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Latest News and Patch notes
New Hero Wraith June 27th
[YouTube] Paragon - Wraith Announce (Available June 27) (embed)
Phase Rev and Mori changes coming patch v41

Latest Released Hero - Wukong
[YouTube] Paragon - Wukong Overview (embed)

2nd Latest Released Hero - Phase
[YouTube] Paragon - Phase Overview (embed)

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Serath is superior to everybody and there is nothing you can do about it

second for forgetting the new patch notes and the new hero like the dummy I am


How do I delete thread?

Just let it be.

Third for this image still being accurate.

Just post them in a reply and leave it as it is, it's just fine


Latest released hero - Wraith

Is there a /parag/ discord

Just started playing recently, playing mostly Countess.
I get a lot of kills but don't really have the pushing power.
Anyone have a suggestion on a hero I can play that can push and carry?
Getting tired of playing with people who wants to farm for 30 minutes and slowly lose the game.

When are the big changes to cards coming?

My guy, countess has some of the best wave clear in the game

Why yes there is

Still love this edit

Countess burst is literally one of the best wave clears in the game. Btw what makes so many people attracted to playing her? She seems like on of the most used characters and she's definitely a solid pick, but I personally never felt too tempted to play her. Is it just because she's a semen demon?

As for your question any ADC really.

I meant a /parag/ general discord. I'll make one today if anyone is interested. It's gonna be bush themed fyi

I like her cuz she's sexy

Is it normal/common that I can't use voice chat in the browser version of discord? It just tries to connect forever. And I don't really feel like downloading the client, since I already use teamspeak for pretty much all voice communication.

I like her because she can lock down her own kills quickly and blow up both jungles and lanes with enough power in her kit. Losing a lead is difficult.

That fat ass doesn't hurt either.

all of the above

she melts and deletes squishies left and right

good in almost in lane and piss easy lock on never miss abilities

That is not normal. I've been using discord in the browser for months and have had no problems

I think I used to get a message that I couldn't use voice chat in the browser version. Don't remember the details why. I'd mess with the settings so that it would work.

>bush themed fyi

count on me not joining then

I'm rewatching the release stream, I think they're "swamped" _because_ they're working on voicelines, not swamped so they can't.

I play her to promote Countess sfm

No one care a fag

post link

ok guys heres the official /parag/ discord


I'm a lone master shinbi

Got a from-scratch version coming Soon(tm) if you don't mind me stepping on your toes. I'm shit at colouring though.


The conversation starts at 1:00.30.

I find she's fun as fuck, her split push is probably the best in the game (Wu throws a monkey wrench into the reckoning), and she's scary enough that most people will just run in the other direction if they're alone.

>Grim and Muriel emotes on the way
Loving. Every. Laugh.
Maybe try monetizing content for characters that people actually play, Epic.

Don't make a Discord, last time it killed the general

Midlane's going to be interesting with Wraith on the roster: Gideon (and probably Howitzer) just had their ults nullified, and the Mori nerf might see her drop off a bit. Entering the age of Countess/ Gadget mid?

Also, making sure your jungle isn't warded early on will be a good idea: last thing you want is to be low after a clear and get sniped through the wall near river buff.

Grim is unironically my favourite ADC, even if he's underpowered right now

You're not alone.
Belica will blow him out. I suspect her effective range is greater than his cc, and kids who want to use his RMB to clear lane for some reason will suffer the consequences.

Used to be a countess main then i moved to yin.I get all the same benefits and i carry the game lol.
She needs more skins and emote.
How have countess fags not awaken to yin yet.

Wait, did these chucklefucks just say that Wraith can have three pseudo wards on the map at a time, that they last for a minute each and that the enemy team CANNOT interact with them?
And then they nerf Kallari some more in the same patch just to make sure she's good and dead?
Who in their right mind would ever play Kallari when there's a Wraith on the other team?

shitty do dmg ult vs ult that deletes people

hmm I wonder why?

i myself use yins ult for escapes and in case im fighting a brawler i use it for me to get some distance since i can whip em while they try to reproach me but sure sleep on it some more.

>Who in their right mind would ever play Kallari when there's a Wraith on the other team?
I won't miss the Kallari fuckers.

Why? She was right on the verge of being a great character again after the rework, and now there's this? Kallari was fun as fuck to play, don't know why you have such a hateboner for her.

Fucking christ are you serious? I was JUST getting back into playing Kallari, and now they do this shit and have a character that basically nerfs her into the ground

Then there's more nerfs?

Im uninstalling desu

My Kallari teammates are always the worst players i come across in Paragon.

They are useless and don't do anything to help to win the game.

Maybe they are better in your elo, but in mine it's the number 1 dodge character

I'm almost positive there are bots playing in pvp games. They act completely like bots and don't talk in chat at all even if I flame them which is not normal.

The nerfs are minor (enemies can hear you cloaking: kind of like what happened with Rampage's rock in that you can't effectively gank with it anymore without being heard and giving yourself away). So a small blow to her overall effectiveness, then a character that completely neutralises the core part of her kit without any counter.

A good Kallari is either splitting, setting, counter jungling, isolating a squishy or positioning for a team fight. I'm in shit Elo, and I agree very few people know what they're doing with her, but that's not the character's fault. Her real problem is that she takes up a spot that would be better filled by another character unless you build around her, which isn't going to happen in solo q.

