League of Legends general - /lolg/

Cute Riven edition!

OT: eyosongive.us

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But user! You're as much part of the team as the carries! You were definitely helping!
this is what rakafags actually believe

Remember to thank your supports, they love to help you carry

>tfw ywn have sex with real life ahri

Says who? Don't let your memes be dreams

great now i feel bad...sorry healsluts

xth for Syndra

>that thing
>real life ahri

pls, i just ate, dont want to throw up

Speak for yourself epsilon

>can no longer see other player's honor level


i can no longer make fun of punished idiots who scream all game how hard ill get banned for not ganking their 0/3in5min lane

>new player
>start a game
>everyone else locks in instantly
>don't know what to pick to fill whatever's missing

I only played her since support wanted to switch for top.
he ended up going 4/16/5 as yasuo


Soon you won't be able to see ranks as well.

What server you on

rip jax op
put in the effort to give useful links and cool image but gets outpaced by garbage waifushit
truly a paradigm of difference in playerbases

>be retarded animeniggerweebfaggot
>act retarded

nothing new

yea you just gotta stick to playing really and find out what the champions can do to see what you'll need during the game

>Patch and new champ

Why is camille so fun lads?
>tfw kicking some niggers shit in with my 800 true damage every 7 seconds

> pick alistar everytime i get filled supp
> very high success rate as him because he's entirely brainless and nobody knows how to play vs him
> lolskill actually lists me as within the top 800 alistars worldwide
> mfw all i do is press flash q ignite at level 3 and win every lane every time
> don't even know how to play support otherwise i just snowball bot every game

why aren't you hopping on the alistar freelo train

>more than 5 post of waifus already
wow nice thread. .

>every 7 seconds
have fun getting bursted in 5 by any other carry in the game

Because I only play Yasuo support

how to initiate as poppy

>only 2 hours until neverending EU/NA shitposting

I really missed this

>pick something for fun
>pick Orianna/Syndra

How do I fix this?

Great im sure that info would be extremely useful here since noone knows about the existence if ff@20

>implying they can kill me when theyre stunned

>Salty Jaxfag upset his thread was late
Better luck next time

are you fags ready for Rift Rivals?
you better be

>caring about shitsports
call me up when it actually becomes entertaining

Is it rape if she says no and stop? Pretty sure she was joking.
Its related to league because she is a cosplayer

Why? It's just going to be EU shitstomping NA once again. NA cannot compete at international level, 6 years of them failing to get out of groups should prove that

im going to have to stay updated from you guys, might not be able to watch because of shitty connection
rooting for c9 go ray and jensen

>try an AI game to get a feel for things
>played Smite for a long time but I'm not comfortable with the champs yet
>lose a tower as solo at top while we have 3 in mid
>check what's up
>they're 0/11, 0/9 and 0/11
>there's only one bot in mid

NA is 7 2 against EU in international matches for the last 9 matches

i play this game sometimes

>top 800
silver much friend?

What happened to Moscow 5? I don't think NA has a top that can compete with Darien

bots are hard for bronze/silver players
so dont mind losing

those are level-grinding bots.
they're easy to identify.
>red teddy icon in the loading menu
>very slow loading usually
>disconnects and reconnects frequently
>runs down mid all the time
can't really do much about it other than report them after the game.

Bots dont gain gold from kills, you can one man show this shit if you farm enough in bots to go nuts

Which ultimate skin is the best?

dude hes new to the game
>being this much a fucking retard

>tfw can't choose splash and in-game icon for dj sona
why make 3 splashes if they're only gonna use the worst one?

Ele lux or sona

Udyr is just a VGU and ez feels like a 1820 skin

post op.gg


shame the champ is garbage cus the skin is rad. good VO too

Holy shit I love Riven so much best girlfriend

You and me both

Pick the role and offrole (the former is more important) that you like best and find an easy but strong champ to main and 1 or 2 others to also main and only play those. Watch your winrate climb. If winrate does not climb, pick different champs, Rinse and repeat.

Im ready

>playing darius
>run up to fiddlesticks
>he fears me
>he drains my hp
>run back up to apprehend
>he runs away with 10000 ms
>go buy qss
>run up to fiddlesticks
>he fears me
>I qss
>he starts draining
>sees I stopped his fear
>he fears me again with his non-exsistant cooldowns


Who is that semen demon?

Best janna skin?

Best ship btw

I love Jhin!

classic so I can see it all~


Guess the comp


I changed my twitch username for this

Singed, Elise and Cass?

Maokai Cass and I don't know the first

Elise top Nunu and Syndra

Top is Morde
Jungle nunu
Mid ap teemo

I want to IMPREGNATE Kalista

>all three champions have boots
Worst guessers

1 point to /lolg/

>no tear


>Triforce on Darius instead of BC
Is this a good build?

>Cass can't buy boots
Huh, when did that happen

You're soloqing as your waifu and this team comes along and blows her a kiss.

What do you do?


Why this nigga building a Catalyst item on Morde

I wish people would stop posting about shit with 65 game record count
You realize that site has like 20 things not working right now right

If Kayn uses his ult on a target during Karthus ult does he get it?

If the enemy team has no tanks, its pretty good. The attack speed helps you get your passive stacked faster, and the spellblade proc with your W chunks people hard

Why i am G3 and still i cant play pre level 30 games without feeding? I just went 0/9/0 with my main and otp and i never feed in my elo


>edgelord faggot
>faggot with aids
>faggot so ugly he wears a mask
> a fucking furry
Why would I even care?

Because I'm a retard and don't know what to buy now that Scepter doesn't exist anymore

>You realize that site has like 20 things not working right now right
I just want to know masteries desu

Tri isn't bad on Darius per se, but BC just synergises so well with his kit that you're retarded not to build it, and buying both Tri and BC together is less than desirable.

>been playing 6-8 games a day
>getting at least 1 honor in most games
>still lv2 honor, still not a single key fragment

haha epik rework xD

ah yes, bury your head in the sand and ignore the facts of female nature
good strategy

ah yes, bury your head in the sand and ignore all objective arguments
good strategy

If timed right after Karthus casting it, he can avoid the damage if he stays in the target when ult procs

What if we got a cool new Madotsuki champ guys
would you play her?

>saying fanservice for women doesn't get women's attention
>objective argument

>relying on stereotypes
>>saying fanservice for women doesn't get women's attention
>>objective argument
You didn't even fucking understand me didn't you. Not surprised honestly

I want to MATING PRESS _____(you)

I would fap to her



Hard to say. "No" and "stop" aren't exactly clear signals during sex. If she actively tries to push you off, now that's something else entirely.

Leg Legos

>got Guerilla Tristana from first premium chest on smurf
Yay or nay? It is a legacy skin after all...

who are some fun ap midlaners that don't build morello fucking hate that boring-ass item

she has better skins

>can't see her cute feet

Scrap it.