. Most people around here normally have something larger and I like being able to see the driver in their side view. Well, I'm talking more when in slow traffic or stopped. If I'm moving I change positions pretty often.

based. such good advice.

you know riders that would bother to read this shit and attempt to improve themselves are in the vast minority. sad.

Wish I could. Here during the winter the road is more salt than snow.

Same. I'm thinking on maybe changing the colour of one or two of my bikes. Maybe make them all matching.

I was considering getting a dual-sport for winter riding, like a WR250R because I'd imagine I could throw dirtbike tires on for better traction in snow? Just to serve as a dedicated snow bike.

get a dirt bike.
or a snow mobile.
winter is no reason to stop having a hobby, only your income can do that.

do it

wheelies in the snow

The one that comes with your bike manual isnt bad. DMV is trash. MSF/MSS basic course for license is only 2% of what you need to know imo. The bit they taught about straddling and rocking your bike back and forth to get used to the weight is a good tip though. Could avoid alot of spaghetti tip overs. I do it all the time at reds partially to fuck around but also stretch. Stretching before and after rides is good imo. Especially the hands and hip flexors.

Also try not to hold the handlebars too tightly. Youll get exhausted and cramped quick and youre not supposed to be squeezing so tightly anyway. When you first start/rust up its inevitable though. I recommend shorty or at least adjustable levers too.

I recommend some ACF-50 for bolts/exposed metal. Especially if your bike has those wavey engine things I forget the name of. Get a battery tender and start up the bike and let it idle for 5~10 mins every 3/4 months. Idk for carbs but im sure its more work.

and don't get a wr250r, get a wr250f like a normal person.
its a toy not your dd for christ sake.

I think pos 1 was meant to show the fuckup that can happen. Not even from the right angle left traffic but oncoming traffic waiting to turn to their left is a frequent bike killer. So called "I didnt see you" left turner. When I see any car waiting at an intersection I use the most caution. I flash high beams or even a mild beep. Some people think high beams means go though and others will rage from beeping.

i need to save during winter to offset the damage of nonstop gear and parts purchases

hold me

most of the squids dont take it
>manual with the bike
most just throw it to the side

im just saying the dmv booklet is alright but it should be a little more thorough because its most of the reading/research the squids HAVE to read before the jump on their first bike which is a turbo busa