Give me ONE reason why you don't live in LA or Miami where there is actually a car culture?

Give me ONE reason why you don't live in LA or Miami where there is actually a car culture?

No, you choose to reside in butt fuck nowhere where everyone drives minivans and "cars are just transportation bro!!"

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh joy, a state vs state thread. But since this will get replies anyway, might as well point out that anyone who thinks Veeky Forumstism doesn't persist in some manner globally is a true moron. Also
If you're in it for turning heads, you're an attention enthusiast first and foremost and just using cars as a medium to get it instead of enjoying driving and/or the mechanical aspects of them etc.

>Give me ONE reason why you don't live in LA or Miami where there is actually a car culture?
Gun laws suck
taxes out the ass
everything is expensive as fuck
cost of living is outrageous
"car culture" is shit because of CAFE standards and crap
gas is way too expensive because jerry brown thinks middle class people are freloaders

Yea why wouldn't I live there?

the ssbn to which i am stationed is not homeported in either of those 2 cities.

In the city you compete with lambos
In bumfuck nowhere you're a badass if you have a used corvette. Plus you can actually have fund driving it there with a lot less risk of vandalism or theft

>muh gunz
not necessary unless you live in a republican shithole.

>those places
>car culture

>most dangerous state with the highest gun crime
>makes getting guns legally ludicrously difficult and time intensive
>hurr republican shithole
nah I'm in VT living in solidarity

Don't respond to alphonse, you should recognize his naming, posting, and picture patterns by now. Seriously.

>highest gun crime
would be solved of guns were outlawed already.

>makes legal gun ownership very difficult
>lowest lawful gun ownership in the nation
>highest gun violence in the nation
gee really invokes deep thought

(real) cars banned in CA in 20 years and Miami is high crime with spics

No thank you.

Not that guy, but crime is actually higher in each of those places, while also having stricter gun laws, than my republican shit hole.

> republican

> shithole

Is this the same Veeky Forums I remember?

Ban guns dumbass
It would end if guns were banned

low iq bait, hang urself.

>have am old supercharged mustang
>can't put the same supercharger into the crown ford even though its the same engine because CAFE standards haven't "tested" that configuration.
This is retarded

no need to compete, its just nice to see all these cars out and about

man, imagine the mental gymnastics you need to do to have a need to compete with these people. they got nice cars and it's cool to see and hear them.

room temperature IQ for an AI

Cali has already effectively banned guns, man I really wonder why theres so much gun crime if they're already banned

>strictest gun laws
>highest gun crime
>gun violence would just go away guys if we just banned them, surely the criminals will obey the law

Guys. C'mon. Alphonse has been posting for years. Learn not to feed him. If you see something that looks like it came from a gay niglet's fap folder or just a random image you see a lot associated with shittery, who do you THINK posted it? Stop feeding him.
So car culture to you is looking at nice cars chink trust fund kids own instead of having cheap cost of living, cool rural roads to hoon on, and very little in the way of cops?

>everything i don't like is bait
The second amendment needs to be repealed.
My name is al not a.i you stupid bitch.

>cali has already banned guns
what? Lol quit reading Breitbart republicunt propaganda
Guns still haven't been banned?????



You also need to be lynched.

lets be honest though... gun 'violence' would be WAY up in those places if guns were legal. you'd have the same amount of illegal gun violence plus all the gun violence that happens in states where they are legal.

Exactly. Guns need to be outlawed.
Stay mad republicunt

>gun 'violence' would be WAY up in those places if guns were legal
If that was true then why is every state where guns are legal the places with the least gun crime?

I mean, VT and NH have no gun laws aside from the fed ones and they aren't more dangerous than LA, let alone CA

Quick history lesson: September 20, 2015 was the day Veeky Forums was cursed with a terrible fate. The day this little fucking underageb& no-car furfag gay niglet, alphonse, appeared here. All of that fastestlaps, assmad gm fangirl, v6 > V8, this gun retardation? All him and a couple others. FOR YEARS. SO STOP

