/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general - Cute tavern maids edition


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>tfw some faggot op makes the thread instead of our boy Pezado

tfw no BIG AND MEATY stormdragon for my female tauren

cba to repost answer pls

off to great thread start lads

>when you realize the legendary system is only there to encourage players to do more group content(wq, m+, raid) and would've been genious if they weren't op as shit

what does Khadgar do other than cast/close portals?

Wanna know the reason why we don't get the wooden axe from Broxigar as artifact weapon? is because they decided 'lol normies won't the significance of this axe its just made from wood they would think so lets randomly give them a sword and call it oldgod infested'
fuck this shit

Nothing. I want to cut his head off. Fucking human scum

How do I convince my gf to dress up in the scarlet monastery outfit so I can fulfill my sexual fantasies?

Tell her what you want her to do


>mount up on transmog/vendor mount before logging out
>people come up and target the transmog man
>cant log out now

Highly enjoyed the Kil'jaiden fight. All of the overlapping shit in p2 plus its dark transition to p3 was challenging. Well designed fight...much more enjoyable than any other end boss in Legion.

>very small chance of getting the thing
>smaller chance of getting the right thing
Damn straight they should be OP. The right leggos are the difference between a mediocre playing and a top-tier player. The game rewards those who have grinded more accordingly and worked for their shit. Sadly, leggos are a necessary evil to separate the shitters from the average or high-tier players, cause luck is also a stat in life. The most important one, imo. If you have luck, everything works out.

>there are people playing RIGHT NOW that don't at least have the mammoth, let alone the yak
How are people such insufferable shitters? I remember doing old raids and having my bags fill with garbage that I couldn't sell. That's when I decided to stop being a fucktard.

Pretty sure he's knockin the bottom outta Maiev's puss, if you catch my drift.

Uh huh. Fucking sisters are harder than KJ. Fucking Botanist was harder than KJ. Kilrogg was harder than KJ. Archi was harder and more fun than KJ. KJ just hits hard and kills retards who don't know how to line up or stay near the orb.

I can give you something meaty.

Also: BEST Shemale reporting in!

>thinking slutty niggerelves wouldn't procreate once in 10k years
>Illidan just sits half-naked 24/7 in his cage while the sluts look at him and their vaginas hunger for the felcock
Bet he fucked every last warden that was watching his cage and was just living like a king until his traitor waifu and fag brother came to use him.

Fuck up mate. Just because I'm not some unemployed loser that can grind all day doesn't mean I should miss out on the top tier content. Leggos should be purchasable with cash

Femdorfs actually look like fucking SJW land-whale feminazi scum lol. Why a dorf male would want to fucking something that ugly when they could be enjoying elf pussy is beyond me.
As a side question, can demon hunters get pregnant?

posts like this make me regret the fact "kill yourself" has been reduced to buzzword status

ask her nicely

Just tell her to do it. Are you so whipped you cant ask your own girlfriend for sexual favors?

>hes cucked by Knifeears
Enjoying the stick figures hu?

I'm sure his goal is getting whipped user

>T'uure hidden effect still not known
Did they just not implement one?

The final blow is struck against Argus the Unmaker, the Titanic Vessel falling to its knees before our caffeine-induced onslaught

As the battle concludes, it becomes dangerously apparent that the stability of the planet Argus itself is tied directly to that of the Unmaker. As his smoldering form crumbles, fel-fire erupts from the planets exposed core, the earth shattering violently around us. The Vindicaar approaches, shields bracing against collisions with free-falling debris. Velen and the AotL Leadership appear at the ships gangplank, beckoning towards the surviving champions.

Velen: " Heroes, there will be time for celebration later. We must make haste if we wish to escape this infernal place's collapse!"

Khadgar: "The portal weakens, we must leave. Now!"

Player Heroes and Lore Characters turn and make their way towards the awaiting vessel. All but Illidan, whose eyes remain narrowed at the shattered figure kneeling before him. The Illidari who took part in the battle hold their ground as well

Kayne: "My lord, we stand behind you. Ours is the duty to see this through."

Illidan breaks his gaze from the World Soul's Avatar to address his remaining loyalists, the last remaining few who swore an oath to him so long ago

Illidan: "Go." Waving his hand towards the Vendicaar "Your purpose is fulfilled, but your destiny does not lie in this wretched place. This is something I must do."

With a grim nod, Kayne gives the order to retreat. The Illidari salute their mentor before turning towards the Vindicaar, who's boarding ramp seals behind them. There is simply no time to argue, the portal has almost completely shut at this point. Illidan watches as is departs, a look of utter determination spreading across his face.

The Avatar roars in fury, attempts to stand, and falls back to its knees. Cracks of hellish fire begin to spread across its body.

"Best" shemale always in a SHIT transmog

>You scratch my back, I claw yours
>Check out these claws!
>Feeling stabby!


Demons of every shape and size begin to crawl forth from now-exposed cavernous depths of the planet, screaming in horrifying fury at the lone Demon Hunter as they move to defend their mortally wounded master.

Illidan turns to face the throng of horros, his Twin Blades igniting in his hands

With speed and strength that no Illidari could ever hope to match, Illidan crashes into the demonic Phalanx. Fueled by 10,000 years of fel-infused hatred, Illidan carves his way through the innumerable host of creatures who's very existence serves to torment his being. The ground runs red and green and yellow with the blood of hundreds of varying species. All the while, the planet continues to crumble as the platform upon which they fight plummets towards the planet's core. An aura of fel-fire consumes Illidan as he moves ever-closer towards the form of Argus, who continues to roar in defiance. Soon, the firestorm that encompasses him grows so great that the demonic horde parts for him, unable to even approach him in the face of untamed rage brought forth into the physical realm. His warglaives clatter to the ground at his side as he strides towards his prey, the Avatar's eyes locked upon his own. A voice belonging not to the World Soul, but one hauntingly familiar to Illidan speaks to him through the Titanic body.


