League of Legends General - /lolg/

Old shitty thread made by a waifu fag: Bully all waifu fags edition.

I know boxerpete would crucify me for saying this but I like warlords on trynd

its like an entire items worth of lifesteal so I can build armor pen easier

>tfw your main is stolen from you just before you pick
>tfw your champion is literally only played by mains
>tfw they are so fucking bad at it so you feel like you were cheated out of a game on your main

Xth for forgetting to take smite when autofilled

pd is definetly viable
probably deaths dance aswell with its buffed passive, and you should be healing off your barrels too

Has anyone ever shilled there stream on lolg? Im surprised i havent seen a single shill, then again i feel like that would end badly

xth for optimal jhin build being CRIT, fuck you lethalitykeks

What happened here?

i want to FUG kle!d

>tfw finally 30 on smurf
>wonder whether buying runes is even worth it at this point
When's that rune rework coming?

>Main Kassadin
>People are playing now because fotm
>They're all bad at him

I really want a Chef Camille skin where her legs are pizza cutters.

After worlds
So like november iirc

Just buy the cheapo T2 runes. Kind of sucky, but not worth dropping 5,000-10,000 IP on, at least in my opinion. Then again they could offer some sick rewards for IP spent.

probs not tho

holy shit that slut has baggier eyes than me and i already look like a drug addict, what the fuck

Why does everyone say shes a slut ive seen nothing to indicate that, im not white knighting im genuinely curious

>Jungler is active in game and does make appearances in lanes even if its just clearing a river ward/pressuring enemy to not overextend
>Chances of the game being a win are higher and win or lose jungler isnt going to be bitched at
>jungler has down symdrome and acts like attacking jungle minions is the only thing that is required from his role
>zero pressure means enemy laners are allowed to be super aggressive in lane
>chance of a win go down and its more likely jungler will be center of blame if its a loss

Like guys you dont even need to be ganking you just need to fucking show your team and the enemy team that you are actually fucking in the match and that you are prepared to do something so everyone is forced to plan ahead

>expecting logic
>from Veeky Forums

Remember when everyone thought that Lyte was the cuck in his relationship and that turned out to be the polar opposite on nigh-sociopatic levels?

She is an attention whore that talks with a cute animu voice. Also she is cucking HotshotGG with Destiny for sure.

>hops from player to player
you just know she had miles upon miles of dick in her

Not knowledgeable of her history, how many esports players has she hopped from?

gee boss, dont ask me questions i cant possibly know

She is a slut like she looks fucking average and the fact that she is hopping from dick to dick while being a average looking chink shows how much of a slut she is

Isn't she fucking Pants are Dragon and Dyrus atm?

minute you hop on a second dude you are a slut

What if it's a boy hopping on a second dude?

>99 lp

then its a sin against poor children, corrupting their minds and stealing their foreskin

idk why dont you ask
since he is the fag in the thread

I want to steal your foreskin!

How do you play kassadin? .

I know he's supposed to farm till 16 for his ult but what are his combos, what he does in lane ect?

hey lolg. Last friday I asked for a LoL related picture to use as a wallpaper, so today is the day to change it.
This week I had imaqtpie at the center, and considering what Delta Fox did this week... it came really handily. Guy's a walking meme.
Anyways, Roll a 7 and make it LoL-related.

y-you too

husbandofags are k I assume

reminder to play jungle chogath for free elo now


Quick /lolg/, recommend me the best internet provider of gaming here in California.

>Brandon Woodie is still Silver 3


Rolling for taliyah lewd.


Really like how this new champion can go full AD and somehow take no damage whatsoever late game

Wait is Velkoz OP now?



