/ndg/ & /sing/ - Yoko Taro/NieR/Drakengard/SINoALICE General #100


「the [E]nd of /ndg/」 edition

If you have any suggestions or links you think would be useful, then respond with it to the OP and help build up the archives.

>[Official SINoALICE page]


>[Official NieR:Automata page]

>[DRAKENGARD/NIER COLLECTION ARCHIVE] - World Guides, Novellas, Lore, etc.

>[PC Troubleshooting]

>[NieR:Automata Unit Data & Fishing Encyclopedia] - Untranslated, use Chrome

>[/ndg/ Downloads Pastebin] - Ripped OST, Lewds, Steam Reskin

>[NieR:Automata Lore Master Index] - includes links to translated side material, Q&As, etc.

>[NieR:Automata Novellas & Concert] - Full Translations

>[NieR: Automata Mining and Moddin Steam Group]

>[Nier Automata Lossless OST + Bonus HACKING TRACKS Disc]

>[Drakengard 1,2,3+Chip tunes]

>[Nier+Remix albums+Piano Collection]

English track list

Nier:Automata Save Editor:
Python script:

Previous thread:

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>What is SINoALICE?
It's a Japanese mobile game published by Square Enix, featuring writing by Yoko Taro, the director of the Drakengard and Nier games. There are no plans to release an English version.

>Where do I get it?

>How do I play this shit on PC?
Download an android emulator like Nox, memu or bluestacks and run it there






>Current event

So is this it or we'll just continue under a new name from now on?

>An /ndg/ is not given to you. It is something you must post for yourself.

#100 is the last thread that I and the other user were planning on creating. We've hit that goal.

If other people want to take over starting these threads and keeping them alive, that's up to them. The last thread died prematurely, though, so I don't think anybody is going to step up.

Here's hoping everyone here finds their own personal happily-ever-after.

90% of this pic are ded



In what order/what way do you install FAR with Reshade? I just recalled that newest version of FAR has its own folder structure in a separate directory for installation of Reshade...

I just bought this game, and the general is dying

Shikku shikku shikku

We're finally here lads, now lets see if we can get this thread to bump limit

We can rebuild them

Fair warning, there are spoilers here

I den't deserve and ending E yet, I need to have all my friends die and kill a bunch of robots and psychotic former allies while descending into madness first

From an android's perspective, what's so bad about having a black box instead of a normal fusion core (or whatever powers them) if the personality and everything else is still normal android stuff?

Using enemy's technology at the very core is enough to be considered a monster.
Also balckboxes gives them significantly more power overall.

I've played games for most of my life, and have reached to point where I seldom get that post-game hollow feeling, but this was the first game in a while to do that for me, and it did that after each route at that, progressively getting more tangible as the gravity of each route grew, and culminating in ending D, I almost shed a tear. Following that, I completed all the joke endings and completed C before starting the whole final sequence again, going to do D in to E, as D was much more fitting to me. Seeing the Pods, who've been with you throughout the entire game, abandon their programming to give their charges a chance at a happy life, wildly spinning through a constantly inclining bullet hell while listening to all the versions of Weight of the World, and seeing the messages from all the other players every time the last phase gets me, until I finally get assistance, beat the credits, and see 9S, 2B, and A2 safe and sound on the rooftop, It was all very satisfying after watching them go through so much torment, and even more so after reading through the side materials and learning the full extent of their suffering. I don't think I can name another game that has been so emotionally gripping for me as Nier: Automata, and while I'm sad to see this general go, I'm looking forward to the next on in a few years once Taro releases his next title, whatever that may be.

Idk if anyone said this yet but at the start of DoD 2 after Manah says "I want you to love me" she's says "Thank you for playing" in reverse.

Blackboxes are made from machine cores

I highly recommended you to check out all of the side materials for Automata: reddit.com/r/nier/wiki/lore

We're... still here.

Is everyone just jerking off to the theme of Nier by being all hopeless while bitterly hopeful and stubborn?

If you finished reading his post, he already did.

This game hit me pretty hard. I actually shed a couple tears, not like weeping, crying, but I had to blink back a few when 9S' is having his memories stripped away, and when the touches the 2B model's face after killing them all, and when 9S finally succumbs to death in the end and his revenge was so hollow and meaningless.

They put 9S through the fucking ringer in this game, so many psychological tortures he goes through on his murder quest only to get impaled and bleed out in the end, alone.

too much wall of text for me, missed that

Ok I'm going for it, I want to complete the doc. But where do I get taunt up chips, in the desert from flyers?

I was farming drop rate up, but the majority of the time the chips fly off the frickin rollercoaster I've got several diamonds that put me above 90 but I wanted a perfect 90, I guess it doesn't matter

Optimal farming loadout:
Auto collect
Movement speed
Drop rate up

Any other obvious ones?

