League of legends general /lolg/

yeah yeah, I think you know what im going to say by now.

Other urls found in this thread:


yeah yeah, I think you know what im going to say by now.
you hate Lissandra and wish she was more like Lulu?

xth for breast metal waifu

lissandra a SHIT

Coolest adc!!!
wow another bug dyed in purple champ, can't wait!!!

/lolg/! Wish me luck pls.

Hextech Annie or else!

Anyone speak Turkish here? Did I deserve the permaban for those 3 games?
Note that a rioter said my account's punishment level has 'gotten better' just 15 days ago.

>being turkish

Xth for Lamb!

Good luck!

disgusting, I hope you get nothing.
It's not like I decided I wanted to be Turkish.

He's probably just German, user.

>champ select
>enemy locks in champion
>on my screen it still says they're picking
>get kicked out because my client was fucked and didn't even give me a chance to pick my champion
>dodge timer
Is something happening on the NA servers? Just a bit ago I was also forced out of the client and it said it failed reconnecting

>you have to rape Lulu or you will be tortured
>Your dick is 1/3rd the size of Lulu
>you will also gain gold if you impregnate her

do you do it?

Which role rewards quick thinking?

>disgusting, I hope you get nothing.
>unironically being a chaos autist

Is there fat booty to be got this event? I haven't played league in months now.

i feel like its less about role, and more about specific champs.

what do u mean

I really don't know how this post could be anything other than a falseflagging Rivenfag.

Order is like communism lol. Riven constantly talks about conquering shit.

>choice between edgy Yasuo of many sexist but witty puns or Kingdom Hearts-esque Riven of many booty twerks

My dick chose for me, user.

Best girl.
Best plushies.
Best wife.

>have two lvl 7 token for malph
>been trying to get an S for weeks now
>everytime it's an S-
>finally get S
>it's ARAM

i'll never make it

there you go, looks like with the crit build you spend 150 gold for .33 attack speed, 70% crit, and 10% cdr but lose 69 lethality, 32 AD,some MR from edge of night, 43 movespeed in raw stats

then the difference of range and damage from RFCs proc and mana sustain from essence reaver vs duskblade damage and vision proc, youmuus movespeed active, and edge of nights spellsheild

so looks like the crit build is better if the enemy team lets you stand around auto attacking AND actually getting crits vs tanks while the lethality build will ALWAYS do more damage to squishies regardless because of the lethality while doing less damage to tanks since she has no crit

so like I said crit MF is just bad kog maw

>Which role rewards quick thinking?
Support. If you can retard wrangle your adc and save his dumbass from trying to 1v5 then you're legit.

What's wrong with communism.

Jungler and ADC.

The fact that it's unattainable. It's an utopia but it's impossible. Also I said it kinda wrong. It's more like an authoritarian government.

Riot killed Death, user.

Not Hextech Annie, but still a cute skin. Yey!


What do you mean, exactly?

>Big Titty Kitty Katarina
Big tits for the win.

look at other forms of society
Its all flawed, because of human nature and the ability+willingness to abuse a system at the expense of others

>What's wrong with communism

Uhh... How about every single fucking thing ?

I mean like what role allows you to take advantage of fast reaction time and reacting fast to opponent's plays. Like if you were on the spot you could usually come out on top. I was always better at that than like long term planning.

>shotgun knees confirmed

just play mechanical champions and carry with your lead
mid and jungle require macro, adc too to a certain extent

post fresh webm

galio is fun champ

It is flawed to be sure, but communism will never ever work unless there is some sort of infallible god ruling the population. Aka some super extra smart AI or something. Capitalism is simply the best system we have. It has unfairness, a ton of it. I'm not rich at all, but still I think my life is a lot better than it would be in a communist nation.

I would do it without getting paid

>Urgot reminder

>Riven of many booty twerks
Reading this made me cringe.

Galio is OP as hell.


I posted it last thread but it's still fresh, just a few hours
Also my first webm from my main account I think

"the best"

how many other systems have we explored?
communism was tried once, and it failed massively largely due to other circumstances.

Technocracy and many other forms of ruling could work much better than capitalism, or, a mixture of multiple forms.

Besides we have integrated some of communism into our society anyway, they called it socialism

League of legends


How is capitalism unfair? The better you are at managing wealth, the larger the share of wealth it's allocated to you. If you're bad at managing wealth, you'll lose it regardless of how much you started with. It's meritocracy (therefore fairness) at its finest.

