League of Legends General - /lolg/

Lulu's Smile Is The Light Of My Life

Last Thread: >Very Useful Links


>7.15 Patch Notes


>Champion and Skin Sales


Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyosongive.us

Its going to be over very quickly Lulu, you just have to comply

Lulu only mode when

Is this little weasel worth learning? No matter how badly Riot seems to beat him down he always comes back

>lulufag included links
Am I in an alternate timeline?

if you're asking probably not

>he always comes back
autistic otp sheer force of will

Didn't get a result yet last thread.
First post to end in a 7 decides which WAIFU champion I'm gonna buy next.
Pic related is what I already own.
Not buying: Yordles, le fahhny girl male, Rule 63 faggotry

fluffy tails

xth for Urgot

10/10 rework

what is the counterplay for tristana with statikk + rapid fire killing me before I get in range of touching her and even if I do she just double jump and ult me away

dont main shaco
look at famous shaco mains and how unironically insane they are
pink ward - he has a warning on his stream or youtube, i cant remember, that states he might scream

shaclone - unreal toxicity was perma banned and it was about time.

my information is pretty dated i havent kept up with them but even if its old information its still factual

I'm hard stuck in plat 5-4, how do I get out of this shithole? I play jungle but no matter how many kills I feed my laners they always end up throwing the damn game by getting cocky in the mid game

Jinx is cuddly and cute

Shady disagrees with you.


Would you want me on your team, /lolg/?

>I play jungle
play support, janna/soraka/sona
easy diamond

>never had high hopes for reworks
>the warwick reworked restored my hope

i REALLY REALLY want the swain rework to be a success too and viable in high elo so i can main him again


xth for breast metal waifu

how does shaco syndrome work anyway?
i mean it's fucking true and accurate but it literally ,by definition, can't be accurate for everybody

>mfw I'm lagging my ass off so I simply melee range statcheck my lane opponent to death as GP

Reposting from previous thread: I have a bet with my friend in pic related that if he hits Platinum under 1000 soloq games I will gift him an epic skin.

Rate his chances of succeding.

>play aram and might have a good time or bad time depending on who you get
>play ascension and you get to pick your champ but get frustrated by people playing retarded shit

dude shotgun knees lmao

Ascension Singed is one of the most fun things in this game.

Daily reminder Karthus x Kayle is the purest canon and noncanon league ship!

3% exactly

It's your shaco never ganks and becomes useless late game while the enemy shaco by the end of the (20 minute) game has given your jungle ptsd and gotten fed off his ass and roams lane to lane one shotting people

Redpill me on toplane.

assuming he wins 20lp and doesn't lose a single game, he'll make it to Plat in 35 games, but we both know he wont

>Its another shitty jungler that never ganks your lane and only ganks his duoq.

Actually, since they're both singers in Pentakill now, this shitpost might actually carry some weight

He's a champion that wins through deception via box placement, stealth, and duplicate tricks i.e. he wins through psychological warfare.

when you spend your mental capcity thinking of how to fuck with the enemy's head, it means your head is a little fucked, too.

hardest role in the game

>you farm til min 20
>your bot lane is 3/17

move next game till you get a good bot lane

t. adc main

>16 lp gain after winning
>20 lp loss after losing
How do I unfuck my MMR?

you can still perform well with him in high elo, just look at quas


make your win rate positive again

i mean i know what it is i just have no clue how it works
is it just confirmation bias?

that's not shaco syndrome
it's: whenever there's a shaco on your team he feeds first blood, dies to camps and tower dives at lvl 2
but whenever there's a shaco on the enemy team there's just literally no way of escaping the fucker and he will be 22/1/13 by the end of the game

What's he going to do to Lulu in that picture?

Just win games bro

>so i can main him again
you can main him now...