It was to make using them as disposable tools more ethical, as they couldn't really be alive if they were made with Machine technology, at least that's what the logic of the spooks running the show was. Many of the things YoRHa androids go through is because of that mindset, they aren't allowed to salute with their right-hands, as thats how humans did it, they are programmed with an innate love for humanity, and they are prohibited from showing emotions, though that is hardly enforced, mostly due to Whites sympathy towards them.

Yeah, D hit me a lot harder than C, they didn't really do a whole lot to attach you to A2, her segments were mostly centered around Pascal

How many of those guilds in sinoalice is active nowadays?

Yeah I did D first then C

C was a happier ending for me than D by far, A2 seemed to be able to take down the machines and sort of accept death, and 9S unconscious body gets dragged away (probably the same body we see in E)

I did D hoping that I would defeat A2, despite her being semi-innocent of killing 2B since 2B was probably done for anyway (hard to say, if 9S was able to cross the bridge could he save her?) but I wasn't sure what would happen in the game after I killed A2, part of me thought there would be one more level to the game, but goddamn. Instead I was left with 9S choking and squirming as he bleeds out next to A2 and his fight was so meaningless, I cried and felt dirty for murdering A2 for nothing.

I'm not sure if this game would have the same impact on me if I had done Route C first since I would have known the game was near its conclusion and 9S wouldn't go on to salvage 2B in some way after killing A2.

no i understand that, the whole YoRHa androids intended to be disposable and the idea behind machine cores being the reason they don't get real names. but they're 95% android, yet YoRHa models are disgusted when they find out about the 5%, and the androids who know (zinnia at least) treat them as lesser.

Kind of weird since the black box isn't even the most critical component of an android (compared to their 'brain', OS chip, or whatever dictates their behavior) if they can remove it to use its power as a suicide weapon.

the thing about C is that if you get it before D, you think A2 finds peace and goes to meet her squad... but when you get ending D you realize that she was misled about the Tower being a cannon after all. 9S found out from N2 that it's a device meant for the machines to explore new worlds. that makes A2's death in ending C meaningless/misguided in the grand scheme of things.

Except C is worse, because A2 kills all the machines on the arc thinking they're going to destroy the moon server, and that includes Pascal's children, so she sacrifices herself for nothing, and 9S is left all alone.

if you ignore his mind transcending his limits, reaching "nirvana" and just look at it from the outside point of view, it's sad, sure. you just see someone get fucked with, then die.

he was going to die either way since 2b was dead, he had no more reason to want to stay, and this ending was far better for him than c (and the stage play after ending e) which implies he kills himself out of grief of losing her later, making a2's actions to save him meaningless.

in c he dies in despair and sorrow. in d he dies in peace. in c he only finds hell at the end of his road. in d he finds redemption.

don't forget the kid laughters she heard from the ark. if they were pascal's kids, she killed those she got used to and liked in cold blood. possibly out of ignorance, but also possibly because she no longer cared and just wanted get her selfish revenge before dying, so she could go without regrets.

It's also likely in ending C that 9S an heroes after planting 2B's sword at the waterfall as he has nothing to live for.

Beat the Game on Normal with Eng Dub
Sacrified my Savestate.
Beat the Game on Hard with Jap Dub & all Throphies now.
Car Emil was harder then Emil Clones.

Now i feel empty but a little bit satisfied.

> and this ending was far better for him than c (and the stage play after ending e)

Why? He gets to be with 2B again in the stage play.

bad wording, i meant the part where 2b attempts to kill herself out of grief because of her being alive while he wasn't.

he would do the same, which is why i think he did just that after ending c, when he woke up after being rescued by a2's actions and realized he's all alone and has no reason to live anymore.

So what do you guys do to make fishing more bearable?

I thought A2 tried to wipe his memories of 2B though

>he would do the same, which is why i think he did just that after ending c, when he woke up after being rescued by a2's actions and realized he's all alone and has no reason to live anymore.

Ah, I see. Yeah, I agree with you here.

she only tried to remove the virus didn't she?

How can you wear that skin? She has no ass with it.

A2 tried to transfer his virus to her, not to wipe his memories. I think wiping his memories is the last thing 2B would've wanted A2 to do.

That's what I thought at first, but I remember hearing otherwise a while back, that 9S might have botched her recovery attempt because he knew she was trying to tamper with his memories. Not sure if it's true or not.
I think 2B might have approved, if it was the only way for 9S to live. It's not like he kept his memories every time she killed him

It's not true, none of the in-game or side materials confirm that.


Yeah, taunt chips drop from desert enemies. I think the most important ships in farming are auto collect and drop rate, everything else is up to personal preference

Wasn't Colosseum supposed to return with the latest Sinoalice patch? All I'm getting is the empty colosseum menu when it starts.

