League of Legends general - /lolg/

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Is it confirmed that Swain will keep his Raven form?


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They've just started exploring his direction, but I can't imagine them removing it completely.

Jinx is cute and cuddly

wooo Xerath

twitch tv / lvpes
who will win? place your bets

>neck deep in a tank meta
>quickshot casting
>shadman drawing more incredibles porn
>Talon winning games
feels pretty good

comfy bfs~

>not putting huhi on asol
lmao ??


Master Zed they're selling ice cream~~~

how do I become the bestest lolg poster :3

xth for Morde

>7 tanks

what a great meta

Anbody know a site that lists what im supposed to ban in the champ select phase? (bronze/silver elo)

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I stopped palying this game since Kindred came out. The meta changed a lot, so I just ask you, how good are and how are these champions played nowadays?

>Kha Zix

>Friends want to play pubg
>/lolg/ wants me to whip out the famous rumble support


>"I don't know how to read"

Xth for Akali! Gurofag your work is in progress.

>CLG picking a Cait Soraka bot lane

let's do this

I was stuck in silver on a new account after being Plat I about two years ago.

I guess I randomly remembered how to play again...

14/15 wins

>tank meta
Time to melt

meme pick
s tier midlaner

>corrupted eye without the demon arm

shit art

>NA's 2 most popular teams have 40k viewers
>2 random EU teams that no one cares about have 110k viewers
What the fuck happened to NA?

Why the fuck would you pick A Sol in the first round? You can easily draft a strategy to play around it, unless you don't and that gives them a free ban for power picks

why is exileh such a tryharder? he is the weakest point of uol, but when isn't sucking balls, he is the one that inflicts more damage and win the game, but that is like 1/10 times
uol need a more stable midlaner

>Silver 2
61 LP / 101W 112L

>winning with those shit scores

must be nice to get carried every game

b-but duskblade ! lethality is too op!

>FNC and UOL
>No one cares
Here's your (you)

Turd shit BTFO

I love playing brand but

God tier op as fuck
Not so great you need to be good to get results with her
Decent pick for top and annoying as fuck
One of the worse assassins but still good
Worst jungle right now
Same with kha'zix
Top tier mid

>tfw you won't ever be able to do this again
>tfw you can't play Fiora anymore since she is still perma-ban even after the nerfs
When will it end /lolg/?

That was actually really fucking clean on digniggas part


I am a burger yet still fucking love the UOL org. Still prefer clg but if nothing is on I'll watch their games.

>Lux is no longer Marisa Kirisame
Why did they have to ruin her?

keane is better than bjergsen
im proud of him

Borderline broken with lethality
He is ok
Really good with duskblade
ADCs are broken at the moment
She is always good in low elo

If you play ranged top lane you deserve to die slow and alone

>Watching the TSM game

fucking redditors

Not my idea of a good time

lethality being OP is exactly why there will be 5+ tanks in every professional game

assassins are a fucking meme, a relic of an era of league of legends when nobody knew how to play the game and ran around trying to kill each other all game. let them die and be solo queue only champions, stop trying to force them in competitive play, they will never be viable and their items just get abused by other champions.

>"Whoever can draft the best ARAM comp wins"
>Cho'Gath and Varus are winning


play him mid pussy

>Not wanting to watch Dig fuck TSM

Fucking redditor

Favorite Singed build?

I'm going Dark Seal + Refillable -> Corrupting -> Doran's Ring -> Boots -> Liandry's -> Righteous Glory -> Rylais -> Mo Tank Items if the enemy team is more AD. Sometimes replacing the Rylais with a tank item, sometimes getting an MR item instead of RG. Seems to be working pretty well but was wondering what other mains were building.

Also when does support maokai stop being viable?

The mistake was assuming assassins needed or deserved a separate class of items instead of just building AD like every other AD carry.

>More like Cho'Win


when her kit gets reworked

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The mistakes was assassins in general

Cause thats all he can play lmao?
>in charge of drafting
their captain must be such a fucking idiot

>last game it was pretty balanced
>the moment FNATIC pick Galio and Cho they stomp the enemy 8-0


>Giving exposure to the team that plays on the fact that they're the team people love to hate
Peak reddo

>It's a "Your team is ahead in kills and objectives but refuses to group and end, resulting in people getting picked off one at a time until the game is thrown and oh yeah you're in promos episode"

>pulling out your best champ against echo fox

>Akali AFK
>Remake comes up
>Support votes no
>Ask him why
>"I preffer playing 4v5 than queueing all again"


>my champ is barely hindered by lower base stats because there's no turn rate and kiting is piss easy
at least make them actually vulnerable stat-wise. having low mr/lv is nothing.

>want to watch eulcs
>vedius is always casting
>watch nalcs
>phreak casting

You cant win honestly, only in LCK

>Every other class in the game has specialized items for them
>Assassins shouldn't


even 2/4 is successful remake

>quickshot makes a Chuck Norris joke
Timely Reference my man

>every other class
>mage items have to be fucked with by ap assassin items

He's up in cs against froggen who's heralded as one of the best mids in NA with his syndra picks so

Just say, you probably like 3v5 even more
Say "open *´my lane*"
go afk

Holy fuck, FNC is actually just raping UOL this game.

Is Program Lissandra worth the price?

>Chuck Norris jokes died out before LOL was even released

xth for /ourguys/ CLG

Did Echo Fox just forget that Caitlyn exists and is one of Stixxay's favorite champions?

Why would you even watch someone else play a video game professionally? I get if you wanna watch a streamer so you can learn or laugh,but the league competitive scene is so boring and unrealistic compared to what a real match is.

Yeah we got to cancel the game, but just to the extreme that some /neversurrender/ babs go makes me wonder who is the first retard that started this trend of people that never want to surrender?

>he thinks seeing tsm lose isn't funny

Have you even been watching LCS? Huhi has been a carry this year and has stopped throwing as much. He still looks good on his staple Vlad, Ekko, LeBlanc, Taliyah, Velkoz, Ori and of course A Sol this year

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p-please play our game

Caitlyn got nerfed hard.
2% extra attack speed per level lost is like %30 bonus attack speed lost at level 15.

They won already? I'm watching the TSM vs Dig game because the CLG FOX one is a foregon conclusion. Also Bjerg Xerath is 1v9 and pic related needs to get kicked



uol and fnc are just too charismatics teams

Why do these nigs keep picking Kalista


>Tanks are unkillable and are able to shit out more damage than adc
Nice game rito, really

Broken champion by design, if shes good shes OP

they're professional players and she's professionally busted?

I love seeing auTSM lose, but why would I waste two hours of my time when I can just check how bad they got fucked?

He singlehandedly lost game 1 tho

Assassins are fucking useless with tanks or not, there's too much shit to counter them like exhaust, GA, zhonya, solari and a bunch of other stuff. Unless the assassin gets ultra fed early game he will be useless for the remaining duration.

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password is same as always newfags
stacked edition

Are Dig actually good?

Did Ssumday turn them all into none shitters?


Assassins are already defined by ridiculous mobility and spell rotations that delete anyone who doesn't build defense in two and a half hits.

Build wise, they should be on the damage end of the damage-bulk paradigm that fighters outline, but instead they're always allowed to have their cake and eat it too.

That's because he was trying to break the item build meta again with a triple lifesteal build