/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Armpit Edition

Leader poll results on July 26th

Incoming nerfs


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Tool for deckbuilding and card checking

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>tfw she'll become useless after this expansion


Squash muh balls.



You are looking kinda cool here, soulsquasher

She'll become quite useless after the neutral nerfs. And the whole neutral sword with her. At least sword still has non-neutral midrange, while forest has nothing.


My wife

If I don't have any dragoncraft cards should I get 3 of the new precon or would I be better off getting at least one of the other one that has forte as well

Need a concede, 98149.

Post cute things.

I can't escape from A rank hell. Help.

Forte is no longer used sadly. The new prebult is pure value though, so get that if you want.

"Sins and Iniquities" would be a cool name for a band.

As much as he is hated, his voice is pretty good.


Piggybacks with Otohime~

Thank you, Jabberwock.



>actually playing dreadshift for ladder

The absolute madman.


Should only Grand-Masters be allowed to post opinions on the meta?

Holy shit corpselord's voice is so good. I can literally feel his pain and rage as he can't fucking attack without evoing

play cat

Only certified grandmasters that has won at least 10 tournies qualify for opinions on the meta.


What the difference between GM, Master and other ranks? Especially difference between B/A/AA Neutral blood and GM Neutral blood?

>lost against another dreadshift
>the guy was using satan too
I see, everyone has gone mad.

Post deck.

GM won more

What do you think her boipucci smells like?

GM NB actually understand the deck and its matchups, and know how to make the best plays to maximize victory

Sub-GM NB are dumb neckdeckers that rely solely on winning the first turn coinflip or they lose


How's SekushiPosu working for you?

>going second
thats what your doing wrong

Just revelation dog

im a dubcuck but everything is doing fone for me
you can change whitecats for khaiza and word if you feel too overhelmed in early game and is lucky drawing bapho and cat
i myself am not so every extra draw helps
also carrots are mainly for hector fodder

But how true it is? What if someone give some A/AA rank player GM account for a week? If what you said is true that he will never able to win, right?
>High MP japanese GM stream
>play OZ with Piercing Rune in hand
>evolve OZ
>Piercing Rune is now 2PP
>he did same missplay five times

Just got to GM, blood is such a cancerous deck I wonder if I will keep playing it now that I hit GM.

>What the difference between GM, Master and other ranks?
Well, you might not believe it, but players in GM and Master actually missplay much less than A or AA.
>B/A/AA Neutral blood and GM Neutral blood
There's pretty much no difference. You can't really missplay 1-2-3-Alice.

i watch GMs play and make mistakes i wouldnt
you may have a point
maybe they just play a lot more than myself since i only do dailies and a ocasional match while waiting for something during my day

Mind writing Aegis line?

play cat

Sadly I don't have him.
Post the link for the voices and I'll write it later, gotta sleep now.



Good night user.

>when played
>when attacking
>on evolve


this is me playing against haven
switch ramping for removing


Nice balance Cygames!

Need a Concede: 42678

Is He saying something about cucks? Damn that shit even infected Japan.

Pretty sure it is
>I can't be touched

Thank you Ginger!

i want to summon those bloodkin


Ware wa furry cuck.

As expected of haven.

My wife Otohime is so cute!

How to unlock premium draw?

Vampy chan tatas are way to big.


I miss her.

I am using her in Midsword right now. My only Neutrals are Grimnir, Lyrial and CoCK, and I can still pull off her effect way more often than you'd expect. She is at absolute worst a 2/2 for 2, which is already good, and at best a Bahamut killer.
I strongly recommend that you give her a try.

That's Claudia, her older sister.

Abuse dreadshift till nerfs

Do you know where I can find all the 4komas with Otohime in them?

>Play Spawn Blood
>Always draw that fucker in the first three turns
Nice game.

Wallet deck.

Post your list.

If you actually want my imput, just hard mulli for 2 and 3 drops and when going first don't bother to evolve Bahp to clear board and rather if you have a surviving minion evolve it and go full unga bunga with it, you have to soft them up to 8 and then just finish it with Spawn, don't bother to do the OTK combo with it.

When going second don't bother using units over 5pp after the 5th turn (specially if you are going against Blood in the mirror) and go for board flood and even pre evo if necessary (prime targets for it is Feria and better yet she and a gobling and maybe other 2pp neutral drop).

The other important match up is Rune, always remember young levi and against them after turn 6 don't bother to flood the board unless you can buff your units over 4 defense, just focus on cheap damage and get them in range of your spawn or razor claws/scarlets/angels.


>The other important match up is Rune, always remember young levi and against them after turn 6
>unless you can buff your units over 4 defense
Make that 5 defense now that walletshift is popular.

>meta is shit
>game is going to revert itself to dragon/shadow meta from ToG after blood nerfs
>leaders are shit
Hearthstone killer, my ass.

Fuck off all decks are played the same at all ranks, only with roach decks you can find the differences between a rank and gm

I saw a couple of them with Saha-Lucifers, shit was weird though a pain in the ass since Rune doesn't usually run heals and it was easy to just run over them with cheap damage.



I'm B rank and I post my opinions all the time.

Wouldn't Feria be better instead of lyrial or sanic? Evolving her after CoCK is too good to miss.

Looks like we're running pretty much the same deck, expect that instead of Maisy I have Veteran Lancer in. I might switch her out for Maisy though, although I think Sword is too evo hungry to accommodate her.


You mean the variant that runs Sahas/Lucifer/Isra or the same variant that runs Lucifer and meme queen of the sea and Dshift?

At least Hearthstone's new expansion looks like shit too.

play cat

I think it makes sense to have her over Veteran lancer. Usually Veteran lancer will die for free against Blood if they play Tove and Maisy can be a good alternative to Floral Fencer if you are pressured to board clear.

Play dreadshift it rapes both (and every other deck in the game)

Too situational. Normally people don't let more than one CoCK knight alive. Lyrial is too versatile to get rid of, and Sanic wins games outright.

You normally evolve her when you need the tempo swing and you'd end up evolving something anyways. She doesn't really eat evolves, especially because, unlike Floral, she is very useful even without the evo effect.

play dread

The dread one, even though I'm starting to see even other ones using calamitous curse as a way to shutdown shadow and neutral board flood.

Not at the moment, prob don't have all hers saved. Will have another look when I'm free later on. Will post in general when I find it or just upload it

At what ranks do people realise that preemptive evolving is a thing?
I swear I only stumbled on someone else doing it once and that was months ago in an /svg/ tourney

>tfw constant 5-7 streaks with seraph
Wish I started climbing earlier. Doubt I'll make GM in time

>Play dreadshift
I can't. Unless budget version exist

don't reply to discord

Chemo counters your shitty meme deck

It doesn't need to be good as long as it's better than everything else in the market, which it probably is.

I figure it out on my own when playing Shadow last patch in the match up against dragon to avoid my reaper to being BTFO by salamander. After that I learned that it can be useful if you identify your opponent's deck correctly.

Thanks, I'm just trying to get as much of her art as I can

Keep it up user. I got to master earlier this month for the first time and got to GM today with a 15 win streak, 2 days ago I was at 7K and 5 days ago at 5K.