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Criticism edition

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Where is that faggot that said the Zac nerfs would do nothing. I want him to eat this crow. fucker's winrate dropped 5 whole percent

Lost chapter is so fucking busted the Dorans nerf means almost fucking nothing.

You can just go Dark Seal/Corrupting Pot if you're that starved for early mana too. Hell people STILL go double dorans because the item is fucking almost 200% gold efficient WITHOUT the passive..

xth for breast metal waifu


>Lost chapter is so fucking busted
I agree with this.

I used to actually run out of mana in lane before, now I just have to play around my levels and I'm good to go.

>no Blitzcrank summoner icon
>no Lissandra summoner icon
>no Diana summoner icon

Which Riot's dick do I have to suck for this?

How can one tilt off the face of the planet if the planet is round?

Explain this round earthers

this is true

too bad nasus only went double dring for the mana passive and can't really go lost chapter unless he's trolling

>client still patching


He can just rush a glacial shroud, since it builds into multiple items that he'd want like Frozen Heart or even Righteous Glory

>comparing the mana sustain of fucking lost chapter to gracial shroud

>Image related
>None I think
>Blood moon

I hurt myself today.

Who says I was comparing them?

Even if I was, it's a stupid comparsion because Lost Chapter is hilariously broken and I'm utterly shocked it hasn't seen changed ever since it's implementation.

April fools
nobody cares
nobody cares

holy shit new urgot is fucking fun as shit. 500 hp shield at level 9 with a W max and a little bit of hp, you are literally an unparalelled trading god.

stop linking triumph.gg, it doesnt work anymore.

also stop linking eyoshit until they fix the thread tracker

>They buff Irelia
>It is literally nothing
It actually feels awful that this champion doesnt work anymore.

>Now that's ironic.

I don't get the new patch. so I can actually have left click to attack? Like right for moving and left click to attack/kite instead of a + leftclick?

Urgot- another failed rework.

>kalista back in the meta

>he didnt play Blitzcranks Poro Roundup

At they're just reverting a nerf from a while ago


t. lolg contrarian

I honeslty think it's their 2nd best one yet behind Warwick

Its been only a day you mouth breather

sion is better than urgot


>Kalista gets an SKT skin
>"ahhh omg so kawaii~~~ xD"
>no artist gave a shit about her before then


Incorrect. If it was a reverting of a change the cd would have gone down to 70/60/50. I've been playing the champ since release.

What non-ADCs build Lord Dominik's Regards?

Is Youmuu's/Duskblade good on Master-Kayn?

Pretty much all of the reworks are top tier and are both fun and thematically interesting.

Fiora's rework is the only one I'm still upset about. I still think her pre-rework kit was fine.

yeah, nobody liked her when she was an anorexic zombie

are you too much of a contrarian to understand this

Thematically I think they're equal. I definitely have to give the edge to Urgot gameplay wise because at least he doesn't have such a hilariously easy kit to play around because of "muh counterplay"

What makes a rework a success?
Does the champ have to be top tier and meta defining?

>Champions should be allowed to have percent health true damage that scales.

Aside from the declothing bump, base Kalista's color scheme sucks.

How do I come to terms with the fact I'll never get higher than Bronze?

Shen's ghost sword was a mistake

>not enjoying the fact she's a anorexic zombie
Even old Urgot had a fanbase. Are league babbies to spooped out by grotesque/creepy champs?

Can someone please answer this?

>they're buffing her in pbe
yeah they got me good this time

I miss ignoring laners with my q farm

>Champions should be allowed to build full tank and one shot minion waves with a passive and Q


do what i did and become an autist with 1 champ that can pressure 50% or more of the map alone

I just miss the the old kit. It had a level of fluidity that a lot of champions lack now days. If your opponent missplayed, your sword was up their ass. And dispite being a pretty straight forward duelist, she could team fight pretty effeciently using R and hydra.

I used her as a jungler in s5 before she was reworked. Old parry could deflect dragon attacks and her ganks with Q were pretty strong.

Its better than old shen's q. The deflect circle is pretty cool imo.

I mean

are you having fun

Left click can be set to attack-move. Attack-move's function is to move your champion toward the cursor, autoattacking the first enemy who comes into range.

>Hell people STILL go double dorans because the item is fucking almost 200% gold efficient WITHOUT the passive..
Isn't that the entire point of Dorans items? They're supposed to be verry gold efficient so if you stack them you trade an immediate power spike for delaying your core items for a bit longer. They're be fucking pointless if they weren't efficient, people just rush their core build 99% of the time anyway

>Shen and Ekko leave blue lines across the screen
>autism kicks in
>won't play either of them now

Thanks... riot.

This. it's a pretty good way to climb even if you're retarded. just PvE.

Or play and get good with juggernauts. they have fuckhuge strengths, and you

Ironically enough.


