Women have the right of way

>Women have the right of way
>I won't let you merge in front of my fatass SUV but I'll cut you off and run you off the road
>Hold that thought I'm getting a text

>woman driving a brand new big ass f150 (presumably her husbands truck)
>driving 15 miles per hour in a 30 mph zone
>nearly side swipes the curbs and the on coming cars on the right of her
>go past her, it's a retarded midget spic behind wheel on the damn phone

>I can't afford nice things and women won't date me even though I still live at home
>Better shitpost about women and minorities on the 4chin

Bait harder

Triggered soygoy.

It's not my fault illegals take the only jobs you're qualified to do

>merging in front of female driven luxury SUV
>she fucking floors it and closes the gap, forcing me to swerve back into my lane
>if I manage to merge still she fucking lays on the horn

Why the fuck do they do that?


>merge in front of female driven luxury SUV
>brake check her immediately
>she overcorrects out of fear of hitting you
>her stupid fat car tips over and crushes her

Because you tried to cut her off, she bought that car for it's safety features and some initial d wannabe shitlord in his fart cannon Honda driving like a look made her feel unsafe and she wanted you to think about what you did so maybe next time you're out driving you'll be more respectful to other road users

>t. roastie

Fuck off

Learn to drive

So you not live in a home? Do you live in a barrel like Diogenes? Would you still not call your barrel home?

>What is reading comprehension
No wonder you blame all your problems on minorities

>even though I still live at home
Nah cunt, you’re the one who can’t conprehend anything.

>I can't afford nice things and women won't date me even though I still live at home
Maybe he lives at apartment

Oi fuck off m8 I gotta go to Centrelink

holy fuck I hope you don't have a license. you have NO fucking clue about your obligations to share the road

>tfw I drive the exact same model and mom would probably do the same as webm if she borrowed it

>state installs new 500$ for and possible jail time for phone use while driving
>can't even change songs without getting dicked
>women still fucking txt and drive
In the past 3 years I've honestly never seen a girl under 30 driving without looking down at her phone.

>light turns green
>first car is a BMW Cooper
>roastie holding her phone just under her rear view mirror
>20 or so seconds pass
>roastie drops phone
>dives, floors it
>car stalls in the middle of the crossroad

>go to uni bar overlooking the university car park
>drink beers and watch the Asian foreign students trying to park their tiny hatchback

Was she drunk?

>live in connecticut
>drivers are all like this, even the men
>Drive on I95
>put on my turn signal because I'm getting in another lane
>car behind me speeds up and closes five car spaces ahead of him to make sure I dont merge

Why do people do this?

That's why I also own a fatass SUV

Sounds like a great time, Washington?

Because fuck you, that's why.

>at intersection with double left turn
>take inside left because I need to make a right after the turn
>housewife in outside left also needs to make a right after the turn
>housewife takes the turn as slow as possible and goes WOT as soon as she straightens out to get in front of me and merge into my lane without indicating
>she hard brakes from 45mph because the right turn is immediately up ahead
This happens every day on my commute.

If you cant move one car width in the time a car behind you can close 5 car lengths, you're changing lanes wrong.

Im in a city with one of the highest auto deaths per year because people are ungodly stupid on the roads. Despite this ive never had an issue with people blocking my lane change, because i shift right after i signal and dont spend 5 minutes getting into the other lane

just block them faggort

I sometimes do block them.
>ANGRY shouting without any windows rolled down
>Indignant hand waving

>asshole drivers from NYC
>smugness of NJ trash

Fuck off to your containment state and stay there, faggot

>Be truckerfag
>Idiot 4-wheelers do this to me
>I come over into their lane anyway because I'm bigger than them, fuck you people

>Be rolling, idiot in Lexus SUV texting in the hammer lane
>my 60mph truck is catching up, I lay on the air horn as I pass on a 75mph road
>Idiot drops their phone and honks at me while they go by, then merges over and does a horrible job of trying to brake check me
>I anticipate and move over
>They almost get rear-ended by the cars behind me

And every time it's always a fucking SUV or a crossover.