I want to cuddle Kog'maw!


What would be some mechanical champions?

those last five seconds were pretty funny, why the first 11 tho

If you cant see how unfair it is on your own then there is no point explaining it to you.

>cute guardian ezreal, new champ, lethality buffs, ezreal buffs, azir buffs soon
could the next pbe patch get any better?

comfy bfs~


Void lore update with Kassadin, Malzahar, Kog, Cho Gath, and Kha'zix. Maybe even some short stories about the void itself. Is it sad that this is the what I am loooing forward to the most?

>communism was tried once

I had to include my terrible E that didn't block the Jhin FOUR to show how shit I am

Unregulated Capitalism will lead to the 1% elites strangling the life out of all the rest. That's why we have laws to mitigate that from happening despite it's effectiveness varying. There has to be a balance

>Shalian: faggots are gay
yeah you kinda had it coming



Is that picture a parody of this or vice versa

>your favorite character never gets new skins

Who knows that feel and what's your favorite character

>forgetting rek sai
sexist detected

How can I bring myself to play more than like one or two games a day
I play one game, and if I win I think "well that was satisfying, time to call it a day" and if I lose maybe I'll play one more, and if I lose it's "well that was frustrating, time to call it a day"

what's wrong with me

>washboardfags so butthurt about not having anything about their waifu to boast about that they delude themselves into thinking lacking an ass and tits is patrician

i am lmaoing at you pretty hard right now

Just make Skarner a void monster so he can be with Kog!

It'd be better than his abomination of lore he has now

But she already has a short story and a developed lore and they don't do lore updates for those champions. See Fiora

As expected from a communist. Everything is an excuse to never actually work.

Im too lazy to go proper into this, besides we're in lolgen.
But honestly, many forms have failed. Every kingdom ever has had notable flaws. and every form of ruling that isnt currently working has failed at one point and be replaced. That doesnt mean the system is bad inherently.
the romans were largely succesful, yet they too eventually collapsed.

Point is capitalism sucks, and its because of human nature. any form will suck because of this.
Its wrong to believe that capitalism is fair in any way especially considering the way it is practised and how our governments, and bussinesses work.

the Annie ones are older

Blame Sejuanifags and Illaoifags.


Thanks Riot, 5 minute wait on 5 games because you've made your client not work.

this but unironically desu
I'm not a jinxfag but midriff is my #1 thing. Riot thankfully is really good about making great midriff splashes.

I'm gonna win this event for my wife, by myself!


In this server, no one speaks english, also it was an inside joke with my friend about how 'gay' also means happy.

Except that has never happened and will never happen simply because of competition. Regulations don't protect the little guy from corporations, it's the other way around. It protects the interests of the current elite by making it harder to actually compete with them. Who do you think is better equipped to exploit and work around a ton of regulations, requirements and government agencies, the big established corporations with tons of lobbyists and political logrollers, or the fresh new startup?

Why do you think corporations and big capital groups are the biggest supporters of the EU?

Capitalism works well when the government is small enough not to interfere with it.

You, sir, are objectively correct and everybody who disagrees with you is irrevocably retarded.


xth for League's PUREST ship.
Karthus x Kayle


but Kayle is a slut among angels

>Also showing boobs

>be on 9 game winstreak with Elise
>get to Silver I
>be earning 20 LP per game
>lose one game
>lose 20 LP
>every lose from then is 20 LP and now officially 21 LP
>only earn 17-18LP

The fuck? Why?

I just had a WW on my own team who was autofilled support and stole my blue saying "I don't play support". And we lost because he kept taking Draven's farm.

How the fuck am I supposed to deal with shit like that?

i want to lift her skirt and sniff her butt

Guess I'm a Karma main now

Just carry harder

But actually, check your winrate. If it's above 50%, keep playing. You'll climb eventually.

Don't be a healslut.

bepis wootis

Oh golly

Midriff + boobs is a god tier combo. Better than thighs + ass imo.

Well I'd rather have baron, an ace, and an inhib rather than just the first two.

From a reroll?

i don't even like Yas.


>tfw your team cant stop pushing botlane while baron is up

>spending hundreds of dollars on hexshit

haha whoa you lucky dog grats lmao

I wish Elise was a drider like Arachne in Smite. I remember being excited for Elise before she came out and then being disappointed when she was just a transforming champ.

>Somehow Ekko stays a level ahead of you the entire game despite even farm/kills