League of Legends General - /lolg/


nami edition!

I want to aggressively impregnate this bird.

Is MMR based purely off Win/Loss or does individual performance count for anything?

I love Riven, my wife!!

> There's no counterplay because it's not a skillshot
Who came up with this meme?

xth for Syndra

So I haven't played the game since Feb 2015.

Can anyone give me a run down?
Is that earth bending chick any good?

xth for having hardcore homosexual sex with Kled in front of those sissy fucks from demacia

Stupid players stuck in fucking bronze

>No shit Husbando/Waifu art
>Posted with relevant timing
>Didn't spam shit to get people to come over
I'm actually shocked

Learn and distract yourself with the forgotten tactics of D GATEZ. Rest in peace Trick2g.

>Tfw Taric and Zilean were more fun and just as balanced before their reworks of "make it into a skillshot"

Warwick is CUTE!

welcome to vg is this your first day here

will my normals mmr affect my placements while leveling an account? should i just stick to bot games for a cleaner mmr or doesn't it matter?

I think it's a mix of both Tarzaned went from a fresh level 30 account to being placed in gold 2 with plat 4 mmr

Wasn't taric before his rework the first "counter" to kalista

Definitely not just w/l

Literally threw my promos with tahm kench and placed higher than last season

evelynfags where are you your waifu just got picked in lck vs lpl rift rivals

doesn't matter

How much money could I sell a League account for if it has 20 rune pages, every champion, almost every rune, and tons of skins on it?

you're fucking tash anyway so it doesn't matter

This girl is my hero.

Not much unless its high elo/has rare skins.

>Implying it's not always just super early Lulu/Vladfag threads that don't get deleted because janitors are fags
Right back at ya bud

nope. play normal games or you'll be really anxious or rusty for real ranked game.

I wanna start a Lulufarm with poros!

It doesn't matter. The MMR for SR norms, ARAMs, and SR ranked are all separate

I mean, I know it won't go for hundreds of dollars, but surely I could get like, 100 bucks out of it right? I know I don't need to explain this to you, but that's literally thousands of hours of grinding a person doesn't have to do. Not to mention I easily have over 300 dollars of skins alone.

>Eve picked.
AP or AD?

>that's literally thousands of hours of grinding a person doesn't have to do
but it is something a computer program can do

Keep coming, not full!

it really depends on the rank (I just sold one of my smurfs), sorry user

If you have to jungle you need to have a lot of lane presence. As soon as people get 2 full items it's time to start grouping. Autos top lane really fucking hurt. If you want to play a tank, build a locket.

Against Rek'Sai of all things, Eve's gonna get fucked hard.

I find current Taric fun (once laning phase ends) but they want to rework him and remove some of his bigger strengths turning more of a healslut for some reason.

>they changed the trashy skank animu art
Damn, that sucks.

That really doesn't matter. Fresh level 30 accounts go for jack shit, people dont buy accounts for random tidbits of skins and rune pages. They either want rare skins or high elo, You're better off just getting good getting it into diamond then selling it. For instance I have a few skins you can't get anymore along with icons my accounts probably worth more than yours


On hit %HP attack speed with gunblade 3rd item.

I haven't played in years but now I'm trying again so that I have something to do with my friends. What's the important stuff to know with League right now? Any remarkable changes?

>Play for the last 4 years
>Only go up against silver 4-2s in norms
>Get my account boosted to Plat 5 from Silver 5 in ranked
>Suddenly only being matched with other higher gold/low plat players in norms
Explain this lolbabs

I want to IMPREGNATE Ezreal

>be last pick ADC
>enemy team is all divers and shit
>pick Tristana (best yordle) for her safety
>invade enemy with our thresh level 1, they spot us, walk the long way around and kill kha for FB
>doing okayish bot, level 3 get a double kill thanks to thresh landing his hook
>we kill em once more and go top (lucian was feeding teemo)
>kill teemo, thresh barely survives thanks to my heal
>take top tower because Im tristana and towers are like caster minions to me
>take herald
>b and go mid
>take all 3 mid towers before the enemy team finally collapses on us
>kill them all and take inhib
>take bot inside and towers
>end the game

How exactly can't ADCs push their lead again?
although I have to admit, if thresh did not follow me I couldnt have done nearly as much.

Actually it's not Rek'Sai but Gragas, I could swear they picked Rek

Too bad for you

>don't play normals for 3 years
>first game back
>against diamond 2 adc


God that sucks, it doesn't even make sense to me. I obviously can't argue with the market though. To a fresh new player my account should be worth hundreds in my opinion, but yeah, if nobody will ever want to pay for it than whatever.