>lets be honest though... gun 'violence' would be WAY up in those places if guns were legal. you'd have the same amount of illegal gun violence plus all the gun violence that happens in states where they are legal.
No they wouldn't. People would be allowed to legally defend themselves, legally able to get guns quickly. Criminals are far less prone to attacking someone whose armed

correlation doesn't equal causation. go to bed grampa. Amendments are meant to be changed and repealed. It's high time guns are removed out of the hands of violent white Americans.


yes, that's part of car culture, I got my car and they got theirs. I'll grind how I grind and they'll do whatever they do for their money. It's not hard to hoon around here

>correlation doesn't equal causation.
Ok then banning guns won't reduce gun crime

Gun ownership doesn't correlate at all with gun violence in the US

>violent white americans
>6% of the population (black males) commit 75% of all the crime

>Hurr let me hoon in a crowded area with other cars, people, people's property, and plenty of cops
>lol flyover fags suck muh car culture is looking at other people's cars

>banning guns won't reduce crime
except it will?????????

>correlation doesn't equal causation
>Except when I say it does

What exactly do you think "car culture" means? I live in Silicon Valley and drive a Porsche. I see 911s, Teslas, and Corvettes every single day even if I go out for a 5 minute trip to the store I will see at least one (if not more) guaranteed. Does that mean the Bay Area has "car culture"? How many of these people do you think know how much torque their cars have? How many change their own oil? Being able to afford an expensive car is not "car culture".

>illiterate so he resorts to false equivalencies

money doesnt buy culture

Am I a little nuts at this point? Maybe? But you haven't seen this place burn to the ground like I have.
What is your idea of hooning, stoplight traffic?

...but these cars exist. they exist for a reason. do you not want to see these cars on the road?

america has no culture

To most people here who like cars and enjoy driving, having fun roads to drive on and an easier time of affording fun cars is vastly more important than taking a picture of some oil prince's retard son driving a Lamborghini in 15mph traffic.

there just isn't the same amount of violence in VT or NH period to compare. No major cities, which is where the majority of violence occurs. A better comparison would be any other first world city... start with Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal. Make your way to Tokyo, Paris, Seoul, Berlin, London... none of them have gun violence issues like we do. But yes, to be fair, none of this is really about 'laws', it's about culture, which is a much harder thing to amend.

people give a shit about their cars

go almost anywhere else in US and 90% if people do not give a fuck about their car

Toyko doesn't have problems because their citizens aren't retards who think gun ownership is a right

>"why do people have nicer things than me????"

M8. This is the niglet you are responding to. He just wants to post not-Veeky Forums shit and you KEEP FUCKING FEEDING HIM REPLIES

Yet you are part of the English-speaking internet, which is American culture, embodied.

Gun culture is specific and exclusive to america. Comparing it to other places where it isn't imbued into the culture isn't a good comparison. Its far better to compare states since the culture is prevalent everywhere so its a far better comparison and more apples to apples not oranges.

Take a large state with lots of people like Texas, Texas doesn't have a lot of gun crime at all, texas doesn't have a lot of gun restrictions at all. 30k people die from guns every year, 21k are suicides, a few hundred are lawful shootings and the test are drug/gang crime that is exclusive to 3 real places in the US which are the huge metropolitian areas such as LA, Chicago and NYC

>rich people buying cars they forget the name of after a week
>"car culture"

yeah no

Your entire idea of car culture is taking pictures, or driving cars? Answer the question.

all of which are liberal shitholes. gun crime is literally non existent everywhere outside these 3 years

English doesn't originate from america you dumb amerifat

>In the city you compete with lambos
This is true, but it doesn't bother me.

>In bumfuck nowhere you're a badass if you have a used corvette
Used corvettes aren't really my thing though.

>you can actually have fund driving it there with a lot less risk of vandalism or theft
True, if you park it. I just tend to drive from my garage to good roads then back, no stops.

NOT Veeky Forums


I'm not talking about the language. The shitposting, the attitude and manner of the English-speaking part of the internet is quintissentially American. You just adopted it.

It makes sense because more people here are American than not.

What do you drive and where do you live OP?


Ameribetics did not adopt shitposting???

sperg more

hm. the affordability point to committing your all to your car makes sense. Being in cali feels like constant financial juggling (but how bout that weather). Guess it's all personal preference :O

for me, I know I'll never be able to step in and drool over every single car that's been released, so it's always nice to see these around in real life as to a computer screen

like i said, its just part of the culture


that's what you are currently doing, yes???

