Hey bigots, the internal combustion engine is going to die in a few years and everyone is going to ban it...

Hey bigots, the internal combustion engine is going to die in a few years and everyone is going to ban it. No one like your pollution machines, get over it ;)

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are they going to ban gasoline? or just new cars?

i dont want to learn to make E85 if thats what it comes to

should've posted a Tesla for maximum Veeky Forumstist assrage

So? Future cars will hopefully have 2k mile ranges, be even more efficient, ultra safe, and have a governor of 95mph.

Nice bait.

I'll take the b8.

Do you realize how much of a fucking meme the electric car movement is. The batteries still suck, have a short lifespan, and they're horrifically toxic to make and dispose of. We're running low on the rare earth metals from China to build them, so prices will skyrocket. Even the 70% power they use is still generated from coal and natural gas plants.

EV fags BTFO.

Won't stop most countries from banning ICEs before 2050
Battery technology is only going to get better and almost everyone is heavily investing in renewable energy, so all your arguments are moot

You're right. Steam powered cars FTW. They can run on anything, next to no emissions and can go a thousand miles on a tank of water.

ICE's won't be banned throughout the country. Unless the price of EVS drop exponentially, most people can't afford that shit. What they WILL do, though, is jack insurance rates and taxes up to the moon on gas cars so you'd be better off switching to EV to avoid absurd taxes.

The internal combustion engine will reach much higher thermal efficiency as engineering teams chip away at it. Eurofags will realize battery powered cars suck and beg for murican cars and jap crap

This guy is right. Aren't they working on a 60% thermally efficenct engine now?

>implying yurop will survive that long

What about where that power comes from? Coal plants have a thermal efficiency of 33% new engines will be far past that. Makes electric cars fucking worthless.

>Won't stop most countries from banning ICEs before 2050
Surely this will include cargo ships as well since they pollute so much too? And let's stop factory farms since they're no better for the earth. I know you'll pay $6000 for your Iphone and $50 for a cheeseburger if it'll save the environment. ;)

I dont even know why youd want shitty ices

anyone who opposes the ev revolution is just some backwards ass hick


Why the fuck are you on this board?

it may be bait but it is true

Im a car enthusiast

not a only "ancient cars for luddites" enthusiast

>car enthusiasts
>doesn't like engines

Are you actually a retard?

>car enthusiast
>doesnt want cars to improve

are actually just a retarded ass hick (yes you are)

Only in europe and California. That shit will never fly in the US

>implying the EV is an improvement
>implying the ICE won't be improved with better thermal efficency
>answering your own questions

Have you not been paying attention? Have you been wearing your helmet to bed?

oh look hes so retarded that he thinks only ice can be improved

sigh these hicks are an embarrassment to all who claim to be car enthusiasts and make us all look dumb

keep clinging to the past Cletus

>europe and California. That shit will never fly in the US

California isnt a part of the US to me. Comifornia can fuck off

EVs are literally superior to ICEs in almost every measyrable way though

You don't need me to make you look dumb, your first grade level writing does that for you.

And sure, EV'S will be improved, but it's going to be a long fucking time before that happens. Batteries, no matter how good they are, still need shit mined from the earth, which is currently running low. And batteries still need to be charged with electricity which is made by burning stuff, numbskull.

Apparently they gave computers to the down syndrome ward. Give the computer back to your Tard Guard and take a nap.


At least give sources when you say stupid things, user.

>everyone who doesn't agree with my archaic world view mmust be a literal retard!
dumb luddite

Cletus literally thinks its the 1800s and everything is powered by coal

this is how backwards ice people are

youre not a car enthusiast youre just a luddite who doesnt want things to change

so cringe

>so cringe

damn that was meant for

right wing people literally want the earth and all its people to die

No, but the EPA does say that over 70% of all electricity generated is made by burning coal and gas. If Im not mistaken, 70% is more than 50%, which makes that the majority. Fucking moron.