I'm still going to sell my account soonish though. It's plat 5 right now so rank wise its worthless. But it has basically the complete game unlocked already. If I can sell it for fifty bucks I'll just be happy with that I guess. Is that at least possible? Any lower than that and I'm better off just fucking keeping it on the off chance I ever feel like playing years in the future.

yeah, its remarkably less fun

Yeah, I've noticed this too, but all the same, your normal mmr doesn't affect your ranked mmr, but your ranked mmr might affect your normal mmr (can't say for sure).

Same with Flex queue. Your solo mmr affects your flex mmr, but your flex mmr doesn't affect your solo mmr.

You should probably get decent cash. Use player auctions Making an account is a hassle but it's pretty hard to get scammed from using that website.

Eve is so sexy and cool. I hope they don't ruin her in the VGU.

They redid champ select.

50 bucks yeah. If you get it to high plat / D5 you could get much more I guarantee you.
It's just that there are bots that could easily level an account for you, so unless you have some REALLY rare shit on it, people usually won't care to pay for an unranked.


Nami 4 u

Fucking Cuvee holy shit.

I'm gonna POUND Ezreal's PROSTATE and make Lux WATCH


Are people actually watching that? Are the games any good?

Where's the full size version of this?

You just answered your own question: The support. You were blessed with a support that knew how to play the damn game, but that's not a guarantee every time. There's not much most ADCs can do without a reliable babysitter to help them out, as any team with half a brain will just 2v1 & CC your ass to death. It's much easier to carry with a top or a mid.

Also, should I build BotRK first on Trist or what? ADC itemzation is weird as fuck now.

comfy bfs~

delet this mpreg is gross

>I hope they don't ruin her in the VGU.
Don't worry, they'll make her model and character amazing after completely destroying anything personality she had originally and replacing it with "strong womyn"esc qualities at the expense of having an even semibalanceable kit of course.

Just give her her old stun and she might see play again.

I always go bf into zeal item then finish IE. Which lolalytics tells me in the highest wr build too.
The only time I went bork on her was when I was losing early (pre first back) and needed the sustain/power spike

Of course its always good after ~2 items if fighting a tanky team/you need the ms

>semibalanceable kit
Is there any champ in league with a stealth mechanic that hasn't been considered broken several times?

>wanting a baby with best boy is gross

I just want to start a family, user. You wouldn't put your seed into Ezreal to get him preggers?

i want to taste a fish

>wanting kids

Not really.
Cait, Trist, Corki build Energizer: BFSword > Statik/RFC > Finish IE > other energizer item > situational
Ashe and Varus build Bork PD/Rundaan's then more crit / situational. Or they can also go energizer.

>Wanted to play on-hit %HP Eve
>LAN is down

that shits so weird to me
like I get wanting to disconnect from reality in a fantasy but thats not how dudes work, if you cum in his butt or anywhere really he wont get preggers

how the fuck does it come out? through the urethra? does he poop it out?

wtf man


Her beta shield used to also make allies invisible. It was considered broken ONCE and they scrapped it.

I found it, good meme tho.

I see, thank you. I kind of miss the old BorK rush build, though.

i want to ward that bush

post them and r8 or something

probably just circlejerk

>Chinks beating the Gooks
Do we have a chance?

Also, take Warlords to synergize with the new RFC passive.

>the is an alternate timeline where lux has the capability of making everyone on her team invisible

Quick! Claim your Lux form as your waifu! Hurry up, because Dark can only be claimed by one of you people, and rumor has it she's pretty hot both on the surface and in bed.

he poop it out like women do???

>how the fuck does it come out?
Through his boi pucci, silly.

Which male champion would impregnate /lolg/?

I wanna have a tea party with Lulu!

Claiming Mystic

user plz, its 4 am

I hate that spelling for bp, prefer boi pussy
pucci looks off

why do the chinks get on at 5 in the morning us time and jungle incessantly

what makes them do this

like, all of us?

Claiming Magma


god damn

Not Kled! Only me is allowed to impregnate Kled, and i won't let him impregnate anyone but me!!

>prefer boi pussy

I knew it

I wanna go cuteposting with Lulu!

>6 game loss streak
>take a break from the game for a few days
>come back
>lost another 5 games
>had one great game as Darius but lost because I couldn't touch their Vayne/Janna

someone fucking kill me already

me ice

knew what?
also every other gey Ive talked to types it that way too I only ever see that spelling on Veeky Forums

Claiming her most fertile form.

I've started playing other champions recently.