So do you even own a car or not? Looking at pornstars isn't as good as making love with a even middle of the road, plain 5/10 GF. Do you get the analogy here?

I'm a surface guy but am in the barracks on Bangor temporarily.


why not both

Still waiting on that car.

What is that, Fairfax Ave., or Robertson?

>Give me ONE reason why you don't live in LA or Miami where there is actually a car culture?
I'd rather end myself, how's that?

alright bud, enjoy dwindling your short ass life in fucking Maine

good riddance

I live in Daytona, I see supercars nearly everyday. I woke up last week to IMSA testing at the track. I need no mental gymnastics.


sunset, between beverly and rodeo

Are you the guy who thinks car culture is taking pictures of cars and that's it?
Is that a Tiburon? And with only city streets to drive on? It all makes sense now. I bet it's automatic too.

because the population influx in both of those states is threatening arable land.

no, car culture is being around other people who actually give half a fuck about cars

go outside cali, florida, or connecticut and the only convo you'll get is some hick talking about his fucking 06 silverado

How do you know what it's like there if you haven't been outside your mom's basement?

Spoken like a true user that doesn't know what he's talking about.

You are aware shitloads of dudes who love cars live in rural areas and congregate on fun rural roads, yes? Instead of vaping in parking lots?

>this fucking thread
holy shit you guys are fucking retards

user, I understand your pain. I don't even go to meets anymore, I only go to races and other events like that. The car "culture" in this country is tasteless. Everyone is trying to be so unique, they all end up the same.... shit. Ricers are all the same and shit, Muscle car fags are just as bad. Euroricers are shit too.

More like between Sunset Plaza and nothing.

what? you mean a group of faggots in mustang circlejerking over having the same brand of car? sounds like a fucking blast

protip: i dont live in any of those states-- so yes i do thanks

nice one

Honestly Nip and kraut ownership crowds seem to have blended into the same disgusting, vape-shrouded mass. And most of the cool musclecars are molested by boomers and are just parked. You just gotta ignore the stereotypes and find people who think likewise. But OP's talking about meets I think.
Did you miss the "driving" part? Your parking lot faggotry doesn't fly.

>mfw im a hick who drives a 2004 silverado

tpu? my friend just moved out today cause the nimitz came back. if you see the green subaru with the /osg/ slaps in the east beq parking lot, thats me


No, I'm TAD to the hospital until early next month. I don't think I've seen that Subaru but I'm in the west lot.

probably because i can go out at at 2 am and drive like a fucking retard on a mountain pass with no one around to give a fuck


>People aren't following the rules and get guns illegally
>Just ban guns lol they'll follow thew rules and we'll still be able to protect ourselves we swear guys!!!

>is that a tiburon
are you retarded lol

>No, I'm TAD to the hospital until early next month
the clinic or the big hospital in bremerton?

and well, if you ever go to the east lot, its there.

You're mistaking "car culture" for a bunch of rich daddy's boy trustfund babies who have more money than they know what to spend it on. These people have no taste and don't care about cars at all, they just buy the most expensive thing they can find to one-up eachother.

Oh okay I see, and yeah I agree with your post.

Those places already lead the country in gun violence. That's why they have restrictive gun laws in the first place.

But, American politicians are retarded, so their gun laws don't do shit.

>6 gorillion people die by the business end of a handgun
>"I know, let's ban AR15s"

It has less to do with the guns and more to do with the people with them.

The big hospital off Austin Dr.

well, I've lived in one of them, and it's pretty simple:

>live in miami
>drive 987s
>no one gives a fuck because when you park with other porsches at a car meet, you are a measly cayman owner sandwiched between 30 911s, a 918 spyder, and a carerra gt

>live in tallahassee for college
>drive 987s
>everyone thinks your "porsh" is the coolest thing on the planet, people actually want to talk to you about your car, because for the area it's exotic and interesting, a nice refreshing break from the 450 v6 mustangs and camaros and WRXs around you

only fair point in thread

Actually enjoying driving and low costs of living compared to MUH MEETS BRAH MUH LOOK AT PRETTY THINGS I'LL NEVER HAVE BRAH are not valid points?