"This is our son's room. He's quite the auto enthusiast"

"This is our son's room. He's quite the auto enthusiast"


>tfw about to turn 20 soon

>this covers the opposite wall

>These are strewn about the room

>tfw about to turn 21 soon

>tfw 24 and no hair

At least I had a proper cake.

*laugh track*

tfw about to turn 22 soon

nice dubs

let me one up you

>tfw about to turn 23 soon

> tfw turned 25 last month

Tfw 6

>underage b&

>Monsoon instead of Marlboro on the F1 ferrari

Every. Fucking. Board.

Fuck bans, make shitposting a hanging offense.

>not ignoring shitposting and bait threads




>turn 20 in a few days
>already know no one will tell me happy birthday, like every other year

i don't even want presents i just want someone to remember

plz post guy alt


I actually do stupid shit like this in my room and worry about the day my parents walk in and find their 20 year old son in a box fort.

Why? Everyone on this website is a girl.

>tfw about to turn 24 soon

>tfw i'm actually about to turn 25 soon

should i buy aftermarket stuff for my camaro


Ditch your piece of shit Camaro and buy a real man's machine.

a humble a friendly thread was just ruined by you

actually it was ruined by the first post.

>mfw this inevitably turns into a show your room thread and the majority of the images can be cross referenced to /r9k/, /mlp/, and /a/

Fuck that's me in a year if I don't run away or kill myself soon

Oh god please dont judge me

If you live with your parents past age 18 (19 is alright but pushing it) you're a fucking leech.

What if I pay for rent and my own food.

Don’t fucking kill yourself before you turn 20 you dumbass. That is the dumbest shit I ever heard. You’re a fetus do you know how much people change in their 20s?

>his parents actually accept money from their children

Hope so man. I feel like I've had a pretty good run, not really interested in going on

>wasting your barely existent income/student loans on rent
>not pooling resources for as long as financially viable to increase the status of your family instead of bringing it back down to jack shit every generation and continuing the kangz-tier cycle of lower middle class poverty
That said, if you're not out by 24 or 25, things aren't looking good.

But sometimes it's fun to roleplay as a male

One day I'll finally stop coming here and I won't have to read stupid shit like this.

>She doesn't have a penis

Based on your attitude you're clearly a boy.
Get out, faggot

>One day

julius looks like kanye
or the picture is distorted

definitely could be worse. Definitely could be better though.

did you steal frosty's camera?

This thread was actually an entertaining read.

>tfw turning 20 in feb
>Work full time at stealership as apprentice
>Still live with parents

I honestly have no desire to move out, it's just a pain in the ass where I live and I'd have to find some retard to room with.

>tfw bout to turn 24
>working dead end job making barely over minimum wage
>can barely pay bills, or survive for that matter
>have degree but never get a call back from anywhere
>can physically feel my life draining away
I think for my birthday this year I'm gonna take the easy way out.
In relation to the thread I don't decorate my room because whats the point

>this fills the whole room

>tfw about to turn 26 soon
I am closed to 30 now than I am to 20, why don't I just end it all

>tfw empty boxes and old hammers for living room furniture

>hs dropout
>live at home still
>still work a $16/hr job by lying about my diploma
>horribly in debt

I want to axe myself.

Bruh, where are from? I know an apartment that has that exact same front room (minus the car parts)

Get a VESA mount and put that TV on the wall.

>She doesn't fart in ur face

You're already on Veeky Forums? Top Kek it gets so much worse.

this one is the worst

fuck off mom, manual for life

Living at home at 20 is nothing to be ashamed of. People that went off to college like to pretend they "moved out", but they are doing it on someone else's dime, whether it is their parents or the bank. They get a meal plan and their social life is brought to them on a silver platter. They are only "moved out" in the sense that they live alone. Aim to buy a home when you turn 22, and you will be far ahead of at least 50% of your peers.

This person would be an excellent trap.

that's a girl you degenerate piece of shit

>uni trades student (started late because I fell for the traveling meme)
>only way I'm able to afford uni is living with my parents
>dad doesn't understand why I don't have a job in my field yet even though I've barely gotten my first certs
>thinks kicking me out is somehow going to jumpstart the whole "getting a job in my field" thing
>work at a coffee house 20 miles from home because it's the only thing nearby that is ever hiring
>literally pays better than what I can get "in my field" at this point as a helper
>uni campus is fucking 30 miles away
>I'm a retarded Veeky Forumstist who insists on owning a turbo MR2 that sucks down the finest 93 octane fuel

It's ok though, if I fall any harder for the trades thing I'm sure I'll start making good money, right?

What trade, and why can't you work without certifications?

I got an electrical job with no experience 3 months before school started.

that's a man you cock muncher



Honestly, the real reason I haven't gotten a job in the field yet is because I'm a lazy cunt and don't feel like working 12 hours a day while going to school. I can do 12 hour work days just fine, but I like getting proper sleep instead of pretending to be hardcore on

Im 27 and have been here for about 11 years, you always come back.


Remember, you're here forever.

>complaining about a $16/hr job
You should axe yourself

Chevy dually tailgate on top of two crates of m67 7.62x39 for a coffee table, yes i'm single.

happy birthday user

Fucking kek

>25 living with mum

Merry Christmas

Happy birthday, bro.

Protip: people don`t really change

They do though

>tfw this is me right down to the body language

That’s cool dude

>pool table

Who are you trying to fool? We know you don`t have any friends.

Clean up you fucking dirty ass nigger.

me on the right

What? In what country? Are you an air-conditioner installer masquerading as a sparky?

(You)'re a fucking idiot

Lived with my mom till I was 27 and saved up enough to buy a house flat out

Thanks guys that actually felt good! Gonna screen cap that and look at it when i wake up on the 26th.

where i live you are ballin if you earn that much.
just be gratefull you live in 1st world country and enjoy your cheap cars. have fun with your life.
i would if i was you

>Browsing Veeky Forums on a tv
You my friend are a god
10/10 would play pool with you

Happy birthday, man

>this is on the wall
>mother closes the door very quickly and guests pretend not to have seen

Thank you!

hey bro i know that feel, so happy birthday dude make sure to do some fun shit!

i had my birthday yesterday, i hope yours is good too

You caught me no friends just whores, my old bar box table with my fuk box on it.

I'm a sparky, but I started out just hauling, cleaning, and shadowing.

Did you just fucking assume my gender?

Couldn't you afford a good looking one?