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> pedophiles the game

Seriously Chie looks like a 4 year old.

are we talking about the best persona, 4?

rise the best girl

Is there a way to get a harem in p4 or can you only have one as gf and friend zone the rest?

If you Don't count Chie I agree

you can harem the girls in 4, they just give you shit on valentines day

heartbeat, heartbreak


The PS2 release has no consequences, while Golden makes you feel bad by rejecting every single girl you don't take on the date.

Chad Thundercock coming through

Relax, Jamal

Yukiko has the prettiest blush.


Why even live.

Basically a fact.
Objectively wrong

>tfw no Yamato nadeshiko gf

wow, not only is persona 4 the worst persona, but rise is also the worst girl.

I've never seen someone so wrong before, congrats user

chee a shit

>*snorts loudly*

So how does the vita tv work? Is it digital games only?

Your affection Your affection Taking pride from fear
Past will tell you when to make yourself a hero

I'd say
But Rise is still the worst

persona started at 3

Why is Adachi so depressing?

He's 2real4u

Because he could be you

Why is Chie so best ?

But Rise is actually best girl
8/10 close enough

my balls dropped at 3

Rise best gril

Anyone with actual patrician taste knows that Ai is best girl.

You are most knowledgeable friend

Pick one

baby baby baby baby baby

Why is she so perfect bros

>no h scenes
Why play this? Dating without sex, is this for cucks only?

You'll understand when you grow up

>Got bored with Persona 3
>Always end up in Persona threads anyway

You guys always draw me in with the OP image

What drew you in?


Understand that dating without sex is what..? You know just because you have been a virgin for so many decades doesn't mean you stop being a cuckr playing cuckr games

Persona is hardly a mature portrayal of romance. You don't grow up to appreciate this shit, these games are specifically designed for teenagers and manchildren.

>I can only enjoy this game if I get naked anime titties

You're the cuck here

>doesn't know what cuck means


>uses buzzwords that don't make sense in context
No, he fits right in.

tfw you will never get a qt virgin gf like Chie


Words take on new contexts and meanings, deal with it faggots.

That mall looks so dead, yet super comfy.

Best p4 waifu coming through
>inb4 daddy problems
>inb4 forehead
I will protect that forehead

>that guy in the back all by himself


romancing a side character, what did they mean by this?

low quality image for a low quality girl

Naoto is the only female character without a fucking trash tier personality and actual goals ,but she is a door mat

Is the police station for mall police?

Why did I watch the whole thing?

>hey I'm this super smart detective look at all these deductions I'm making
>decides to get directly involved with the case after confronting the party
>doesn't set up any cameras or alarms at home while waiting to be kidnapped
>never makes any deductions again and basically jumps in and goes AHA I'VE FIGURED IT OUT whenever you point something out and speaks for you
>for the last stretch of the game all she does is read a grocery list of crimes committed by each antagonist followed by them going 'yes that was me'

What a fucking waste of a character

Damn, why do persona threads always pop up in the summer holiday. Nothing is more painful than remembering how i first played P4 during the summer after my graduation and realizing my highschool life was fucked.


Fuck you, man

>weebs japanese highschool pedo love fantasy
Is there anything more pathetic?

Im now 4 years at the university and still feel emptyness every summer. I thought it would be different.

>Tfw you really loved P4 vanilla
>tfw the sequels and spinoffs ran the premise and characters into the ground and tainted it

that meat smelled rotten anyway

Coming to an anonymous image board to ramble about it and pretending that somehow makes you better


My highschool life was alright, i have regrets but cant complain.

My college life is fucking miserable. I fell for a girl who was basically a slut. My grades dropped, It got to a point where I took anti-depressants and dropped out for a semester, have been a neet since then. On the otherhand I got off my anti-depressants, have been lifting/running/swimming to feel better about myself and I am finally deciding to go back to university if they will readmit me.
Life is a fucking roller coaster.

Threadly reminder to always do this

I smiled. Am I a bad person?

Huh. Yeah... Yeah, now that you mention it...

This and Rise were just too rough
>girl lost her father, barely kept herself together, and decides to confess because she wants to be true to her feelings
>doesnt even look you in the eye as you walk away

>rise just got fucked over
>is crying out on the street
>you have to let her cry in order to avoid romancing her

Mayor McCheese you say?

Replying to someone who's coming to an anonymous image board to ramble about it and pretending that somehow makes him better



hes just waiting for his date user shes running 10 minutes late


Is this the one where they fuck on the roof and cum falls on Kanji's head?



p3babies are the ff7fags of persona, kill yourself

I think P4 it's the only persona where non-party members are best girls.
If Haru was like Ai only more smug and more bored of life like all the promotional material made us believe she'd be the best

>maxing out as many S-links in P3 before the deadline for maximum suffering
I still cried like a bitch at the ending of journey though

delete this post. Naoto and rise blow Ai out of the water


So I just bought her, what am I in for?

only if your a pathetic virgin who never even touched a girl's bob in real life

rise is somewhat close
that's about it

Yamato Nadeshiko is also a Samurai which Yukiko isn't by any means.

what's a jojo's ox tongue??


melt her on the frying pan. Report here later with pics

>not having a charm immune MC persona

I love your tight pussi.

hotglue her and post it

Fucking Dsp man

P3 spa scene > P4 spa scene
prove me wrong. pro tip: you can't

>they suddenly dump this on your lap
>if you fail once you cant retry it without loading a previous save way back
>you have to do it multiple times to learn the pattern
>in the end it just gets you a slightly different scene
At very least give me some points for slinks.