Does Rivington have a big dick?

no, just gnar

his lane phase is absolute garbage, you are going to need a good jungler to gank your opponent

in lane when minions are low u can Q ur opponent and go for the last hit if they are mages, anyways shit like orianna, brand will rape you no matter what u do, only ganks can save u

the only combo really is u auto attack once and then press W, everything else is situational, if you are 100% you can land E u go for it then Q or W, he is so much fun when u master him, but again his lane phase is garbage

>ywn see Urgot completely dominate and mindbreak Camille
>ywn see him lift her spent body over his shoulder and parade her though Piltover and back to Zaun
>showing everyone who sees him on the way that he now OWNS her



Where's the Mexican

>1 week of testing left
>4 weeks of permaban after that


how come when i go 3/0/3 with 75% kp at the start of the game i cant turn it into a win? As a jg if a single other lane feeds all my early work is erased, it's honestly getting frustrating playing this role when I rely so much on the rest of my team simply not dying

how do I take advantage of an early lead

Ever thought it's because your pathing is shit?

>with 75% kp

play something harder scaling like master yi if you wanna 1v5

otherwise suck it up that some games can't be carried

Are they really wearing that? When did Anime turned real?


> they don't even have a picture of Vel

if i let my opponent free farm without much contesting, am i really feeding?

Is Destiny going to OBLITERATE more sorry shitty DRUMPF supporters?

No, you're thinking Cho'Gath.

Cho'Gath is busted now.


>Play vs fiora top
>kill her like 3 times
>Itemize against her
>She still does enough damage to almost kill me even when im super far ahead
They need to make it so kills actually give experience again so I dont have to deal with shitties fucking up all game then winning through sheer scaling.
Whoever though hypercarry meta was a good idea is a fucking retarded faggot

Redpill me on OmarGod competitive bros

is he good? better than Dardoch?

A kill is only worth 12 minions. Letting him free farm is technically even worse.

Ive been abusing the shit out of him. KS with R and watch your spikes do 10% max hp

it's actually not, though. Im constantly 2 levels above the enemy jg, even if I devote a lot of time ganking and even when im playing against meta champs like lee. I put a lot of time learning jungle pathing so I don't think that should be an issue


>singed gets hotfixed after a single day because his win rate actually went over 50%
>champions like poppy, fiora, galio were allowed to stay in their busted state for days/weeks/months

i dont even play singed but this is obvious as fuck

advertising your stream is against site rules

Cleaning Trump's presidential toilet.

what should I order tonight? Dominos/ papa johns or chink/jap food?

I guarantee you it is shit unless you're a Korean in masters+

stop posting this every thread about my wife reeeee

Order my asshole and feast on it until you ram your cock into me!

Fiora, poppy and Galio are not even close to the level of frustration playing against singed causes so you cant let him be too strong

>tfw misclick and leave base
Why do Hammer and Dagger have to look so similar??

if my post end in 5 you must order some papa john without sausage and eat it while you play annie

>Come to my stream and talk bro

Another streamer does that shit. Why would anyone have a debate in a place
where the bias is against him, and for views no less.

>singed shoots up 8% winrate because of a recent patch
>rightfully correct their mistake
>other champions prove hard to balance over several patches
>take time to think it out so the nerfs are actually effective
a u t i s m

>europeans still getting the bantz in twitch chat after an entire game
>literally a wave of constant QUOTE_ME_IF_EU_IS_TRASH_
my sides

Its not like twitch chat is holding a person down, being shitty at debating people and have weak arguments without any evidence to support it with is not fault of destiny.

Autistic Screeching the Champion is insanely fun in low elo.. I went 1/3 in laning phase.

Is lethality broken again? Seeing one shot compilations and streamers complaining about it already.

So you are a Camillefag?
May i ask you a question


>cuskstiny is back to playing lolstone because he needs the streambux to support his gf and her son

I won't. Some things were just meant to be.


>literally a day
>it takes them 3 years to reduce lee sin R damage
come on, you can't seriously tell me you don't see it too

>cuckservatives being this mad because they jelly that Destiny can get all the pussy he wants.

its just duskblade that's fucked up. i build it on any fighter now
>max Q vi with duskblade
>hit something that's not a tank
>Q, AA, E

Duskblade into full crit is a no-brainer.

I love Lissandra!

Sorry this took so long was multitasking a couple things.

You guys are pretty boring though. Where are the lewd suggestions?

Lee Sin is a special case as he is the most popular champion in the game.

>give duskblade fucked up scalings
>it does a 200 damage proc at level 10
who even balanced this shit

Lyte, get you and your Ph.D in GettingCuckedology out of here.

More VelKoz!