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Best team edition

Last Thread: >Very Useful Links


>7.15 Patch Notes


>Champion and Skin Sales


>Ask Riot:Honor Edition


>Operation: Rescue Teemo | Omega Squad 2017

[YouTube] Operation: Rescue Teemo | Omega Squad 2017 Skins Trailer - League of Legends (embed)

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fuck chogath

Remove movespeed from q


>tfw no riot drawn porn of assassins abusing and bullying the Lu outside of the rift, forcefully impregnating her so she cant compete in summoners rift anymore

eh sorry for the early thread, the previous had reached bump limit but then 40 posts were deleted, just keep this as backup

what happened to c9
they were the top NA team a few months ago

xth for Syndra

>bot lane always feeds
Yeah, keep fucking lying to yourselves solofeeder, fucking useless dead weights.

How to fix volibear

Make his Q activation like Garen so he removes slows

is he now viable?

>CLG winning with Omargod

will dardouche ever recover?

tsm are shit

NA is a joke

CLG and IMT got a lot better, Ray is INTing and Smoothie isn't hard carrying like he was last split

Best and cutest couple of Runeterra

But they do
Never even talked :^)

tell me about your OTP
why are they the best OTP

shipping is for women

This is league of legends biggest chest

Say something nice about it!

Lulu is cute and adorable and i love her more than anything in the world!

not only is it a rek'sai gragas meta, it's a rek'sai gragas on the same team meta


Fuck off and die

Ya wanna check out one big chest?

Not in my fucking games (Because most of the time I keep my bot lane in good health)

Learn your grammar then, third worlder

One trick pony refers to the person playing the champion, "your otp" refers to yourself twice, which is redundant.

MF is small time

Number 1 guy!
Ranked sucks but diamond soon!!!!!!!

> fiora gets nerfed
> tanks get buffed each patch
> suddenly tanks are strong
Holy shit
Is this guy still around

But no one is talking about riven?


are you dumb?


>A champion with up to two blinks on her kit has a chain with the leash range of a football field


don't forget the waveclear!

and the damage, and the range... and the... uh... everything

she isnt sarcastically known as "lebalanced" for nothing

> champ has dash
> /lolg/ hates champ
never fails

busted champion

>ezreal w is still useless
>he still needs to cripple his laning phase by building a 750g item that provides 0 dmg until 20 minutes into the game
>he still fall off regardless

But if ezreal is strong then /lolg/ cries about blinks and posterboys and whatnot.

>wildturtle flash


good thing lee was afk or we would have lost

>smoothies taric
wtf i want to play this glorious fucker now

taric is significantly stronger with good communication, not a great solo queue champion

> still m6
step up your game pixelbutts

Who should I buy, Rek'sai or Kayn?

flex is fucking hard

Maybe he's not a Jew that wastes IP to get a banner that means nothing

Make a change to your champion to further specialize them in their niche

I'll start. New Xerath Passive. Xerath's autoattacks outside his base range travel as skillshots with decreasing speed the farther away they are and deal (base damage)+(ap ratio).

Every ability is skillshots

i just put that token on. i already shitbuilt my way to a m7 token on tf after just getting it.

ill get my tokens, but i need to clear out these m6 ones first

Why is Karma named Karma?

>significantly stronger
meaning he's not worth playing?

nasus gets bonus stats when no allies are nearby
bonus damage against structures


>already went ahead and got 6 instead of sitting at 5

Is there anything worse then the bottom lane in this fucking game? It breeds fucking retards.

>playing garen, veigar, jinx
>it's gonna be a close fight
>calculate the exact missing health I have to ult at in order to execute and minimize risk
>I have to take into account damage reduction, resistances, shields, masteries such as fearless and siegemaster
>chogath players
>don't even know how much damage their ult does unless they are trying to outsmite someone
>even then they don't even know their ult ratios, they just add up the numbers on the tooltip and forget it after they press r
>get a neat little red circle around any champ in kill range of ult
>pop stoneplate just in case
>whole team applauds them for their skillful play of wasting 600 true damage on a 50 hp squishy
Is there anyone here that can even defend such a braindead champ?