It's not even bait. England and France are already banning non electric cars in the next 50 years



things never change (well shit probably not with worst president we ever had in office wanting to ruin everything) and we will never focus more on renewable energy

>everyone who doesn't agree with my archaic world view must be a literal retard!
>calls everyone who doesn't agree with them a dumb luddite
>completely evades the argument

I know this is the flag you want to see over this country but you can just fuck off

not like youd be able to see it anyway from all the pollution clogging up the air

>everyone who doesn't think a electric vehicle technology is the best thing in the world is a dumb redneck
>avoiding the argument and given common sense evidence

Wanna start arguing anytime soon? How much is Tesla paying you to write on this board?


Isn't that only in certain cities?

Los Angeles 1978 to now is only getting getting cleaner air

Most renewable energy is incredibly unreliable and will never completely dominate the market.

Is this really what southern California fucktards beleive? Holy shit, I'm glad I moved away.

no nation wide as it should be


because cleaner cars and not the complete garbage that used to be put out

with evs its only going to get better

guess not when backwards leaders dont let improvements happen and focus on archaic means such as coal

Also remember China talking about it.
The US government doesn't have much say in what's going to happen. Even if they don't outright ban new ICE vehicle sales, they'll become a niche and there won't be many automakers selling them. Most people don't care if their car goes vroom. "We" are the exception, not the norm.

>not knowing that environmentalism is one of the core tenants of conservatism

>with evs its only going to get better
Nigga, do you know how much CO2 it takes to mine lithium and other rare earth metals

>old cars are trash
This just has to be bait. Again, why are you on this board?

lol yeah

trump really sends that message by wanting the move the country backwards

right wing = backward retards

>tfw no steam powered
>no fusion powered
>no air powered

Help me, im surrounded by them. Im afraid. Liberal cock suckers everywhere. Im trapped here! SEND HELP! PLEASE!!!

Right wing means not buying into hysterical bullshit

well gee its not like more efficient methods of production have ever been discovered before

its not bait because you dont like it

all old cars are objectively shit in literally every possible way

if you disagree its just your opinion

btw Im literally over 2000 miles away from socal

>Dumbass tripfag aligns himself so strongly with the left wing that any other beliefs are wrong.


sorry you can't handle the truth

They can't ban ICE. Outright won't happen due to the sheer mass of them.

They may force all auto makers to switch over to only make electric cars, but the chances of them ever outright banning the usage of ICE cars is so small, you're more likely to win the powerball.

>tfw no 5 or 6 speed electric cars. if I have to use electric at least let me shift.

>Cheap. light, RWD, Manual cars are objectively worse than todays expensive, heavy automatic RWD cars

Old cars have class

>old cars are objectively shit
You have a chronic issue of not explaining yourself. What about driving enjoyment? New cars usually have no character. They're often dull and boring. Old cars are normally more fun to drive.

Again, something you'd appreciate as the """""""car enthusiast""""""" that you say you are.

they're literally planning to ban all sales of new ICE cars
EVs only from 2030 onwards, and ICE dinosaurs will slowly die out after that because eventually, no one will make parts for them anymore and fuel will become nonexistent

then why is the right the most hysterical bullshitters on the planet?

dunno man Im not that strongly aligned

I just notice that the right is not a preferable group of people in the slightest in most situations

rwd and manual doesnt make a car better
light weight because they are tin cans with no safety or luxury
modern automatics are better than you will ever be at changing gears anyway

so yeah like I said its just your opinion

>What about driving enjoyment? New cars usually have no character. They're often dull and boring. Old cars are normally more fun to drive.


just like I said

a modern Maybach Rolls or Bentley has class too

I think electic cars only use a transmission for reverse gear

>muh enjoyment
>muh character
Objectively irrelevant. New cars are safer, faster, more efficient, more reliable and far better equipped.
Literally superior in every single measurable way.

Nigga you is so dumb. Aftermarket manufacturers will always make sure there are parts

The new rolls is uglier than Hillary's vag. Bill will tell ya

Not when you can't get fuel anymore, rendering all ICE cars completely useless.


