League of Legends General - /lolg/


Wall off edition

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>1 post early

xth for breast metal waifu

xth for singed mains can go back to being usless

I didn't want a lulu thread

Xth for duskblade on Kindred!

My most beloved and favorite champion is and always will be old graves.

I will never, EVER, forgive Riot for taking my main from me. Giving him these shitty AA and buffing him for going jungle.

I fucking despise Riot for taking Graves from bot lane and giving him to dirty smelly monkey junglers.

Fuck you riot.

Just got my smurf to 30

Time to 10/0

That's called a dad joke, retard. It makes sense because that's her actual dad.

Sej is a cool person!

Pun intended!

>ywn see Urgot completely dominate and mindbreak Camille
>ywn see him lift her spent body over his shoulder and parade her though Piltover and back to Zaun
>showing everyone who sees him on the way that he now OWNS her


i love singed

I'm gonna put a baby in Sjokz and she's gonna get cartoonishly big

>be Ashe
>enemy mid is Zed
>can feel his erect penis through my screen at his thoughts of oneshotting me in teamfights
>rush PD and DD after ER
>kill him in 1v1s

psssht.... nottin personel

>tfw you'll never huff yordle farts like a hit from a bong.



*feeds 15 kills then afks*



I main jungle and I hate new Graves specifically because they made him into a jungler/top. Fuck off with that shit.

My bad I changed the file-name for next time

I agree. I miss old Graves. He's how I learned to ADC.

>be adc
>getting camped
>trying to freeze my lane to deny CS and waste jg time
>lux starts spam pinging me and pushing
>we now have to fight for CS
>also watch out for jungle ganks
>and try and win 2v2

xth for kill all lux supports

>shorengyun toon

>Build draktar on Fiora
>She's even more broken than before


I want to BEE molesing Lulu!

Also these worlds buffs are looking boring as fuck, and why did ekko gets buffs, hes already strong

I want to eat out lambs asshole until she rewards me by shooting her farts straight down my throat.

Okay lads what do you see Riot buffing about Kayn in the future?

Hard Mode: make it balanced
>SHADOW ASSASSIN: Kayn's basic attacks and abilities deal 12% - 44% (based on level) increase to 40% - 80% (based on level)

Name one thing old Graves did better than any other ADC.

Comfy gfs


Thresh and Blitzcrank are the only champions that infuriate me. I ban one and the other is picked, and my support or ad carry will always be hooked or grabbed. No matter how much nami CC or nautilus CC I throw out there, whoever hooks first wins.

Being fun.

What the fuck happened to Professor Milk?

He was about burst.

While his old kit was similar to Lucian, reworking him into a fucking bruiser was not a smart move for the Jungle's sake.

Like all they had to do was play around more with his smoke grenade concept more, maybe make him more about landing combos with it.

He had a really high burst. He was the bane of all vaynes, he literally dropped you dead with one rotation. also the sound effects for his AA gave me an eargasm everytime.

Real life got in the way probably.

not transforming grants an average between the 2 forms stats
at level 18 if not transformed he is granted empowered skills dealing bonus 200-500 on hit damage (skills and aa)

He's getting nerfed.

Today I escaped Silver this moment will stay with me for a very long time

>people miss this

I don't get it.

Zed looks fun. Can he carry me out of low elo?

>More CDR in the game than ever before
>10 champions get cooldowns buffed


>honor level 1

>level 1 honor
lmao good luck getting 1 key frag a month

>level 1 honor

No, play Annie, MF, and Amumu and learn the macro game.

When you reach high plat we can talk about maining these flashy champs.

>playing high skill floor champions in low elo


>level 1 honor


I loved memebuilding him as a caster with shit like triforce, black cleaver, and last whisper rather than normal adc items and just blasting people kiting with my triforce autos. I should be a lot happier since he basically is just a caster now but for some reason I hate playing as him instead.

>Be jungler
>Having mirror match because is a new account and doesn't have 20 champs
>Predict where is enemy Kindred half of the match based on when they take my marks
>Ping Laners when they're near them
>Ignore and keep pushing
>Die to a predictable gank
>"Woah our jg sucks"
>Midlaner flames me all the match and doesn't even ward the bushes with the trinket because he's too "good" for that
>By the end of the match we win because Mordekaiser getting fed by Garen
>Type "GG" like always
>"Stop talking you shitty"

Why when I'm the jungler I get matched with monkeys who can't afford a 75G item or play passive?


No, he's fucking awful at low elo.

>level 1 honor

Acoustic Mashup more like Autistic Mashup amiright

It can be hard for some people to realize they are looking through rose tinted nostalgia glasses user.

>i miss season 3 three so much
>is thatbecause that is when you where an innocent child surrounded by friends and shit?
>n-no because it was j-just better.

Nice blog.

