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Shurima edition


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xth for sweet incestuous ascended homosexual sex!

Supports are for eating out!

Why is there no shuriman yordle girl who is also thicc?

>Jayce vs Irelia
What do?

xth for Syndra

I want to eat out Alistar!

If you're Jayce you should be fine

Because Amumu exists to be the "Shuriman Yordle"

I don't know what you're talking about

Best guy!
Noxus champ when?

comfy bfs~

rakan is also comfy

Daily reminder that the shit designers (CertainlyCancer and DanielZCuck) are silver4surfers and best designer ourguy (Jinxylord) is diamond 3.

Post mains.

Rate mains.

Kled is my boyfriend! I want to make sweet love with him!

they literally released kled yesterday and you already want a new noxus champ

How often do you come to mid when your adc abuses you? I've been getting alot of that recently.

I think you're a liar user

Cute support girls only, barafags need not apply

We literally just had this kind of posts
Fuck off

Rakan is best husbando.

Glad you saw the light.

>tfw no rakan bf to do this to me

a looong time ago
also yordles were a mistake so it doesn't count


just dropping this in here for when this thread is dead

are u a qt grill/5

Daniel literally sucks this dudes dick so much it's insane:
>"I'll state upfront that I'm a huge fan of CertainlyT's work and as such am probably super biased."
>"Sure he's been wrong many times (Kalista's passive, if I remember correctly, was born out of a desire to teach new ADC players how to kite. That's not what it's doing ;P) and he's pushed certain ideas until they broke, but our game would be infinitely duller if not for him."
>"Brad thinks about the game in a way that is liberating to me as a designer. There are no "we can't do this!" areas to him. When I was designing Lucian, my passive for the longest time was "killing a unit resets your auto attack timer", to get that double gun feeling. It didn't work very well and I was distraught. I really wanted Lucian to feel like a GREAT double gun champion"
>"Brad has always fought tooth and nail for skills he knew needed to be in the game. I remember heated conversations about Windwall; the idea that we could just "destroy any enemy missile" seemed outlandish, impossible; now it's just a part of the game that everyone plays around. Just yesterday I saw qtpie on stream play Graves vs a good Yasuo, constantly following Yasuo's E dashes through the wall before attacking. The sign of awesome design: both sides get play around the mechanic."
>"Why does this draw hate? Because new is scary."


Is that a pocket rocket in your pants?

This is Lulu, se got through picks and bans phase and she is your mid laner for today.
Say something nice to her.

>league related posts
>fuck off

Alright, enjoy gayposting I guess.

I usually try to stand by my adc as much as I can, but when he's retarded beyond salvation I just wait until laning phase is over then I stick to the smartest/fed player on the team, most of the time it's the toplaner, but sometimes it's the mid or the jungler.


It really sucks because Lux's old lore made her a surprisingly interesting and deep character with genuine personal issues and flaws; and a person who was wavering on the edges of insanity because of it. I'm hoping they retain this aspect of her old character in some future lore stuff, but I doubt it.

Yet the new lore is slowly developing her into some kind of Disney-tier Mary Sue princess with plot armor super powers. Her animatic only raised my concerns for this, since the style straight-up resembled Disney's traditional 2D animation.

Now the only thing left that I'm interested in is her new friendship with Galio. That has some great potential to develop into a sort of charming but tragic Iron Giant sort of comradery. IF they pull it off correctly.

strong male supports are for eating out too! and also for bullying!

Ionia the best

>"The sign of awesome design: both sides get play around the mechanic."

I wanna touch butts with Sivir.

because he is not fun to play against, and this is reflected by his enormous ban rate. he is an overloaded, overpowered piece of shit and i hope they gut him to the point of unplayability. if i ever have to see a yasuo in one of my games ever again, it'll be too soon.

Just posting best girls then off to bed! Night fags!

>die literally once
>S turns into an A

Maybe should I spend more time farming jungle.

draven is a slut!!!

>Zac walks up on 3 people trying to kill his carries popping Gargoyle then locket
Nothing Personnel kid


no he's not boodrum!

the grading system needs some tweaks, i think. the other day i got my first S+ ever, and i didn't even do anything that extraordinary. this was probaby like A or A- level. the game was 18:21 long.

If Lulu was a drug I would've overdosed by now.

Let's be honest he's almost certainly a man whore, but I doubt he's into being tied up or anything.

>"Why does this draw hate? Because new is scary."
Holy fuck how delusional is this guy?
People don't hate CertainlyCancer because of new abilities, they hate him because he overloads his champions with everything that they want. Thresh is the best all around support
Kalista is the best all around adc
Yasuo is the best all around skirmisher
Aurelian Soul and Bard are both new mechanics, but they're balanced and don't feel like shit to play against. It's not the fact that his abilities are new that people hate him, it's the fact that he's a shitty designer.

i-innocent until proven guilty

I'm looking forward to the lore update. It's going to be extremely interesting if the whole "Ionia's inner government is secretly evil and corrupt" speculation ends up being true.

