League of Legends General - /lolg/

graves the best and bf when edition


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why do people in this game love throwing away their advantage?
>have advantage
>1-2 people keep pushing and dying
i dont get it



give me your ign user, i'll play an aram with you!

nth for bringing great suffering (to your own team)

>not playing aram only
what a fool :3

Born by mistake

Why does renekton feel so clunky to play now? Did something change?


i'm sorry.

I want to thank that dude on the other team that left when they were ahead, letting us win a 4v5 and not making me have to queue up again.

Sorry, I am not a sadomasochist

Listen here noob...

He feels the same as before after they reverted those dumbass tiamat changes.

I wish it happened to me. Played 3 times and all 3 times enemy team is much better.

He feels really slow and awkward to me for some reason

80% win rate Vel'koz mid
constantly given secondary role and auto filled

I just want to climb but the shitty matchmaking wont let me

What champs can make good use of the new athenes heal? Aside from the obvious sona karma supports

go velcro support dude



Make one minor change to a champ to make them broken

>Darius's Q no longer has a delay


here to remind you that league of legends was a mistake

What if all champs could execute minions under 35% hp? This would basically guarantee that everybody could cs perfectly and make the game more about outplaying your opponent than last-hitting skill.

are you a cute girl?

xth for Syndra

>threaded volley no longer creates worked ground

Learn to kite camps, don't try to duel the other jungler, find the person who doesn't know how to play around stealth and abuse him, ganking mid straight up after red still works.

Only works if you don't get counter jungled. Carry junglers are in right now so you'll probably have a bad time.

you lose the game if your level 2 cheese gank fails.
You dont get enough gold in the jungle if you dont snowball so you will never reach the "auto win because im twitch" point. Probably good for boosting low elo.

he said to -make- them broken not make them MORE broken

He was so much more fun when q had no delay and didn't heal


pick one buddy

>Lucian is allowed to play mid
>Also allowed to play top
>This is allowed and viable

How come they haven't nerfed this guy yet


People play vayne top

>second most common mid laner in competitive after syndra
>a strictly better twisted fate
>not broken

acquire proficiency

They have multiple times now to where he's no longer really a great ADC, and is more some kind of hypermobile early/mid game bully than a late game carry

can i add you?

but i'm at 1k now..

Best winged ship

no_ _ _

That is fundamental to allow lane trades to exist, when you know they're going to last hit something you can harass or zone or they have to give it up, if you watch Apdo or Faker on SoloQ they makes people have to fight for CS constantly by standing on minions that are about to die. It absolutely is part of outplaying people. HotS works more like what you want (you don't even need to last hit at all), I think it's terrible but different tastes and all that, it's free.

>lethality so bad even zed doesnt build it anymore

fuck this current meta

>Activating Wuju Style resets Yi's attack timer


>Yi's passive charges twice as fast while ulting

He does

Yis problem isnt damage though. Changing his ult so he can't be CCed at all would break him

>minor change
>cant be CC'ed
lol with that "minor" change he would be 100% pick ban both in competive and pub game

xth for the cuties.

> Fiora: PBE changes have been discarded


rework darius was a mistake

Stop stealing my shitposts

What if Yi actually used the sword boots in his shoes like pic related when in highlander?
what the fuck is the point of it even?

>gragas asks why I didn't start E as lulu
>tell him to worry about himself
>later, 0-2 zed teammate says "this is why I hate white people" to me because I was "rude" to the angry enemy zac

>Rakan keeps talking about music and song that the humans don't hear
>Has zero music-related abilities and underwhelming sound effects

uuuuuuh vastayababs??

she's my wife!

he has great audio, we just can't hear it.

yeah but the new build is just better

report him for racism

Why is ziggs allowed in aram? its literally free win for any team that has him,especially with that stupid mana regen aram exclusive spell. At least remove that mana shit.

because humans cant hear them


>keeps talking music humans can't hear
>as a human you expect to hear it

humans are such entitled little shits

I'm pretty pissed because I forgot



Shouldn't you be killing furries in the forest instead of shitposting Zed?

this game was the final straw i needed
i will NEVER play support again

Lel played my first ARAM game today
>Don't know anything about ARAM
>Decide to play it because of mission
>Game chose me Sivir
>Exchange Veigar for Sivir in queue[because i don't know how to play her]
>Max E first
>Abuse the hell out of it
>Help my team to get first turret
>Win entire match

hashinshin showing his dick again lmao

Listen here I already gave you your (You) now back the fuck off.

>silver IV


When he says "hear the music" I think he means like the ambient sounds and beauty of Nature and magic that most people ignore on a day to day basis. Kind of like people who never take the time to enjoy and take in all the warm colors of fall and instead are just pissed that they have to clean up the 1000+ wet leaves all over their driveway



oh yeah corki exists

actually saw that game live on his stream kek

I hope it's top, cooler shit.

more like

Explain to me why kills are so important on supports?

I literally gained double the amount of IP for accidentally stealing kills.

does no fap work? will i stop being depressed if i stop jerking off to anime girls all day?

I want to look EXACTLY like Janna!


>win 1 aram match
meh ... could be worse
but still ... how in the world is chaos winning ? i
>be me . join order
>buy order pass
>do all missions from the pass and every mission everyday
>560 tokens ... 100 used on a icon already

mental health is important when playing ranked user.

Yes. I didn't fap for two weeks, and i feel motivated.

Jerking off to anime girls all day is the byproduct of being depressed, not the cause.

maybe try giving your feminine dick more joy by not looking at anime girls but daddy graves instead


But user, only white people can be racist.



>get autofilled mid
I didn't ask for this burden

I thought he did when he did his passive


Riven's tough!

50% attack speed jg item is OP as fuck, discuss

>true damage on researched enemies now applies to all abilities.

I wouldn't call it OP but it's a painful reminder of how cancerous %hp damage is

>oh twitch jungle just killed me
>he dealt more damage with the bloodrazor passive than with the damage of his autoattacks without the passive

Riven's a slut!