League of Legends /lolg/

Riven best girl edition



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>tfw winter
Comfy playing

>virtue signalling doormat
>includes his pronouns

Can I come? I promise we're gonna have lots of fun together!


>he is one of our head designers

But that's not best girl

no trash riven edition.

xth for Syndra

>People don't fap to kindred
Fucking peasants I tell you.

Fuck off retard

What champion pisses you off the most?

Is QSS ever worth building for damage mitigation? Sometimes if they have cc even though I am not getting hit by it, but I am getting hit by magic damage Ill pick it up as a "just in case" and resistance item, but feel the pain of blowing 1300 and an item slot on a 0 damage item. Am I better off just getting deaths dance or BT in that case?

>not fapping to rek'sai

I know this is just bait for the (you) at this point but Darius is fucking disgusting desu

Too late m8

The ones that get turbo fed by morons and become 1v5 death machines.

No, you only get it for its cleanse.

Kindred with no mask just kind of puts me off. The mistery is the fun part.

Don't love the smug hobo.


>lady champions

> Getting hit by magic damage but not stuns/snares

Maw is what you want. Hexdrinker suffices until 4th-5th item if you need to build crit and lifesteal

Read Hexdrinker.

Replied to wrong person so now I'm the retard

xth for having to play sr again for the first time in months and i'm afraid

I dunno which one of these is more disgusting

What else would you be playing? ARAM?

yea aram and bots..

xth for purest form of love


Wow, you must have a lot of fun.

Is there a correalation between lolg calling something being cancer and it being in meta?

>Ashe isnt cancer but is popular in LCS.
>Ekko is cancer but hasnt seen any play.
>Akali has no counter play but is regarded trash by pros

Lolg must be bad given how different the realities are

I still think Tabi was ok.

why don't low elo fucks show their picks, i'm trying to pick my champion based on what the team needs.

tell me about sion support.

does it still work well? is it primarily a cheese strat or does it scale well? is it blind pick-able or are there matchups i should 100% avoid? do i rush targons or sightstone? CoC, stoneborn, or grasp? E max or Q max?

Ekko WAS cancer. His kit is still overloaded but tankko and tank fizz are dead now
Ashe has a kit not that great for soloq
Akali just needs snared to be blown up

> Le theorycrafting silver face
Nigger, everything gets called cancer, good or bad, underrated or overrated. Solo queue and competitive are different worlds, i.e. Nunu.

Reminder that headcanon is synonym for SHIT

They're low elo for a reason m8.

>Ever listening to lolg

Most people here are just waifu autists or gold shitters who like to shit on what's popular because muh Veeky Forums contrarian elitism

Everything with a dash is cancer. Everything should be kogmaw and if you disagree you're cancer. I should never be punished if I use flash. If your kit has something that can one shot me, it's cancer. If your champ can snowball, it's cancer. If you don't give me (You)s you're cancer

do birds even live that long

In Runaterra they do.

Birds can live like 50 years plus. Falcons can go 25. So yeah kinda I suppose

When was the last time you remember seeing a Sivir player using her ultimate offensively?

Alright I need some help with Nunu. Before I started playing ranked my WR was around 60% in normal draft. Now in ranked I'm at 12W 14L and I'm not playing any differentely. Do I have to gank a lot as Nunu? Or do I keep the enemy jungler occupied so that he can't gank?

can anyone post that website to display your fav skins or do i have to photoshop`?
have a cool hammer as payment for services

yeah. gray parrots average like 50 years.

>chogath due for some buffs coming 7.14
>buffs that require new sounds/visuals

Who hype, lads?

> Sivir


He still exist?

>support locks in Rengar
>"lol its op cuz of coin, always 100% ferocity"
>Check op.gg
>33% winrate
>Has absolute trash kda's for everything
>Team starts flaming
>Mid locks in nunu
>fukme i was gonna pick that
>I lock in fiddle adc
>Zilean top
>Thresh jg
>everyone starts spamming gg and flaming Rengar
>someone dodges at 0.0001 seconds
Thank fuck.
How are fags like this not b5? He literally has a shit kda and winrate for every champion he plays.

He's ingame right now as Rengar support, we'll see what i avoided...

>chaos is winning the event

this is fucking rigged lol!!!!

>When was the last time you remember seeing a Sivir player

a what?

Sorry bud I think you should've posted the PUREST couple then.
Kayle x Karthus

Post a better lol pic than this
Protip: you can't

Update: The kid is already feeding.
Fuck solo queue, full of autism.
And this kid will never get banned because he doesn't play enough.
But the hard carry singed will.

Literally any pic that doesn't have Jinx, futa or a furry

I do build that occasionally, but I'm hesitant to do so usually.
I guess my dilemma when making the choice between the 2 is that maw has conditional lifesteal, while scimitar has it all the time. And since you usually only have 1 slot for your sustain/survivability item scimitar seems like the "safer" option. Its build path is fucking terrible though so I really should stop buying it. I just cant get the thought of getting caught and losing a game when I "shouldve" had qss.

Also maw doesnt really come to mind when I think adc items, and skip over it sometimes.

This reasoning is pretty retarded now that I've typed it out.

Cause that booty is bland.


>Hating on Kindred and Susan
My nigga.



Can't speak for everyone but the majority of my friends are picking chaos because of soulstealer Vayne.

got conqueror karma out of my order ball

but i dont even play karma

who is that champ?

really nigs my nogs

Do you have a champ shard?

Excited for Age of Riven!

nah,but ill probably buy her,the skin is cool

Most people don't even have an internet connection there, do they?

>still no zaun champion that's melee by acts as a mage
Shit game like usual


im spectating this, these silver players farm just as well as plats what the fuck

CSing used to be the first step to gaining elo because no one down there could manage >4/10

The whites in south africa are being genocided
The demand will cease

Lulu is my STAR!

even if 80% didnt havei nternet there would be still millions of people who do,and its literally the most popular videogame in the world.

also it would make it probably easier to get oilnigger money for riot

What do you think is the 12 champion pool everyone should have?

Lot of players in Egypt and South Africa especially, and even if people have way less internet access it's still 3 times as populous as entire North America so there is a ton of potential there as well

>when you can only pop off on your one trick and do mediocre/slightly good/awful on other picks

should I j ust kms.

The stuff that is currently op because the picks are shallow.

yea i do, i love aram people are always nice
also i just noticed how bad i actually am after my first game

The ones that have cheap IP cost.

Changes with patch. 450 ones are enough and Warwick is extremely good in particular.


I think it's insane to think everyone should try to learn 12 champs let alone 12 champs for everyone + what ever they actually play.

Most people can't manage to play 1 champion well enough to get out of silver and bronze

Post and rate faggots

That's one thing I hated about Paladins. You are forced to learn more than three champions to play ranked.

I was hiding haheheeha

We've already seen everyone's mains a million times. Fuck off

new mafia tiwtch splash >old one

old base twitch splash >new one

sneaky sneaky

Does he know what he is saying or is he just a talentless hack?

>get penta with twitch
>still lose

anime when

I just play whatever is fun.

Should i get syndra or lissandra?

> Play Shyvana in bronze, hard carried me out last season and by far my most played champ
> Can't get positive this season to save my life
> Switch to Quinn jungle and can't stop winning

Yeah I think he's kind of full of shit