How is it even possible to be honor 1? They literally said that you start at honor 2, right?


I'm passive aggressive every single game I lose and some of my wins but I haven't been chat restricted since lyte's haydays years ago.

Why are you so fucking toxic mang? Like just shut the fuck up and use pings you retarded faggot.

Stop dragging your team down with your stupid bullshit no one should have to hear. When I make an error I KNOW PRETTY FUCKING WELL WHAT I DID WRONG. you don't have to remind me my score either you stupid monkey.

If I buy an account and it gets banned, do I run the risk of losing my main account?

People dont like my builds

>Duskblade on nUrgot

Its about to get nasty...


If riot IP banned then league would be a much better place.

>be jungler
>everyone feeds
>get blamed
>successfully gank every lane
>make everyone strong
>do every objective call
>no honour

It feels like another job desu

>Everything in the past is bad
Take off your nightmare goggles, faggot. You don't have to be wearing nostalgia goggles to prefer old shit.

>rammus is unironically allowed to walk up to 5 dudes and walk out unscathed

why is this allowed


I miss it, why shouldn't I? he was my main, and its not like some stupid shit like poppy or urgot. A lot of people used him because he was fun to play as.

>complaining about rammus

did I miss something?

I started using my friend's alt account and it got a 14 day ban randomly a few days after. Haven't played it since and my main is fine. Interpret that how you will.

I love Lissandra!

I don't believe that you get honor level 1 and chat restricted from a few troll build games. You must have been shit talking in chat as well.

You know what you are doing pretty well faggot.

>Tanks being tanky

wow who would've thought

yea overtuned tank items

it's not particularly a rammus problem, but league of tanks is back, except now they're all buffed from their last round of nerfs and can solo carry games without needing their faggot team

>There are ACTUALLY people here, in lolg, the general I am in right now, complaining about F U C K I N G R A M M U S
My god, how much of a butthurt adc/yasuo/riven main do you have to be?

>Singed is unironically allowed to pass trough 5 people, gas them walk out unscathed and kill them if they follow you.

Let's play some league of legends boys.

> 3w 16 losses

This game sure is fun

I have problems ;c

League used to be quite the eyesore.

Weird, I played a few accounts that belonged to others last season without issue. In hindsight probably should've worried about using a proxy, or something.

Just because you can parrot a buzzword you heard here doesn't mean it actually is. You guarantee that you have seen 1 Rammus in the past 100 game you've played and decided to complain about the loss since you picked 4 AD champs.

>I've already got the Rhaast icon down, I just need to play against one a few times
>In order to get the Kayn icon, I have to play Shadow Kayn
>I still have to play this champ for something that im not even going to use, but im too autistic to let it go

Goddamn, Rito

Tanks deserve flexible itemization because of how completely out of control carries and assassins can get in this game.

Riot needs to stop seeing non-tanks buying defensive items as a problem when it's the goal of the game: making intelligent and reactive choices to shitty situations.

well it's not fun if you lose
just stop losing
I bet everyone on the enemy team had lots of fun beating you 16 times

>current fiora feels like I'm walking on the moon
Thanks, Rito. It's not like movement speed is the only thing that allows her to hit vitals or anything.

I've only gotten one account perma'd, and that was because I only used it to be an extremely toxic piece of shit.

Let's play some rape the yordle's pussy boys.


>It's riot's fault that I'm autistic
I don't see the logic.

I bet they did too. There just not enough dodges in the day to escape all these garbage picks though. Ashe support one game, Kayne mid the next. Fun.

the fucking nose
why is it so red

Playing Tryn top and watching him breeze right the fuck by everyone, blowing the fuck up out of the adc, and getting back to his team is what prompted me to post it. Dude wasn't even focusing me which is what annoyed me the most. He literally got cced on the way in, still killed Jhin every time, and cced on the way out.

I am not worried when I play toplaners anymore because these bullshit tanks leave me alone now. It's not just a rammus problem. I've seen Sej, Zac, Rammus, and Cho all do this so far. You shouldn't have so much cc AND kill potential. It's not the champions, it's the items.

Literally just played with one. Not parroting shit

lol wut

>keep getting key fragments cause of the honor meme
>have zero chests
>im already at 4 fucking keys from all these fragments



>can get increased range and a slow
>has a dash that autotargets vitals and lowers the cooldown if you aren't retarded and actually hit it
>hitting just one vital gives you free movespeed because why the fuck not

>b-but my more free movespeed!!!

S ranks, my friend.

The problem is damage scaling with defensive stats and % max health damage

>down 8K like 5 minutes before the game ends
>come back and win
good feels

>Overtuned tank items
>Riot LITERALLY just finished straight up nerfing tank items across the board and making health more scarce of a stat and disguised it as a "Tank Rework"

Jump off a cliff nigger