>spend my ip on kayn
>get more ip
>spend it on ivern
>get box on both
>get blue essence from one
>just get one token
>now have 2 mastery 6 tokens finally done
i dont like wasting it on the tokens. the flashing of mastery is pointless and only makes me wonder what value it really has. ill take a skin over some aesthetic flash of "please notice me"

It's not about just having a dash. It works with the rest of her kit. My only problem with her is how bullshit her chain is.

Recently made a smurf. What are some good champions to buy right away that don't cost too much IP? I'm specifically looking for supports, mages and tanks. As much as I want to buy my best and favorite champions right away, I need to build a decent roster to help me get through the leveling process.

Also, how long does it take to level an account to 30 anyways? And which modes are the best for leveling up?

boys where's that live game tracker for lcs games? i can't seem to find it on the website

Whoa... Kayn is soo fucking broke


Lux's ult damage is lower, but if it hits an E on the ground, a shielded ally, or a snared champ, it ignites, bursting any Es and adds extra damage to the ult (ultimately taking it higher than before with an ability or two ignited)

annie garen. Im pretty sure spamming 3v3 bots is the fastest way to level with exp boosts but i dont remember anymore

>i have no keyboard and play on 500 ping

i want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!

What if Ezreal built coin?

only ever wanted it on bard and jhin. im still working on making bard #1. i did too much ip grinding on jhin and now bard is #2

what the fuck is this

Who the fuck are you
if you are giraffes we don't want you back

>mfw game 2


>exp boosts

I don't plan on buying boosts, as nice as they would be to have. I did buy Annie though, since she can be played mid and support. I'll probably invest in a few 450 and 1350 IP champs before saving up for bigger purchases.

where invite

Poppy, she can be played top/jg/supp and is pretty good right now.


Jinx is cuddly and cute

I dont get why they made mastery suddenly require something. These pieces of shit will just sit there for all eternity because fuck spending blue essence.

where's the invite

>he doesnt have an infinite supply of blue essence

xth for CLIMBING!
you can DO IT user!

thresh lantern heals when ally has been damaged by 2 or more champions recently and picks it up :D

You'll get it when Jinx gets an ultimate skin

That's a long way away

I want my invite now

How I git gud in AscensiĆ³n

I love my wife, Riven! She's so cute and perfect!

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>Inhib -> B


Back during S5/6, I didn't start tear on ez. The reasoning being that his early game is strong, exceptionally strong. At early levels, Q hits like a truck. Tear negates that strength.

I rushed BF, turned it into ER. I then bought tear, or some other high AD item like BT or IE. Manamune I finished third. It worked out well.

killing an enemy champion automatically grants him max turret charges
can now infinitely stack elder dragons for passive
all abilities now scale with feast stacks
mistwalkers and maiden now have scaling resistances

so did we reach a consensus on whether shen is a splitpusher or not yet?

to all my bronze friends or just north american in general

Inhib -> B
>Inhib -> B
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So uh, what the fuck happened to mages? Did they massively buff MR sometime in the last few patches? Cause it feels like I can do hardly any damage. I have to run almost full mpen do even scratch a person who builds an MR item.

Every fucking time

I can't hear you over the sounds of not having an ultimate skin for jinx

Good mages are still good, shit ones are bad

They gave every champ scaling MR

> ryze
> P: gets nerfed every patch he sees play
Riddler says so

you just need to change this one thing
>ghouls now only get damaged with auto attacks (non aa slows or stuns them, no damage taken)
>for each point into yorick's R it takes 1 additional aa to kill them
>max 3
there you now have 4 ghouls, each with 3 ticks of hp, unkillable unless youre urgot or a marksman or a turret

>They gave every champ scaling MR
RIP mages

fuc u banDIRT i dont wanna carry ur dumb silver ass anyway


>four ultimate skins in the game
>one is for an adc
>one is for a bruiser
>one is for a support
>one is for a mage

The next ultimate skin is probably either for a tank or an assassin.

All right sorry add me