League of Legends General - /lolg/


I fucking hate Klein edition

lynching of klein when?


Post yordle pussy.

How do I Udyr/Ezreal?
Ez especially, I feel like I do no damage.

This SJW cuck blocks your path.

What do you do?

have muramana before 20 and put in midgame work

xth for Syndra

I hear duskblade Ez is a fresh new meme

focus on stacking your passive and actually autoing. too many ezreal players think just hitting q is where their damage comes from

udyr is garbage don't even try

Stop playing Ezreal.

I disrespect women infront of him and say racists remarks, because I am infact a minority he cant directly do anything against me.
conflicted, he kills himself.

its actually garbage

Xth for I want to marry Tristana!

As an ADC main. don't play Ezreal, he has 0 damage and is out classed by every single adc except vayne

He is currently the adc with worst winrate for a reason.

If you want someone who can get out of fights and poke from really far away you have Jhin with his ultimate.

What the fuck happened to twisted fate?
Seems like everyone forgot he was a champ

xth for Lux

Jinx is cuddly and cute


On udyr max qw and when you are ready to stun opponent take e. When low health q then w together bonus speed healing

wait for the rework
I was Maokai and I was a step ahead of the other jungler, everytime he tried to gank he got hit in the face by a sapling and backed off.


hotfixing singed?is the new passive really that strong?

tfw you impregnate Lulu for the 4th time in 4 years against her will

Why isnt there a SINGLE skintheme shared by all 3 (THREE) yordle girls?

looking kinda gross there

I love Tristana but I don't know how to play her correctly.

Any tips?

>I was Maokai and I was a step ahead of the other jungler, everytime he tried to gank he got hit in the face by a sapling and backed off.
oh okay I was just asking because I've seen a similar situation in one of my games earlier today sop I was wondering if that was you but I guess just a coincidence

>ywn start out cuddling Jinx but it makes her horny and she ends up pinning you down and riding you


Udyr is bad until the passive rework comes through. Be patient my son.
Ezreal is one of the worst ADCs in the current meta unfortunately, with no changes in sight.

He's still good, especially in lower elos where you can abuse his roaming

After Tear buy FUCKING SHEEN and then think about getting Trinity Force. Gauntlet is fine if your teammates have some brains, but most of the times go TriForce since it'll translate into damage.

If you are one of the faggots that goes for Tear into Vamp Scepter/Bilgewater's Cucklass you are choosing to lose lane. That's good for pros or very high rated people, at low elo you're asking their botlane to rush all over your face with that shit.

No, he's even weaker in some aspects and is a different playstyle.
He just started to actually win a bit but silver riot dev team got mad that his w made flashy skin sellers punished

Should I go mid/AP then?

How do we fix Ezreal lads? He's only good when he is abusing broken items or crit is so terrible that he does more damage than crit ad's

Dude, just play something more viable or play normals.

If you play ezreal you will only lose elo.

He's fine. We must fix Ryze first

Ezreals always been pretty fine, you need to win lane to do anything on him he's just one of those champs.

>yfw start out hugging Kog'maw but he jumps on top of you and snuggles for the entire night


he has a rough time vs some of the meta midlaners and there's more itemization vs him than ever before. banshee's veil, edge of night, locket better than ever for anti-burst. cleanse is also very commonly picked vs him, last time tf was meta tp mid was also the standard, whereas now it's ghost or ignite which can easily be swapped out for cleanse

he's still strong in the right hands and always will be but there's a reason he's not meta

Newer champs kits out preform his and most mid laners outscale him by far these days even when they are behind.

Maybe he needs to have a low CD teleport on his E again.

A new age of flaming shotgun knees is coming!

xth for Urgot



is a good jungler the only way to counter orianna mid?

I dont know, im fine with how he is now.
When twisted fate is good he's absolute cancer to fight.

What support should I pick when my team is full ap? Is there any ad support?

>mfw get 4 honors in a match as support.

The one you're best at.


the dodge

He really doesn't do enough to guarantee giving up mid lane anymore.
He's been slowly powercreeped out into forgettable territory, why give up mid lane for a chance of maybe helping bot/top when other champs do that much, much better.
And with all the burst and new items he can't really gold card one shot people unless they're braindead and don't have qss/peel.

Just fixed my AC!

comfy bfs~


i don't play mid so don't know the matchups but wouldn't xerath be p good against her?


>I HATE those guys

That tasted purple!

What are /lolg/'s most cancerous phrases that need to be filtered?

So how come kled's ulti have a literaly homing part?it makes it busted as fuck

Who the fuck is Klein?

champs that completely outrange her can bully her out of lane. xerath, azir if he weren't garbage, lux maybe. other than that yeah she's one of the safest picks in the game it's hard to force anything vs her alone if she knows what she's doing

Lew lew
Why fu

He invented this really nifty bottle.



best waifu
and kled

everything else is extra

shitton of champs do what he does much, much better and they don't have to auto lose mid
he's getting into that niche territory

i love X

gee rito why does kayn get TWO login screens

I'd like this skin for poppy to happen so it can share the dragon trainer skin for all three yordle girls.


>TFW no support to send to janna school

So is Kayn retarded OP or complete shit?



Shadow ass form sucks, demon dick form is okay. That seems to be the consensus at least.

absolute dogshit

Any of you have experience buying accounts from playerauctions? Which seller is the best/sells accounts where the original owner wont reclaim em


What is that guide that helped you understand what you did wrong and ended up helping you escape low elo?

I'm reading a lot of guides but most of them only say obvious shit and tell you to stick to a shitty tier list.

I really need to stop dodging, but it triggers the fuck out of my autism when some laggy spic says he's support and his duo buttbuddy backs him up when I called it first.

he needs a rework where E has more uses than memeing adc tf

redpill me on toplane

>it's a your laner keeps pushing the fuck out of their lane and expects you to be able to gank episode

you hope your botlane wont end up 0/7 by 10 minutes
thats it

dude just dive lmao

it's shit
full of cancer like kled,gnar and other faggotry

What to do when you're the only one on your team who understands macro play?
It's not the previous seasons anymore, what's worse is that the enemies can't play like that either but we can't capitalize on their mistakes.

>yasuo top
>loses 1v1 lvl1
>gets behind 2 levels
>at this point basically goes back to lane, fights immedietely and dies
>repeats over 5 times during the first 10 minutes
>report jungle

a single gank makes them more autistic and spergy than even adcs
theyre either spergs or sissys

other than that they rely on others to win the game for them because they play a lane with no map pressure and dont know that you can use teleport to do things OTHER than get back to lane

>wait for the rework
Been waiting for a couple years user, at least he got VU

people started to hate gnar from the night to the morning. huh.

It's like getting raped, but then learning to love it and raping back even harder.

I love Riven!!!!!!!!!!!! She's my wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Filled with short tempered kids that only like to 1v1 with riven and old people that only know how to use braindead splitpush champs
>Is exploited by most junglers because top laners get tilted very easily
>Only viable champions are unfun tank trash
>Farm simulator until minute 30.

>Top lane expects me to gank a lane bully while hes half hp
I'll pass on giving him a double, thanks.

Only good lane. Some matchups you have to suck it up and out scale and just hold the tower. Just don't play like shit lmao bro