>Pretty much all of the reworks are top tier
yeah, honestly reworks always improve on the old champ, that's why ryze and skarner are pretty much the best champions in the game now

So, how do I set it up? Because I check hot keys and it doesn't say "MB1." for Attack-move.

Only thing here getting Mating Pressed is me MATING PRESSing you.

Kind of. It's just that after 5 seasons and over 2k ranked games and still being Bronze 4 I've realised I really can't improve. I was hoping to make Silver at least.

I want Pentakill Kayle to step on me and call me a maggot

>Create champion who wears full armor
>All of her skins remove her helmet
What's even the point then? If it was exclusive to one or two skins I wouldn't mind, but pretty much all of the non-chroma skins have her remove the helmet
>t. muslim
I just really like some cool medieval full armor designs, and the only other champion who wears one is Mordekaiser. Hopefully Riot creates more champions like that.

you're the only one here getting mating pressed? But you're also mating pressing someone else?

Sorry user but I'm a straight boy (male).

play yorick
also bard. you cant just be autistic without a backup pick

>and you
and you what?????

as a juggernaut you start with braindead easy damage, mechanics, and spells. So you dont need to be smart to do damage and tank hits. You can use your brain and just develop game sense to learn how to apply your idiot ball of stats champion to the right places at the right time. All the real power is frontloaded with no real skill involved usually. The skill is all in positioning, macro play, and learning how to dupe your opponents.

You can be literally retarded, you can probably even has a physical disability. Juggernauts are easy as fuck.

Ryze has always been a problem. Skarnar was a gimick from the start. They're the only exceptions, all other reworks are good

had auto post on, cut it off.

Let's make an Angel and give it an Angle where you can't tell if it's an Angel.

Vayne one trick currently silver II reporting in. This shit hard

>They're the only exceptions
Mordekaiser was also a gimmick. Same with Gangplank.

Wouldn't Pentakill Morgana make more sense considering she's the rebellious one and Kayle is a goodie two shoes?

I'm gonna miss this implied rape splash art.

But she has wings right there

>Twitch and Miss Fortune exist

Why Vayne? Conceding tower in the first eight minutes is shitty.

Is Goku stronger than Whis yet. Supers been going for a while so I guess Whis is the new Piccolo

Cause meta is for pussies, I do what I think is fun to play

Urgot had a foot fetish?

original cass rework was pretty shit
morde's is trash
kog's had to be reverted it was so poorly balanced

no because riot wants to smash all beloved tropes and "pure angel" is part of the patriarchy

Is that a smurf, if so what's your real rank.
If not, then good luck user.

>implying silver shitters know how to punish vayne

>straight boy (male)

Bold words coming from a heal slut.

You're a going to be a slutty female (female) once I'm through with you.

but morgana is shit

Hm... Is Illaoi a juggernaut? I play Illaoi and Sion pretty well, I guess I could focus on them? And maybe Poopy?

Jax used to be the best fighter in league lore.
Xerath used to be the strongest in terms of raw power.

Things used to be better...

I think you got the wrong guy user, I play Mid and Top.

To paraphrase Bugs Bunny: What are the distinguishing characteristics of an Angel?

Yeah, I know. Games almost always drag on for 30-40 minutes when she can 2-3 shot anybody. No reliable CC and she becomes a problem.

Eh, fair enough.

a-user pls, I don't like penis

>Lost chapter is so fucking busted the Dorans nerf means almost fucking nothing.

I don't disagree at all, but imagine at how fucked the meta would be if Lost Chapter/Morello WASN'T a strong AP item. There would be absolutely no reason to take a midlane mage. It would be league of Zed

>destroy enemy mid lane
>gank bot and destroy it too
>still lose because bot somehow managed to have less than half the enemy bot cs and top lane keeps diving and getting shredded against 3 as they destroy our backline
I hate games like these

were the fiora nerf-reverts pulled before the patch notes? i thought everyone was saying she was getting some of her movespeed back but she seems absent from 7.15

is it planned for 7.16 or did they pull the changes entirely?

where in the lore did it ever say jax was the strongest?

The best skins are always the ones that change it up a lot from the default skin and personality, I mean the whole point of using different skins is to have a different feel

Riot once said the only other champion who could contend with Jax was Master Yi.

Play Ziggs, screw your team mates, get turrets.

It's how I got out.

You're right they are, and it makes the complaining about them even more asinine.

Galio only made the problem blatantly obvious. Doran's stacking had been a thing for YEARS.

Bullshit. There will always been a need for magic damage in this game to diversify damage profiles. Outside of Corki no ADC can provide that.

i think i met pixelbutts in a game

Not him but, holy fuck.

>Morello as AD item
>80% attack
>all the health nuked just by using Q and E


its the shitty skin tho