If it really does end up being true, then it'll add an entirely new layer of depth to Zed, Shen, Syndra, Yasuo, Jhin, Akali, Varus and Karma.

Dude Jinxylord made my favorite mid. Ya boi Ekko.

Plus the dude is based as fuck. Overall favorite designer imo.

Bard is shitty to play with.

Let's be honest here. He'd love to be known as a sex god.

rakans fine, xayah is a shit character though I dont know what he sees in her

Can't quite put my finger on what it might be.

>gank lane
>get summoners
>do a camp
>allied laner immediately all-ins
>wins, I don't get an assist

Or maybe I need to somehow ward more.

Viktor has a crush on Cassiopeia

>Play league since december 2011
>Still have pool of only like 13 heroes that I keep playing over and over
Am I autistic? They were all released in s1 or s2 too. How do I break the barrier that is stopping me from playing newer heroes? It always feels too easy when I play a champion that has literally everything in his kit compared to some s2 hero

what does he like about her?

It's really depressing to read stuff like this. It's noit about a guy saying "we can't do this!" it's that you need someone saying "should we do this?"

i read once (don't know if this is true) that your grade is based off of how others playing the same champion are doing, not on a strictly individual basis. maybe that takes role placement into account, so you were up against every other jungle twitch on your server, who apparently have been raping the rift.

But user, you've already got a Muslim champ!


>mfw I read something about Gypsy leaving the champ design team a month or so ago

It's not true... right? Tell me it's not true. Because he's their best champion designer overall.

taliyah is such a fucking qt i wish i could date her

He admires her ambition and drive to improve herself despite what others think.
And most importantly he thinks she's really cute


You're a day late user.

Male elf champ when?

I don't give a fuck about Urgot. He'll always be trash.

>I hope my ugly smell doesnt offend you
>not at all boy

>my internet cuts off in the middle of a ranked game so I tank yet another L
Yep that's where I throw in the towel
Any user want to duo with a silver 2 player tomorrow to get to gold

but cass doesn't improve herself
she's super jealous of everyone around her and let herself be consumed by it

idk dude I've been playing for around the same time and I can't stand playing the older champions because of how boring they feel to me. Newer champs may just not be your style of play. Try playing the champs that a lot of one tricks gravitate towards and see if any of them are fun to you.


>mfw I read something about Gypsy leaving the champ design team a month or so ago
Haven't heard about this, but I know that Klein is up for the next champion and CancerT after that.

He meant what rakan likes about Xayah.


That crossed my mind at one point.

Oh, well. Maybe next time.


this picture gave me cancer

>Look up what the fuck is a philtrum groove
>I learned something new from a shitpost on Veeky Forums


Tfw Riotcucks made him change his name from Gypsy to Groovy and then again to Jinxy b/c it was "a slur" but Zenonthecuck can get away with this shit.

How the fuck is 'groovy' a slur?

ples remove thresh from the game thenks

why don't you like thresh?

Same boat mang. I've always been a top/jungle kind of man and maybe it's better for other things but I don't find joy playing this new stuff, similar for most reworks.

Gypsy is

Gypsy I can understand, but I did he change his name from Groovy to Jinxy?

it physically stings to look at taliyah
i'll never know how the same company responsible for jhin could churn out this piece of shit only like a year later

Which one of you obsessed degenerate fucks comissioned an entire fic of Lux/Kat with retarded and corny dialogue just to cuck ImThem?

>scumbag adc pisses me off for the last fucking time
>get him again right after i queue
>instalock teemo support and camp enemy ivern
>steal their red 3 times and gank pantheon twice
>all while bending sona over
also i'm looking for a qt sona main that isn't a trap

Never gonna happen, the playerbase likes him too much, I've seen stupid convos about how him not being able to easymode relic was proof of his balance.

objectively speaking he ruined the game

>"As of about a month ago, I've moved off of champion and onto a team in our R & D department. Sadly, I can't say much about what I'm going to be doing asides from we're still trying to get that "S" into Riot GameS and I'll be continuing to leverage my strengths at designing characters. Hoping to learn a lot and eventually deliver some awesome experiences to all of you in the far future."
It's true, the main head designers now are DZK and CertainlyCancer.

>haven't played since season 3
>start up again after I get a new graphics card
>playing about a month now
>3/1 in placement matches as big bara junglers and tops

living the dream.
>tfw still have hundreds of skins

He's the Lee Sin of supports.

Lee Sin and Xin Zhao were worse.

roma are unironically the worst single group of people in existence and i wish this meme of respecting them and their culture would go away
christ i hate riot, i bet anthony burch was behind this

>I've seen stupid convos about how him not being able to easymode relic was proof of his balance.

jesus christ

>Thresh ruined the game
>Not centralizing the game around junglers

>also i'm looking for a qt sona main that isn't a trap

Might as well look for a fucking unicorn,


Thats because Jhin was made by and Taliyah was made by

Don't talk about the snek like that. She's perfect.

And to like 10 different artists no less, I guess it was too much autism for a single artist to handle.


Im about to hit 30 and start playing ranked. I was thinking of maining Varus, what am I in for?