League of Legends General - /lolg/

Yordles at war edition


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Xth for Twitch

cutest splash

Does this confirm that twitch and fizz are related to Yordle lore in some way?

So midlane is a wasteland now of zero skill or player interaction really at all. Who cares if you have "early game weaknesses" if you can just spam wave deletion at early levels and get all the cs under turret anyway?

This has been a long time coming but we are basically at peak PvE in midlane now. The only stats that will matter on the "best" midlaners will be range, cooldowns, and ability to delete champions with as few items as possible.

>League of Legends

pick one

>have whistler village twitch
>final boss veigar
>dragon trainer tristana
I want one of the new skins but I'm not sure they are better than the ones I have already

Not really, skins aren't canon

tfw jhin will never make you beautiful

is there anything more than someone who has NO offrole but doesnt dodge

so you are willing to just lose lp instead of taking a 5 minute break
fucking asshole

What lore?

xth for Syndra


Kled is cute and also my husband!
I want to use his butt as a pillow!

Jinx is cuddly and cute

xth for breast metal waifu

>we are basically at peak PvE in midlane now
not until it's karthus vs. anivia again we aren't

A furry pillow doesn't sound like it'd be very comfortable, it'd tickle my nose all night and I wouldn't be able to sleep.


>implying there was literally ever going to be any other outcome when Riot released the ultimate dudebro champ that is Zed


>Hecarim and Ahri both have Arcade skins
Twitch is closer to a Warwick than a Yordle

>it's an ezreal does no damage until its way too late, and even then its so underwhelming that you might as well have picked literally any other ADC

I don't believe you have a friend, enjoy your skins.

i want to fuck this rat

Thats how its always been you fucking waveclearfag. Riot's made it a point that they don't fucking care. This game isn't for you if thats what triggers you.

Yes, and Vlad and Vayne is a canon pair and Sejuani was the DM for a RPG session involving Karthus, Jayce and Bard.

>people actually care about the shitty lore
literally tumblr tier stupidity

Source for scientific reason?

>OS skins from the leak turned out to be real
>increasing likelihood that Star Guardian bitchboy will be an actual thing

So why do the Omega Squad splash arts look weird?
Are they supposed to be photographs?

Not JUST a furry pillow! A furry BUTT pillow!
If i'd sleep with Kled i'd probably just hold him in my arms anyway

Karthus vs. Anivia was about deleting waves virtually ensuring that you'd get to 6 first and then blowing up your lane opponent. This was back when they were unique in how stupid this was, instead of being THE standard now for mids

And Anivia is coming back in a big way thanks to the PvE enabler that is Lost Chapter

Yes, "lore" wise they're photographs of old times because they're all dead

OS Teemo is the last one left

i really wish I hadn't seen that image


yes riot

Why do you care so much.

>europoors waking up
>thread quality going down

So, does anyone right click as ADC or A+Left Click? I can't stand the latter if I'm already attacking with right click. Am I doing it wrong and is there a way to turn that off? I just don't get it.

I can't fucking stand him

>rather than take Yasuo out back and end his existence and they should have done ages ago they are literally turning all midlaners into Yasuo

Indeed, she's flat and cuddly.

>it's just going to be a 1350 or 1820 Debonair skin with particles

Attack move click.

but it's like evening here

I love Lissandra!


A+Left click (you can also make it so you can only have to press A without clicking, which is what I do sometimes when I am kitting and nothing is near by.

>Enemy team didn't sweep the ward I left in their base so I got to tp into their base and solo the Nexus

Always a fun way to end.

I want to lewdly rub Veigar's ears until he start moaning!

thats not a question


>Silver II
why tho

gragas support is fun and easy
it's good vs poke mages like karma and zyra

I thought the RPG session was Braum, Gragas, and Varus with Ryze GMing

>those ears

I go up at least 1 tier every year. Silver 3 to Silver 2, now I'm gonna get Silver 1 this season. :^)

don't be rude or i'm gonna crop veigar furry porn
i'm pretty sure i'm the only kledfag here anyway

Sej thought it was fun and did it herself as well.

I'm just trying to get used to A clicking. It just feels weird to do it, since my right click still hits minions.

because it's a demand

again, you proved to be based

either you're blind or you live under a rock or both


slow and steady i guess

These were the 4 skins released in tandem

>knowing your rat is that undesirable that threatening porn of him is actually a plausible threat

... I know. why else do you think i mentioned them

Sej is a fat ugly nerd!


I think those skins were nice. Especially the Ryze one.


Is Xayah just bad early game or is it just me?

You still working on those requests left pending r-right?

In which cases is Karthus a good pick? It seems that if you are not playing a roamer mid laner you are pretty much fucked.

Just you, her passive with the piercing feathers is completely broken for early pushing and harass.

>everyone who bitches about Karma needing another rework has ice/winter themed names
is it actually one autist with a bunch of sock puppets?

Veigar's cute user!!
Most of the lewds of him are either bad, rule 63 or shota stuff though.
I wish they'd give him a VU already.

Isnt there an NFL player in high Platinum that posts here?

Just a reminder that if you're european you have no right to talk trash to your NA bulls

>Want to learn new champion
>Get crushed in lane
>Lose motivation and go back to comfort picks

omega squad veigar
pretty sure i did all of them senpai

he's silver.

Raidersanon is who you're thinking of, though I don't know his rank

When are they deleting veigars passive?


>your main
>how many fidget spinners you own


Damn son thats a legit burn

vladfag you're truly an abomination

You get used to it eventually

also enable attack move on I think it was game settings?
basically it attacks whats near your click and not near your mouse more consistency imo.

>hurrr I cant roam
You can but you also have global presence every 3 minutes and can turn the tide of a team fight simply by not being in it.

Anyway build Catalyst and max E while spamming Q. you cant stack Dorans anymore but thats not important, Hextech GLP-800 and E's passive should keep your mana pretty high anyway.

What NFL players play this game

>want to learn adc
>always get the support that won't harass and is scared
>their support is smacking me around while I try to cs


Fuck off kid

0/10 bait

my auto-correct just corrected senpai to senpai and I want to die

There's an NFL player that shat on /vp/ in competitive Pokemon.

NFL players are nerds too user.

vlad and jayce mains are pretty cool
who are some other cancer champs with pleasant playerbases?

Karthus is a good pick when the enemy team doesn't draft a hyper-roamer like Leblanc or Talon. Also if they have a Katarina you're fucked.

Your standard roamer like Ahri isn't actually too much of a problem.

Of course the amount of people who still think Karthus ult is an execute or actually think Edge of Night does ANYTHING vs a Karthus shows me that most people don't even understand what he does which is probably the biggest problem with someone trying to play him.

Seriously, what distinguishes a bronzelord mid laner from a diamond one now for the first 10 minutes of the game? You never have to interact with your lane opponent at all any more

I'm 23


not near your champion*

Play support and bully your pussy adc

>get filled adc
>get a "support" lux who starts dorans ring
>spams E on the wave
>enemy Brand dropping a full combo whenever I go for a CS

this lane is just too stressful for me

Karthus has trouble against extreme range (Lux, Ziggs, Xerath) and extreme mobility (Yasuo, Fizz) but otherwise is fine. He always outputs a metric shitload of damage.

Did you do the one about Gnar?