>signal to merge
>car 100 meters behind in the other lane floors it
>merge anyway
>pull up beside him at the stop light
>he rolls down his window and yells at me

I'm from Georgia, I just moved here recently for work.
The entire northeast is shitty people that cant drive. And to make it all the worse, they're extremely rude.
>light turns green
>.0000000001s later
>faggot behind me starts hoking his horn off

This is why everyone here makes fun of the South.

Why signal at all then?

he's talking about northerners, though having personally driven through north Atlanta traffic while Petit LeMans was in town, I can say that stupid drivers are not a regional exclusivity.

>Women have the right of way

Nope Drunk old men first.

>I'm driving down a one lane, one way road.
>Come to an intersection and wait to turn into traffic.
>Some old guy wants to drive IN the OUT lane I'm sitting in
>and starts to rage and shake his fist at me.

Cops do nothing because cracking down in geezerville would get the next city council meeting packed with AARP members whining.

Not that guy, but can't you see that what he said is in most actuality what that woman actually thought? I lost it at the
>she wanted you to think about what you did so maybe next time you're out driving

I think she didnt have the "spacial awareness" that would otherwise allow her to see how the car was going to be oriented when she went around the fuel pump. Basically she's just dumb.

swear to god these women are a danger to themselves and people around them on the road

>Major road with a big median in the middle, so if you're turning left you can cross one side of traffic and safely stop before merging
>Get across first side safely, stopped and waiting for an opening to turn left
>Woman in ~40s gets into the left turn lane for the main road to turn off
>I'm way to the right so she can go around me
>Instead tries to wave me on
>Try to motion that I can't go I'm turning left and there's no opening
>Flashes her lights at me
>I still can't go, there's no opening so I sit there
>Finally, she goes around me and flips me off

I just couldn't even process what occurred in that situation


The irony is that it's you guys who are triggered by girls lol. Kys

this place is mostly for wannabe chads desperately trying to cover for their inferiority complexes and deeply ingrained insecurities through vroom vroom metal penises, but maybe you can still give me some advice

i'm big on safety. traffic can be deadly, and injuries and death from vehicular accidents are no joke. so nothing makes me more mad than unsafe behavior on the street. maybe the one thing that makes me most mad is texting while driving.

what can you do when you observe that? not a fan of honking since that can distract other drivers and lead to accidents, but they literally don't see you motion to drop their fucking phones because their eyes are glued to their screens. i still want to do something.

Have you tried not being a scared little pussy?



So people know he's not a drunk idiot and meant to do it unlike everyone else on the road

this post trigger /pol/tards hard


Honk you fucking idiot, it's main function is alerting other drivers of potential danger

triggered libtard detected

but honking at texting drivers is right at the edge of honking out of personal annoyance

>everyone i don't like is a liberal
nice. keep sperging cuckold.

back to your cesspit, drumpfkin


/pol/ owns Veeky Forums

>yakkity sax

nope. cuckolds own nothing except a cage. lol

Both of these niggers need to fuck off. Neogaf and stormniggers need to be gassed

keep sperging

sperg more

trump won over a year ago and soycucks are STILL mad? big lel

>brake checking a semi

who the fuck does this?

what kind of death wish do you have to have to consider that a reasonable course of action?

>kneeling to succle the manicured toes of a population of people who text, put on makeup, and otherwise act in a reckless, unconsciencious manner towards other human beings while they drive multi-ton metal death boxes
>allowing then to screw you in your commute and make the roads a more dangerous place for all other law-abiding citizens
Lmao, k soyboy

deport mexiniggers

Kinda is because you voted to bring them in.

>tfw this week some guy nearly side swipped me because he didn't look into the lane he was merging in, put no signal on and didn't even check his mirror
the passenger of that car is the only thing that saved me.