I dont have the full version but its Teemo saving Lulu

I prefer leaving it up to peoples imagination

the best skin in the game is headless hecarim
you can't prove me wrong don't even try with your other shit skins

>muh team bad their team good
People think that about every champion

>tfw league is a better game in every aspect than it was 5 years ago but you still miss the cozy small indie dev feel
Which season did you playing and what was your favorite season?

it isn't better tho
season 2 was the last good season
then thresh and yasuo were released at the start of season 3 and the game went to shit

Started 4
5 was fun
6 was fun towards its end
7 is dogshit

I want to IMPREGNATE "I want to look EXACTLY like Ahri"fag or Ahricuck's wife with my superior genetics!

Give me your IGN either of you, I want to talk to you more often.

Reveal yourself bitchboy

alright idiot
people apparently just noticed that with shaco in particular just fucking google shaco syndrome

Artist: ReaverSK91

Teemo aslking Lulu if she fine, and if she needed a friend.

It makes me sad knowing League could still be fun if they didn't have literal silver tranny loving developers balancing/creating champions.

>Play Ascension
>Pick Singed

i adore his theme and character but i dislike his kit for some reason

Perfection dosnt exist annon, even CDProject arent perfect

s2 thats when i started and only played teemo and didn't care about the game at all and would just feed and afk. good times.

Yasuo was released in early s4 not s3 you fucking newfag pretending to be an oldfag.

>get double inhib
>ping multiple times to back
>syndra runs at t4 and dies
>bard ez and riven try to save her but they get out
>riven starts backing in lane for some reason and dies
>ez and bard go to save her
>while im pinging the entire time while typing BACK BACK BACK RUN RUN RUN
>they all 4 die and get baron
>riven respawns and tps bot to die
>4v5 defending
>jax goes all yolo in
>ult and fear him for 6 seconds
>syndra doesnt stun after
>bard misses his stun
>he just kills all of us
Just carry harder :D

>karthus x kayle
>Morde x sona
>Yorick x Maiden
>Olaf x ???

Twitch or Tristana?


The drummer is always the last pick when it comes to groupies


>that actually terrible cs
no chance.

>even CDProject arent perfect
you don't say

If I'm gold 5 0 lp and I keep losing and losing, can I be demoted to silver 1, or am I in the clear and cannot be lowered?


>2/8 with 142 farm in 34 minutes

if he drops zed and ribben immediately I'd say pretty high


i thought that was the bassist

He said the reason he wasnt doing dmg was because i took 1 kill when i ganked bot.

>8 game lose streak

How long will this go on?

three games of ascension and it will be over

i'm at 13 now hang in there user

>Pick tank top because jungler picked carry
>Maokai so have great gank assist
>Flash root enemy laner
>My jungler just whiffs every skillshot on an immobile rooted target

Someone said it last thread but 3 games a day is the way to go. If you can't do that, take a 15 min break in between games minimum.

>enemy mid plays katarina, is in a katarina club and is called 'best katarina'
>destroy her midlane as xerath
>'gj xerath, you need those scripts to climb'

what a patethic person, i didn't even bm

carry harder, like i should have done

We all know illaoi is the biggest female,but who is the biggest male?

darius? sion? jarvan? mundo?

i should pick that fucker up
i never played him but if he's as braindead as you faggots say i should be able to slay ass with basic map awareness and warding

anything sleeper op this patch?

>pick a champion that's entire kit is focused around stealing kills and contributing nothing else to your team
>become terrible person
what a surprise

>It's a team violently spasms and feeds but somehow wins episode



i only do that when i use crit runes but i really should

A. Sol

Mordekaiser if you mean humanoids

Which morde skin is the truest?

largest 'human' male is probably sion who is for some reason like 10 feet tall

Teemo visual update when ?
I am both dying from anticipation and being terrified at the same time cuz , they might fucking change his kit with the visual update

It's probably Sion or Mundo

Mundo probably is bigger but his model is so old we don't really know

>no dmg ez they say
>goes 2/8/12

I don't think they'll change his kit too much sense he's kind of an icon of league. But they slaughtered Urgot's kit so I wouldn't hold my breath.

highest ? or bigger ?



whats the vg discord channel invite link

>omega squad teemo
probably not anytime soon

>might fucking change his kit
of course they will
if they ever rework the useless little piece of shit



ahrifaggot here. nice trips~ good luck on road 2 looking like me :^)