I need to make $1,000. I have no time frame on when I need to have this, but the sooner the better...

I need to make $1,000. I have no time frame on when I need to have this, but the sooner the better. I would ideally like to make this in 1-3 months.

About me, I am 21 years old, unable to work due to tourettes and anxiety. Very good socially. Am serious.

Thanks, inb4 sperm donor

How many times do we have to say this

Start sucking dick
People will pay extra for your fucked condition

Cmon man for real

Sell one of your kidney

Get a job.

I am unable to hold down a job.

well what are you waiting for? those dicks ain't gonna suck itself.


Roulette table mate
Stake 5 dollary doo's to begin with, win 8 in times in a row
e z p z

write a book about your condition and give it a shitty title like "I know why the caged bird FUCKING sings... living with tourrettes"
pitch to opera and go to schools and tell them you wantto talk to children about accepting others etc and go on a book tour eventually you'll make bank once oprah and other white people take notice

go to thrift stores and buy games and other stuff to sell on ebay

This is a hilarious and brilliant idea.

Sell your AR15, that's what I'd do for quick cash.

Literally suck dick. That's what the rest of your drug addict friends do to pay back their dealers.

>mfw OP wants the cash to by an AR15

>Very good socially
Stream on twitch. Viewbot yourself 10 viewers to get above the trash

>unable to work due to tourettes and anxiety. >Very good socially

does not compute

You need more than a month to establish a fanbase loyal enough to subscribe to your channel, not even mentioning getting donations. Plenty of people with hundreds of viewers are streaming for days without a single donation/sub. Only top players, who have their own channels on yt and a loyal fanbase can expect to get $ on a constant basis.

Exchange goods or services or your time for financial compensation.

Keep repeating until you make $1,000.

I'm the person that suggested this. I'm not joking. You can also make a shitty children's book with a kid with tourettes as the hero of the story and make a fucking killing. Name me one best seller children's book that has a unfit hero due to some illness or handicapp in this century.

ur welcome

make a couple of them including a black girl, a pakistani boy who wants to be a (oh I don't know.... a fucking writer?) and maybe some other minority.. how about a mexican that wants to be a dentist. there you go, a million dollars. next just shill it until a toy company hits you up and you inspire the rest of the pg world and california to raise shitty kids into rockstars. You can also throw in a trans youth in your last books before your tv show hits the air or your one shot made for tv movie airs.

oh yeah and don't forget to donate some profits to a charity for tourettes and anxiety suffering children and displaced mothers/homemakers to really bring in the big bucks

>About me, I am 21 years old, unable to work due to tourettes and anxiety
Obtain medical certification to support the above statement
Claim disability payments


I have $1000. Tell me why I should give it to you.


Why? With the Tourette's tics he won't be able to hit anything.


>"I know why the caged bird FUCKING sings... living with tourrettes"
fucking kek

No no no friendo, you misunderstand. You wouldn't be a sperm donor if you're receiving the sperms.

>unable to work due to anxiety

id probably get a house pet :)

This is genius, I'm not even joking. OP overcome your fears and do this, use the title he gave you

>work from home
>communicate via email and chat
>nobody hears you swear