/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1811

>Recent News
Future Updates *Thanks TL user

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo!
7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun)
7/12 - 7/17 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns
7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts
7/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread:


First for CUMMIES


Let's offer brat to the Indonesian Tribute

Should I spark Cock?


Using sparklers on your cock would be extremely painful...


Scrap 5* shitcow and give Sen an SSR

I will spark monkey!

you're a big guy

No, give the 5* to Yugu

I'll give Sen something else.

When will they implement auto farming bots ingame?


>another charlotta
holy shit why? who even likes her

I am never going to cute post again
Every single one of my posts will be 100% cuteless from now on

I do!

why post it again?

Shut up, mig.

Where are you getting that from, did I miss an announcement?

My mom.


Good. Time to act like a man

Why is Gran sneaking off ship and why Cordelia doesn't want it known? This is if Cordelia isn't in crew.

the sr trial has charlottas skillset and new passive

>SSR Sen
I was thinking that just today. Would suptix her harder than Yoda.

Razia and Halle synergize so well with each other that I'm surprised there's no doujins with them together.

Shut the fuck up de arimasu

If she didn't give birth to you she's not your mom

>charlotta is getting a buff, got an event SR and is getting another SR

Other harvins needs attention too!

Only arulu and charl isn unfair.

Scrap yourself.

TTK pls.

Summer skin Eternals when

Kys seanig

why would they have to do a trial for charlotta but worse

But she did.

>Rosetta didn't adopt him

My wife on the left

Okay. _user_

Nezha HL

I'm DF with AR+DB, need Sage, Phalanx,etc

How ready is Razia for pregnancy?

99% of the anons here are gonna ticket Scath or Yugu

Prove me wrong.

Mig!!! Did you see my gift for you?

I already have both.

I can't. I'm tixing scat

I don't tix

1CR, 1 Sparta

B73580A6 RQ(JK)

I'm ticketing a gisla b/c esports is more important than having fun.

I was going to ticket Jeanne, then I changed my mind to Yuel for GW, but now I indeed want to get Yugu


>tries to look cool by walking with a hand on her back
Huge dork.

You don't even have Hades.

I want to eat fried rice off Yaia's ass.

I have a 0* hades

What's your problem user.

im not going to ticket anyone because im f2p

Need Sage

stupid fatty

I am f2p.
I also have both

my daughter (wife) on the right

When are they going to let us trade characters with other players? I would give up Lucio in a heartbeat for a waifu I want

My friend does

I was lucky and got Scath in a couple rolls when she first came up. Didn't know whether to choose Perci or Magisa and now I am also tempted to pick Yugu.

I didn't want either and I got both.

Still no suptix news?

Scat for muh dik or Ayer for GW? I asked before but I really can't decide.

always dickpick


get the poop fetish for your dick

>he wastes money on dead pixels


If anything Razia is the character you ticket for the upcoming GW, you have Sieg, just stop being lazy and level him.
You have Birdman and Feena(with her individual zeniths maxed) with your Korwa, your wind team is workable.
Still if you're paying Scat isn't a bad choice regardless.

whens magfest

But I already have them

Pixels aren't alive to begin with.

Speaking as someone who was adopted, fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

>gives birth
>trips on umbilical cord
>gets entangled

I still can't choose between Razia, Halle and F Societte.

He's right though
haha you don't have a real mom and your parents probably hates you

>Summer Quatre

We'll never get a suptix for this dead game

54 days until I spark the most beautiful lady in the game.

I'm ticketing Percival, so eat that. Also host Medusa HL because I need cups.


Thanks anons. Hopefully the ticket is next week so I have some time to think.

Which one do you jerk off to the most? _____Razia_____

30098AA4 Nezha HL
Need phalanx

i don't think he said ugly

Can I just sell the Sr magna summons?

Have Halle, Cath and Korwa. Should I ticket Ayer, or is there a better Earth character for now? As in, wouldn't Yugu or Razia be a better synergy with Halle?

At least you are honest.

Fuck off

So in order to become competitive, you must sacrifice comfy, and vice versa? Is there really no case where it's like, guild leader sets a target goal for all players like
>50 mil from everyone this round
but the players don't feel pressured since to them, the target is easily attainable and they understand the leader is just throwing out some formality here? I don't believe a guild requires strict rules and leadership in order to maintain a competitive state. After all, if you needed to be yelled at to farm in GW when you obviously didn't want to in the first place, wouldn't you just leave after GW anyways?

What if your mom was actually Rosetta. I think it'd be pretty shitty cause I'm allergic to a lot of flowers.

braindamaged user tickets gisla just to be worse than f2p magna earth LOL

the month is 1 week old and we still havent gotten any free stuff

>that increase in twenty days after KMR took over
Fucking jew. Give me back HRT

Yep. I'm ticketing Scath. Failed to pull her on rate up and I sparked too.,