League of Legends General - /lolg/


>Take four

What does lolgen think of Talon?

Is...Is it safe?

2nd for fddle support

inb4 deleted again

why does this mod delete our threads

Will this one survive?



Only once you stop avatarfagging

Daily reminder: Yasuo is the most balanced champ in the game and only nerd-virgins complain about him.

ribbon is my waifu

hahaha lulufags btfo


Riven is cute and strong!

xth for breast metal waifu

Hey, that's my wife!


werent any lulu threads

hes for ezreal

comfy bfs~

I don't think people complaim about him because they get rekt or something most people hate Yasuo, because that one fucker that believes his in one of those highlights videos with dubstep that end up 1/7/2

this goes for literally every champion in the game too

I love Riven mains!

Guys, I just ate a shit ton of junk of junk food in a short period of time and now the left side of my chest feels tight and hurts. Am I going to be okay?

>Futas impregnating other girls

LITERALLY my fetish.

Azir and Sivir need a skin-line together.

>I HATE those guys

he's probably hardstuck bronze v and is taking it out on the thread

>deletes posts calling out janny on their petty shit

Man I'm glad clown9 took a diarrhea dump on fnatic today

Garen hated Noxians before he met his qt!

I want to roofie this girls drinks and abuse her!

Tfw not enough chromas, wheres my evil lulu




>ADCucks complaining their role is 'too weak'
>Meanwhile double/triple ADC comps are completely viable and played at all levels of the game

bunch first

asg questions while bunching :DD

Hey lolgen I'm thinking of applying to be a Veeky Forums mod. However, my financial situation is a bit tight at the moment. Can anyone tell me how much the position pays for?

Why is poppy so great while being so cute?

but she's already evil and just doesn't know it


post link to where you got it from friend


>ADC is a role that get's stronger the more competent the player is as well as how well his team can effectively protect him
>Most people are bronze/silver

I think I've solved why so many people think ADC's are too weak.

>This post is allowed
>But posts criticizing the supreme ruler are not

Be careful friend. That's how I got a ban quite a bit ago.

Poor nasus couldn't catch a breath

both should be allowed

zero dollars per hour

Gonna need some sauce, friend

posts criticizing the mods are not league of legends

Did anyone catch Rift Rivals? Just got home from work. Guessing EU won like they always do?


I don't know user but it is great!

there we go

>Guessing EU won like they always do?

post the riven image separate please

>Nasus into Teemo
>still maxes Q
easily one of the most braindead fanbases, E max Nasus is a hard counter to Teemo.

Will she ever find the hero destined to wield the hammer?

ah, so riven is the best, I get it now

How the fuck do I play Azir? I keep getting my ass handed to me in lane and am on a 10 defeat streak with him

>thresh having the same CS as a Morgana

why does he take Targons when Ancient Coin is so much better for lane phase?
>innate CDR
>armor which Thresh has 0 of
>insane fucking mana regen
I get Thresh is a tank because he's an initiator (though I do wonder if building Censer + redemption would make his W shield any good) but why the fuck does a RANGED support use an item specifically made to not work on Ranged supports?

>hurr he has E passive to execute!
... Well, yeah, but its just as good as a harass tool and its still not half the execute tool as what a Braum or blitz have with their empowered autos + Targons

18+ website

ima need that mod to do his work here instead of dicking around for no reason

>Stop posting about how much I hate Riven and want to kill her
>Suddenly there's like 8 Rivenfags


So the implication here is that Sona is the worst?

I love Lissandra!
>all these people saying that I love Lissandra bc im supposedly a contrarian

LMAOing at ur life
Also why come after me for being a "contrarian" but not other waifufags?

wait until his rework, right now he's in a state where pro players on zero ping connections can barely make him viable while he's total shit under any other circumstances

She can wield my hammer.

Git gud and stop posting lulu thats how

She is the hero user

but who is the one piece of lol

no its that theyre all fucking garbage for normies

Pick a better champion. There's 138 others.

Also it takes way more than 10 games to git gud on Birdman: Ascended God Emperor

Also that outfit looks way better on Annie or Tristana, Lulu looks horrible.

such as?

Why hasn't she stopped looking then?

there's nothing wrong with normies


Riven is the cutest and most fun champion in League of Legends.

>got bored of it so I didnt get past the 10th ep

I dunno probably a really boring waifu like Diana or Caitlyn

Who's the One Piece?

Because she doesn't think she's the hero even though she is. This was discussed during her rework iirc.

Her mission overshadows her ego.

The "sejfag"
All the gays

what a disgusting looking whore of a witch, I'm going to throw up

fucking delet this


That's cute

Her lack of confidence keeps her from realizing that she's the hero.

Yeah but I've played almost every champion in the game and the only ones I find fun are Tahm Kench, Bard and Azir. I just want to learn how to kick ass as this fucking faggot bird but he does no damage, then I see some enemy Azir going 11/0/4 at 7 minutes in because he does all this plays and shit. Teach me /lolg/, teach me how I can play as this sand digger.

Hey man I don't talk shit about your waifu so be civil with me please.
user, tristana would not be happy with you if she heard that.

Orion gave her the hammer and said something about "This hammer belongs to the Hero of Demacia."

She thougth he meant "Find Demacia's hero and give it to him." when he meant "As Demacia's Hero, this hammer is yours."
She's been looking for HUNDREDS OF YEARS, and is proving herself worthy of the title Hero, and of Orion's Hammer, all the time whether its chasing bandits in search of "clues" or smashing wolves (and dragons...) who happen to attack her while shes roaming the country.

Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.

Please tell me how this happened

You know it.

your grip on me won't last much longer user, I am growing stronger

Riot trying to make the game as hard as possible for Pete.

been a good day

The anime is garbage but the manga is 10/10.

>first dodge of the day
>20 minute queue timer


The only reason he is complained about is the fact that he has a very safe laning phase for his huge spike. Literally built for waveclear and mitigating any damage he takes. Then proceeds to double his damage permanently with only 2 items.

I am not trying to control you user. I am just telling you that she would be unhappy with you if she was present. If you are fine with that then continue on. If you are not then maybe reevaluating who you are and if you are willing to change for her is a better use of your time.

Best guy!
I'm bored..........

>No-one will every carry you out of Bronze