Yeah, exactly what I said. They won't ban them from roads in places like the USA/Canada because it's illogical. Any politician signing that in is a political death sentence.

They won't stop making parts. There are companies who make millions off making parts for cars from the early era of cars. As for fuel, eh, not if the oil companies have something to say about it. More fruitful to continue what they're doing.

>literally superior in every way
Take 5 minutes to find out how to adjust AC

much like pussy the inside is more important you ever seen some ugly ass flaps but the inside is like a goddamn vacuum sucking you in

they are just to full of modern class and beauty

We're finding new oil reserves all the time and with new technology its economically viable to extract new sources of crude


Nope. Average reliability ratings are lower than they used to be. Harder and twice as costly to repair as well.

>Take 5 minutes to find out how to adjust AC

so youre supporting the claim that you people arent the brightest bunch eh

>. Average reliability ratings are lower than they used to be.


>Average reliability ratings are lower than they used to be
Objectively wrong, new cars are more reliable than ever.

Both incorrect. Stay mad cucks.

Yea, no. Modern cars ugly as shit

Your opinion means nothing when clearly the majority of people doesn't think so.

>literally saying LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU when confronted with evidence from the opposing team

lol gg another W for me

and another opinion

sorry pal but you arent in the majority

Easy to fix old car yourself. Reliability is related to how often something breaks in addition to how easy it is to fix. Damn near impossible to fix shit without removing half the engine

>Reliability is related to how often something breaks in addition to how easy it is to fix.
Except it's not. It's literally how many problems need fixing during a given time period.
Difficulty ties more into repair cost, since the mechanic's time usually makes up the majority of your repair bill.

I can't believe we have the same results from that chart because you're such an asshole, god why won't you fuck off?


Cars are getting unnessicarily complicated. Thats a fact. Its not going to get better

so if a car breaks down every 10 miles but you can fix it by beating it with a hammer for a few minutes its a reliable car

but if a car could go 1000000 miles and never need any repairs but suddenly needed to be taken to a garage for continued operation it would be unreliable?

>im an asshole


>implys people always take their car to a mechanic

It's called advancing technology.

Yes? I have better things to do with my time. Not my problem that you don't.

You are an asshole, other tripfags are bad because they do/say stupid shit, you are the worst though because you're a complete prick

so the problem lies with the drivers and not the cars


all we need is more stuff like Chevy (iirc) has where you cant even operate the radio unless all passengers are buckled up

lock out infotainment until the car is stopped

>you are the worst though because you're a complete prick

Im a product of the environment Im in

you cant be a pussy when youre surrounded by dicks

Everything he says is true though, sorry you can't handle it.

>its called advancing technology
Yesssss. Plowing into trees is progress

Thats not true though, I've been here long enough to realize being a shithead on a Cantonese rice painting forum is fucking stupid because all it is is projection
Quit samefagging

global warming will actually improve weather in the distant north (white homeland) while making southern areas unlivable to people with IQs too low to thrive in areas with extreme weather

global warming = fourth reich

If you want to keep ICE you are literally a Nazi. Like me. I'm literally a Nazi.

assuming everyone that disagrees with you is the same person is pretty stupid too

Im maximizing my entertainment not projecting anything

>Battery technology is only going to get better

I'm not against EVs, but this assumption needs to stop. Just because it has improved previously, does not mean we won't hit a wall at some point.

Too bad we dont have a wall to keep them there...

They still haven't banned coal power plants so I don't think they're going to ban ICEs anytime soon.

Development of EVs has been slow in the past because nobody bothered. After all, why fix what isn't broken?
Turns out ICEs are fundamentally flawed (literally destroying the planet) and people started to realize this, especially after Tesla made EVs cool and desirable. Now governments are starting to force EV development because they don't want the planet to fucking die.
There are already prototypes of batteries with 100% more energy density than current models, and graphene batteries are another potential factor that could render ICEs even more obsolete than they already are.

This is bullshit