>at stop light
>some douche in an SUV starts yelling at me, can't remember why (lanesplitting maybe)
>slowly roll on the throttle for at least 5 seconds
>stop revving, yell "WHAT?"
>he starts yelling even louder
>rev engine again
>do this until the light turns green
erry time

I had a similar experience.
>at stop sign waiting to turn left onto main road
>its always shitty trying to find a gap because busy road
>guy trying to turn left on the road im on is signaling me to go
>there are cars passing him on the shoulder, no way i can go
>he continues to sit there waiting for me
>his path is clear, still just signaling me to go
>dude is completely oblivious that cars are going around him, if i pulled out i would get hit instantly
>finally decides to go when other people wanting to turn start honking at him
>gives me the "wtf?!" hand gesture as he goes by me.

I hate when people yield their right of way for no reason in general, but this was just like... what?

>be in florida
>state law explicitly states you must yield the right of way to other drivers
>deadlock at every stop sign and non-stoplighted intersection

What does that even mean? How can everyone yield right of way to everyone? Wouldnt that mean that if anyone made a turn EVER it would be illegal?

welcome to florida

exactly. welcome to florida

Confirmed busrider

>woman refuses to let me merge by intentionally closing the gap with the car in front of her
>get to a red light
>get out, walk up to her car and call her a dumb bitch
>mfw the police sees this and now I have to take an anger management "class"
such is life as a eurocuck

Why dont you tell them to come outside like a man? Are you some kind of faggot?

because it's funnier to fuck with them and they're otherwise not worth my time

>coming down on ramp
>doing 120KM/H
>signal to merge
>see car far away in right lane doing 130KM/H
>they accelerate
>on ramp lane ending
>gently merge
>car has to slow down and honks
>don't give two shits

shame they didn't take your license too

>merging onto highway in heavy traffic
>idiots cut over to the highway lane as quickly as possible before the actual merge and proceed to block people trying to merge properly.

Its like they dont realize that its two lanes merging into one, neither of which is moving faster than the other.

>her husbands truck

You may wanna look up statistics on who buy new vehicles and what the top sellers are

>protip thats her truck

you deserve that

>At double right turn lane
>A little after the turn the lanes get separated by an island and splits, where the right lane goes into a freeway, and the left goes along the shoreline
>I'm in the left lane, almost nobody takes the shoreline road, they all just stack up and then merge right after the turn
>I assume the guy to the right of me is taking the freeway
>Green, we go, make the turn
>He's half a car length ahead of me due to being on the inside lane of the turn
>A few seconds later the guy turns on his signals and immediately starts swinging into me
>Frantically beep my horn, swerve as far left as I can manage and punch it to get past the fuckwit
>The guy angrily gestures and beeps and shit, tailgates me for several minutes

Don't know what the fuck he was thinking, the retard clearly just tried to merge without even looking, and then acts like it was my fault because I didn't panic yield.

>riding motorcycle in right lane
>cumdumpster merges into me without ever looking and shes on the fucking phone
>smash her mirror while riding on the emergency lane with reinforced gloves
feels gud tbhonest famalanons

Why didn't u honk ?

>white knighting for non existant women
top kuk

I reserve ninja rocks for the biggest of pricks while I'm on my bike

By ninja rocks you mean broken pieces of ceramic sparkplug, yea?

Those go thru glass like whoa. Best way to get a fucks attention.

straight up criminal

have fun being caught on my dashcam cuck

I usually slow down and let trucks merge into lanes since I understand how much of a cunt it is to drive with retards on the road, but why do some of you faggots wait until I'm next to the edge of the trailer to put on your blinker, and then go the same fucking speed as the truck you try to pass? I normally gun it at this point just to pass so I'm not suck behind tell semis

"It was a rock"


>video too grainy to make out anything coherent.

It won't crush her. The pillars are so strong they can hold up several times the weight of the car


>mfw the police sees this and now I have to take an anger management "class"
lmao, you're a retard

>riding a yamaha street bike
Deserved it.