So did the aliens make the machines after fighting Emil? The ones we fight obviously based on him, but if they had them before, they must have looked different, like how Marx, Engles, and Grun don't have the same aesthetic. I'd also say So/Boku/Ro/Ko-Shi, though they might be after seeing how the Emil clones fight.

coliseum DLC?

You want Max weapon attack up and crit
Enough overclock to get Max time (3 and 4 diamond). High level shockwave, offensive heal, and taunt.

it's an interesting theory since Emil's narration includes no machine lifeforms and him and his clones going head on with the aliens.

There are some unanswered questions here - wouldn't the androids know about/mention Emil if he gave the Aliens so much trouble? But their war recaps seem to indicate global scale Android vs Machine warfare, but nothing about the round eye laser kid.

I think that just goes to show how badly the aliens beat the earthlings, and how they never expected the machines to turn on them

That speedstar quest my dude

That ending utterly piqued my wtf sense

I think it's a trick of the eye, look at her side profile and it is still a done it's just not as obvious from the back or the upskirt. I equip for dat leg and the wetness effect

Still a donk*

Hope you had fun with the steam skins and remember to use the updated pastebin I posted. Alright, later, /ndg/. RIP.

What happened? I don't quite remember, didn't he just explode?

There are also remnants of the machine core's consciousness that the black box was fabricated from trapped within. I believe that is involved in some theories as to how 9S came back to life

Is taunt really important? I never use it.

ill be here. :3 gonna make so many webms.

please no
now I'm not going to have anyone to talk about this game with when I finally replay it ;_;

It's useless until the dlc special ranks. Without the 5x damage boost you are literally hacking at machines for next to no damage. They are stupidly op. I would have preferred something a little more fun and a little less grindy, considering it'll be the last thing you wind up tackling and the only instance where maxing dmg is important. Some of the challenges are fun like the no touching the ground one and the robot fights, the ones that can be overcome with skill.

Make a friend play it. No friends? Make a friend.

I should probably get around to buying the DLC

people are tiresome.

>Speed Star feels fulfilled that you beat him and regret being so hard on you when he was pushing you to go faster
>explodes as he no longer has a reason to live
>Goalpost robot makes a non-sequitur like "What was up with that guy?"
>Also explodes

Or at least that's how I remember it going.

We became light.
You'll never beat him now.

See .

A singleplayer game general sticking out for almost 4 months since game release speaks a lot about how much the game has touched people.
I'm hopeful that this general will still be running for a bit but i had a lot of fun here regardless.

Would you drink it?

I feel some kind of way when i scroll past the fnaf thread I won't lie.

Well fnaf has like 15 games

If you want an excuse to play more NierA I recommend it, you get some pretty cool cosmetic items and there is an ultimate fighting robot league, the special rank of which was the most rewarding fight in the game even if I did cheese it.

Yeah, and doesn't it also include a new joke ending?

I thought there were 5 shows how much I keep up with it

I'll ***** 2B and make 9S watch

Hmmmm I don't think so , you get a triangle next to your endings for completing it though and three more picture novellas. Someone's who's finished it in entirety should let you know.

Ill pour them both into the same container itll be like theyre doin it



It's not like it'll be gone forever, Taro'll definitely produce more games

just don't plug it back in. I'm finding it real hard to find motivation to play now that I'm at 70k power.

This is actually kind of cool.

怠惰女の子 has 2(two) spots open for anyone looking for a guild in SINoALICE. please be active!

My current taunt farming method is
Chapter 3-1 at the desert, hang a right as soon as you enter the dunes. Kill flyers on the rock, run towards access point center and 5 flyers amongst the mass of enemies. Then run to the far quest marker by the Emil heads and kill those enemies rinse and repeat. Credit to Prozacstylings for this strat. Already picked up a few diamonds.

I know that feel, I finished the Cinderella event and got nothing much to do. Been just doing the story I haven't finish going through and that's it mostly

Not even a little plastic alien at the bottom

I'm pretty sure we already had an [E]nd of /ndg/ edition.
Should have made it farewell edition.

Do you think 2B and 9S will live to see android societies rise up and go visit android establishments and venues after working android jobs while 9S secretly works to save up enough android money to afford an android proposal ring so they can have have a nice android wedding ceremony and get an android marriage certificate so that they benefit from android marriage tax benefits and share a nice little android apartment and sleep in their android bed together while having android dreams of electric sheep?

I wanted it to be called The [A]rk, oh well maybe a future one

OP bust his nut early and thought that was gonna be the last thread

Akazukin is so darn adorable.

This'll probably be the last one, not enough posters to sustain it for much longer

Why does nobody like Red Riding Hood?

Because shit taste.

Where do you farm resilience chips? Are they even worth farming?


>kaguya that low

low test shitters voting

>pino that low
Having shit taste is Japan's sin.

Something something existentialism

Something something designed to end


resilience pretty useless

Kind of fun in a hp+/melee def/vengeance build to make them kill themselves but that's it