What would you do if someone did this to your shitbox?

What would you do if someone did this to your shitbox?



It'll never happen to me because I will never own a shitbox like a Lamborghini.

I dont care Ive jumped on my own car multiple times

Imaginary cars don't count

no shit you cant jump on an imaginary car

but when you have a real car you can do it maybe you can try it if you have one

Let's see it


damn did that dude die

exactly what he did but twist his arm and ask the hundred people standing around like assholes to call the police have him arrested. Its a what $1000 polishing job on something like that.

it happens

bet you fags think Imma take a new photo every time

Pretty sure you don't own the city bus idiot

Was the driver the fat dude in the red pants?

I wish we had public transportation

dang I could have saved a few grand on buying a shitbox and modding it

Beat their ass and peel out.

What the fuck posseses somebody to do that? You don't destroy other people's stuff. That's basic behavior you learn from your parents, he probably had shitty ones.

why does the windshield flex so much

I'd do a burnout on their face

holy shit

so that it doesn't shatter in your face if something hits it.

Are you retarded?

>click link
>watch some millennial dressed like a nigger run over a Lambo
>5s later
>its an actual nigger
I am not surprised desu

blacks should be slaves
apes should be shown how to behave

What a weak suplex

Lmao did he kill himself trying to suplex