>wraith is a kallari nerf
>implying kallari doesn't nullify wraith's ult

>Implying ward use doesn't also do that

>it also doesn't take up a character slot

>made her cloak make a sound

kallari mains lads

She's a garbage tier character that got replaced by wukong anyway, not to mention people are tired of retarded shitters that think shes cool but suck every dick in a barrel with her.

This is good until they can rework her to be more noob friendly and actually useful to her teamates

Her single and multi hero picks are not outmatched by the monkey

>Noob friendly Kallari would just be retarded

They cancel each other out in a sense, but it's worse for Kallari since she needs to move around the map a lot without being caught by vision. Wraith's not going to be using his ult every time it's off cooldown, and wards can prevent his invisiganks.

>classic hero is once again completely invalidated by a new release
>people are upset
>"wooooooooooooow you fags will complain about anything"
Those dicks aren't going to suck themselves, chief: get back to work.


typical kallari main, kill obsessed

you win the game by towers 1st and kills 2nd

i've seen teams with like 20 less kills still win because they protected towers better and pushed their enemies towers to core harder

end of the day Diddy Kong melts those faster and better than kallari, he's a better pick, doesn't require much of a team built around him because people expect him to not help out much in teamfights they expect him to push lanes which he does.

Kallari is garbage because people expect her to get a kill but because she's squishy and only really has her dagger to stay on someone she'll likely gets blown up in teamfights or has to go back to base.

Right now there is no place for kallari she's worthless as the people that play her

You can't deny that dead heroes make pushing lanes infinitely easier, any shitter monkey knows that he can push a lane with no obstacles in the way

Calorie is a good pick hero to make pushing lanes for the rest of her team easier, and even providing some recon

Too bad that's out the window with wraith

>selfish shitty hero gets "nerfed"
>I sleep
>hero actually worth something to team "Dekker" gets nerfed

No one cares about power creep when it's your shitty main, comeback when a character with real relevance gets nerfed without proper reasoning.

keep filling my barrel with your tears kiddo, your l33t ninja has always been worthless past alpha state.


Sorry you get bad teams, friend.
>that damn off-model Muriel pic again
Ah, I see.

This post reeks of reddit smug

People on Le Reddit are already talking about building him crit ffs.

>You can't deny that dead heroes make pushing lanes infinitely easier
But Kallaris kills are 90% of the time kills a teammate would have made anyway if Kallari wouldn't jump in to last hit him.

Only if you're playing with shitters. A good Kallari sets up their own kills, and if they happen to get the last hit in a gank, tough. I sure as shit never waited around to steal a kill, and I'm generally just happy to take someone off the board, regardless of who gets the kill.

Good night, /parag/: hopefully we're exiting the horrible Age of Intellect and entering the Age of Fun.

Anybody know?

I was having the same problem for a while, I caved and downloaded the client, then the browser version started working for some reason. It only works when I have the non-browser client installed.

Discord is such a piece of shit, I have no idea how it caught on.

"Soon TM" they say in the most non-committal way they can manage. Because God forbid you give the boys on the dev team some kind of deadline. Word is that it's August, but they refuse to give any concrete details on it.

Because quirky memes are all the rage bruh.

im just shy user, why bully?

Last bump you get out of me for ten hours, fellas; be vigilant.

If Kallari ults Wraith and then he uses his "go back in time ability", will Kallari be kicked out back to the other end of the map?

I really want to know what type of fucking childhood someone has to go through in order to play this game and go 0-8 as shinbi and not uninstall.

Rev and Phase BARELY got hit Mori got all but gutted, I mean had they tweaked her ult she'd be worthelss but she already required a lot of mana and now more means Bellica will rape her for free, she had to work for it last time but now...

Since when is there a purple Serath skin? And why is it not in my game yet?

Isn't she cute with this flower in her hair?


Yea user, you are right...

The skin is ugly and she looks shit with the flower on her head...

dont make discords all it does is kill the general and promote the creation of tripfags. all bushes can be discussed fine in the general itself

weebs are terrible at games user just look at /v/

The skin is lovely. I meant the look on her face.

those are ps4 players

You really like the skin?


Is there actually cross platform with ps4/pc? Please tell me there isn't.

all they did was change numbers what the fuck could they have fucked up

Of course there is.

>another day of phase/revenant cancer

its not going away post patch

maybe something with wraith. also what does getting recalled by wraith even look like? like if he recalls me as an enemy

Is rampage the most bullshit hero in the game? I was full build sparrow literally 3 shotting their greystone but their rampage tanked my damage so hard even though he build full power.



rampage used to be pretty stronk but I never even really see him anymore desu

I've been seeing him almost every game. pretty tired of his ult desu.

mommy is always cute

bad news buddy

She has a nice ass in this skin, too.

Just queued up and what do you know, enemy rampage. fun.

>what is blight bones
>what is power chord
>what the fuck is thickblood

Maybe he was using his ult.

is it possible to have too much health regen on phase?

That's the point. His ult is busted.

his ult is only good early game and for diving, he falls off hard late when carries do 550 a crit and getting stunned once means you die to anyone. thats without taking thickblood into account which makes him shitty through the whole game