Illidan turns towards the portal, now merely a sliver and space, and glimpses the blue skies of Azeroth before the tear closes forever. His mind wanders for a brief moment to Tyrande.

Illidan: "You think it will be so easy?" He curls his right hand into a fist bathed in fel-fire, and plunges it deep into Argus's chest

"You. Are not prepared."

Illidan closes his hand around the Avatar's metallic heart, and with this act severs the World Soul from the World.

The core of Argus implodes with the force of one hundred hundred mana bombs, the surface of the war-torn world disintegrating into nothingness as impossibly large waves of fel-energy rush outwards. Surrounding planets are torn apart as the wave expands ever outward, dissipating vast distances away much later. The Legion's threat is no more, but the fallen titan remains.

Somewhere, Sargeras ponders Illidan's final words.

I shoulda rolled a rogue desu. Mail just doesnt have alot of options.

>"You. Are not prepared."
was believable until that

Reminder that other Dreadlords fucked up things harder, yet mah boi Varimathras was the only one JUSTed hard. There is no fucking justice in this game.

Not sure what I should play as an alt, down to either arcane mage, MM hunter or a paladin to play a little of each spec.


>thisalee crow will never give you the succ in her cat form

>+10 DHT
>link keymaster
>check his wowprogress
>Amount of Mythic 15+ Dungeons completed in time: 0

this was painful and sickening to read

>druid of the talon
>fights in cat form

>that "ez facefuck" mask


Hardest part is not getting killed by the fifth stack of claws, other than that the mechanics are easy. H inquisition was fun/ challenging

>flight form able to fight

sargeras turned him into a fucktoy

cute dorf

oh man he looks like hes in a lot of pain constantly

my sides

there are attack animations for birds, just slap those onto the flight form model

>not even once

but that's wrong


Thanks! You three are pretty cute dorfs yourselfs!

looks like he received a visit from pinhead

so 7.3 is legions final


How is /wowg/ doing today?

>pixelated pancake chest
>on a femdorf
I liked you better with the legit armor mogs not this low effort goldshire outfit

shit thread
where's copypastaposting user when you need him

fuck off freak

all the copypastas are shit though except the "warcraft IIII" one

>missing the point by this much

i'll have 7 tokens by the end of today

are you jealous, europoors?

Oh i know. Just pulled it out after my regular mog got called shit. Just as you fight fire with fire, you fight shitposts with shitposts.

Speaking of which: someone should REALLY pull out something else here....

the only thing rogues got for them is the loincloth, and even then you'd need a mod to make them look good.
mail has more slutmogs that dont need mods to look good.

>Sylvanas becomes warchief & Anduin becomes king at the start of the expansion
>Sylvanas launches the assault on Stormheim and fights Greymane a couple times then is never heard from
>Anduin gets his own special questchain with hints of him becoming a paladin
>the assault on the tomb and Argus are both lead by Velen an alliance leader
>the 2 new main characters on Argus are Turalyon and Alleria two verry important Alliance heroes
Why do Blizzard hate the Horde so much?

was talking about regular mogs

I don't know but I want more of that artist.

That's not very nice

Don't worry we will get another expansion on raiding the horde to kill another insane leader because of the horde's incompetence.

Azeoth's safety is more imporant for the natural races of Azeroth (the Alliance) than it is for the Horde (extraterrestrial invaders caused by Sargeras himself).


I should email him and ask for commission prices someday.

You've had an entire horde expansion last year, now its the alliance turn

face it, alliance are the protagonists of the game

haha look mom i posted it again xddd

>playing WoW for the first time in years
>playing Alliance since I am not a fag
>walking around minding my own business
>see an orc scum walking around with Human soldiers
>walk around some more
>see a troll quest giver
>everywhere I look horde shits have infiltrated
Have (((they))) won? Is WoW multicultural now? This diversity is going to destroy Azeroth.

oh, I dont know about normie mogs though. Never really bothered to mog gear past tbc since I dont know what I'm looking at when I see "newer" gear (wotlk, cata, mop, wod)
it was first when I saw the new stormwind armor that I thought that it looks like actual plate armor.

Does class trials not work on the PTR?

where do you people find these mods?

they're degenerate as fuck.

Where do you find them and what are they called so I know how to avoid them?

Just think about it. Strong, muscular dorf in skintight leather.

No really, Mail just lacks options for alot of normal mogs because stuff is either way to bland or over designed shaman stuff.

darknest probably

but the Horde were the bad guys, WoD Alliance story was 100 times better

not an argument, whorde has always been the bad guys

I love her

Sure, I'll help you 'avoid' them. They're from darknest, can't remember the name of my mod though. Or if it works with legion.

either way Vol'jin was absent from WoD too


Darknest. And if you think mods like that or this are degenerate then you're in for a surprise if you spend a while browsing there.

I hope they have ass physics
but probably not.

pls save us soon gum

i just want my fuckin ass mod

but it's been updated for hours?



oh fuck i'm stuck like this now



is there a way I can purge my firefox memory without closing the browser
because you just bumped it by 400megabytes

>using shitfox

No idea. And i am sorry for your loss.