How does one deal with people that make you wait when you're the driver?

>Be me
>have reservations at restaurant at certain time
>waiting for gf
>still waiting
>we miss our reservation window so I know they're not gonna let us in now
>she finally comes out
>all dolled up and ready to eat at nice restaurant
>probably doesn't care/realize we missed the reservation
>"sorry I took so long haha"
>don't say anything just put on a song that has a huge drop in it
>wait for the drop
>blast music full volume
>peel off in first gear
>don't know, just mad so I keep driving like this
>sharp turns, sporadic break, hard accelerating
>she's scared, and screaming
>I'm scared too, butthole gripping so tight it's holding me in place
>get on major road and start driving absolutely perfect
>she's not speaking, just sobbing
>I haven't said a word
>get to restaurant
>I say "oh darn we missed our reservation"
>drive us right back
>she never kept me waiting more than 5 minutes after that

So Veeky Forums how do you deal with people that keep you waiting/make you late for stuff when you're the driver?


If this were true it would be funny as fuck.

Post wheels op

I don't wait for people. If I'm ever picking someone up I tell them this before hand

>You give me a time and a place, I give you a five minute window.
>Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what.
>Anything happens a minute either side of that and you're on your own.
>Do you understand?


I usually show up like 30 minutes late with my gf since she's never on time. She makes all the reservations, I hate dealing with stuff like that. If we miss something she'll call and set something else up or we'll just go somewhere else.

>waiting for gf
what an omega cuck

That's beta as fuck.


Dont have autism

>people that keep you waiting/make you late for stuff when you're the driver
never see one of those

absolute legend

Today op was not a faggot.

I was a delivery driver for a rental company for two years and in that time not only did I become extremely good at managing my time, but now I'm quite familiar with the tri country area. I can accurately predict how long someone/something is going to take and how long it will take to get somewhere, while also knowing multiple routes and shortcuts.

My advice is to always plan for the worst case scenario, so that way if something goes wrong you still have a little bit of time to figure something out. Depending on how long you've dated your girlfriend you should know how long it takes her to get ready, and depending on what time you're reservation is you should know what the traffic will be like. Top pleb op, this was avoidable.

>not realizing that she only takes so long because she wants to look good for you
You're a terrible boyfriend and she's going to leave you

I just rip on them that they are late and because of them we are arriving lateto wherever we are going, then politely ask them to be on time for the next time we are going out.

If this repeat I just shrug it off and don't make appointments with them anymore.

Speeding up to prove a point isn't worth the ticket here.

>thinking she's wants to look good to her boyfriend and not for herself.

>thinking she wants to look good for her boyfriend and not for everybody else

Singlefag, the post.

>Now ex gf is getting ready for a date
>Getting ready
>Still getting ready
>Still getting ready
>Fall asleep on my car for 10 mins
>Leave and go to dinner alone
>Go home and go to bed
>Wake up to 37 missed calls
Single life is good, boys.

>making reservations
Your relationship sounds weird.
>text gf if she's ready
>she is
>pick gf up
>exchange pleasantries
>where do you want to eat?
>>I dunno, where do you want to eat
>I dunno
>cruise around until we find something we want


>gf always was on time or even 10min early
>left me 2 weeks ago

This. If your relationship isn’t chillax and low maintenance then you’re both fooling yourselves and are dating for status or sex or money and it’ll never work out.

>pick gf up, I’m usually the late one
>cruising with the windows down talking about our day and shit that we go through at work
>we either agreed on where to eat beforehand or go to a spot we know for sure we both like
>sometimes we go hunting for street tacos in the ghetto

Don’t be a fag op

we semi live together since I don't mind, and she'll just go to back to her parents after some time here

My ex was always late. I deleted her.

After making the taxi too much times and for the little considerations people give me, now I alway take my motorcycle and when they ask me to carry them "Sure, I have my spare helmet" "Uhhhh no I'll take the bus"

That's cold nigga

Passive aggression is always beta.

It's what people who are too pussy to say something out loud fall back on.