/lolg/ - League of Legends General:

"Level 3 Honors" Edition. If I, a Gold V shitter can get it, you can too!

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I got level 3, and I only play ARAM and the weekly fun mode.

Playing on friend's silver 3 account. What do I play?

>Be Silver
>Nasus top
>He's fighting a an Amumu
>Easy gank get a kill for him
>Nasus builds armor
>Loses lane
>Amumu roams
>Nasus doesn't push
>Still building armor
>TWO glacial shields
>Busy playing whack-a-mole while amumu kills me in the river and taking my crab, tele's bot to get his team 2 more kills
>Nasus teleports back to lane to play whack-a-mole like it's early season 2

Are people purposely playing Nasus shitty? Is this part of Riot's scheme to keep certain champs unpopular/hated?

link owned champions

I suggest full attack speed/on hit shen

League needs less waifutrash and edgy 12 year old bait champions and more inhuman/monstrous champions

I play a bot game for fwotd every day
Where is my level 3

he has most champions aside from the new shit like Xayah, Ivern and Kayn

I need a flashy mage

xerath or ryze?

what, what item?


Rinnegan champion when?

retard probably means bramble vest which doesn't do shit to stop Trynd. He'll just hit you with his fury up, wait 1 second for the debuff to time out and then heal with Q. Don't fall for that shit

are you not enjoy the KILLER MASTER OF SHADOWS?



That's racist, user.

Sadistic or masochist champion when?

play ryze and enjoy your team getting tilted from champ select for even picking him


I'm not saying they don't exist, i'm saying that they're overshadowed by the other ones

>no Souls esque nameless knight champion who cant heal normally or lifesteal and instead has to use potions dropped from enemies or replenished from the shop
>Has a combat roll, Riposte and parry as long as a backstab ability

>bringing the worst dark souls mechanic in league of legends

Quit bitching. I just listed 6.
Of course everyone in this game is edgy. They're all killers.

>be caitlyn and alistar vs blitzcrank and vayne
>solokill their vayne on lvl 2, alistar didn't even lay a finger on her
>proceed to bully them both, not even letting them touch a minion
>they turtle up and dont die anymore because dorans shield + defensive masteries
>alistar literally doesnt land a single CC spell on either of them the entire laning phase
>get ganked by zac on 6 and vayne gets both kills
>alistar doesnt even fucking know his headbutt stops zac's slingshot
>vayne snowballs and ends up stronger than me, despite kicking her ass most of the game

alistar didn't land a single WQ combo on an enemy champion until maybe 21-22 minutes into the game, holy shit
kill yourself retarded cunt, you should have just picked janna and pressed one button every minute, you'd be more useful than this

sure thing dracula

>everyone in this game is edgy

play noobstomp champions it's what I do on trash accounts

singed, teemo

i think pic related is the biggest edgelord of them all

>tortures and kills Poro's in his backyard shed
>pessimistic nihilist
>wants to kil Sejuani,Ashe and Lissandra for being roasties and Tryndamere for being a "chad"

>No Nazi esque German officer champion who can raise armor and mr of allies as well as their ad through speeches
>ultimate is gass chamber that slowly poisons everyone inside until they break the walls or die

But how can he be elliot rodgers if he wasn't stopped by a locked door?


>alistar doesnt even fucking know his headbutt stops zac's slingshot
you think would he stop zac slingshot with janna?
git gud

>half of the people in the Urgot subreddit dont like nUrgot because they cant mindlessly EQQQ anymore
>lolg says its a failed rework because hes not broken
>both and a lot of the population deems kit "too hard" and "useless because they cant play him

All according to keikaku

>be ad carry
>enemy top and jungle build only armor items (literally)

>teammate called "execute"
>his club tag is "death" with a weird font
>oh lord one of these people
>he hovers yasuo top
>other teammate bans it
>me and friend ban away riven and zed
>he hovers kayn
>enemy picks kayn before it's his turn
>riven, yas, vayne, zed and kayn off the table already
>he picks vlad


>Feed every single fucking time I pick singed
>100% winrate
How do I keep getting away with it? What is it about singed that makes you want to focus him even when he is 0/10?

>my favourite champ is kassadin
>i hate being forced to play like a bitch during early game
for fucks sake can i get a motherfucking rework?, also ekko seems to have some similarities, is he worth buying?

I'm an urgot main and I like new urgot.

though I was bored of old urgot after the couple hunded games
He WAS kind of two dimensional

dae think le hitler did nothing wrong guiz xD
1 million Jewz? show me teh PROOF LOL

+1 (you) my fellow /b/rother!!! 3P1C P0ST /b/ro!

I think his w is super cool
I seriously don't think he needed a dash though

build armor pen?

because if you don't stop him he will completely mess up your carry's positioning

>playing against blitz and zac
my condolences, also
>not banning blitz or zac urself,
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao

Reminds me of this
>get in lobby with some xxsomethingxx guy
>I bet he will want riven
>Hovers over riven
>Ban her and act like I didnt know
>Calls me a retard and hovers yasuo
>Although he is our first pick, enemy picks first and picks yasuo

I'm not silver you fucking idiot yeah I built armor pen

>expecting plebbit and 4ching to like a champion who FORCES you to think

People say Ahri is OP and easy to play but...
>No mana sustain
> Has to hit skillshots
>Conditional mobility(Long CD)
>Weak mid/lategame compared to other midlaners
>Squishy as fuck
>Short range while not being an assassin or having assassin burst
>Easily pokeable thanks to this
>Only escape against ganks has a flash tier cooldown (110 secs)
>Feast or famine type, always has to win lane to go even go even
>Has to roam to be relevant unlike Karthus or Ziggs
>Passive is useless late
>Not easy to learn

>Used up goods. Your waifu is a slut
>Probably has rabies or insects in her fur
>Has only one good skin(Arcade)

>be tristana sona vs lucian nami
>teams base
>sona doesn't base with me
>she walks INTO lucians culling
>feebly tries to walk out of it at 15% health
these silver supports are something else





sunfire cape jayce sucks too, after some testing.

the most interesting aspect they could bring would be swapping between 2h and 1h+shield
I'm having more fun playing 2 than 3 and I don't know why, I'm considering buying SotFS even though it's highway robbery

He did need it tho
In the current state of the game immobile champions can't exist(i'm not bitching or anything)

that was impressive as fuck didnt know teleporting with ryze ulti would drop a tower shot

ok you're bronze w/e

just got my level 3.

Seems like calling people autists is good behaviour

Only because they keep everyone mobility

then play orianna and collect free lp

I played Jayce as melee only form for a while for shits and giggles with Iceborn + Sunfire + tabis metagolem

These people are so predictable. You see the username and the hover and you immediately know it's a fat kid that just closed crunchyroll.

his dash sucks, so it's okay

I love to receive 4 key fragments for "keeping it sportsmanlike" after being a complete toxic fuck the entire game.


>has to hit skillshots
what did he mean by this?

how the fuck do I actually survive vs lethalithy j4 as an adc

he jumps across the entire screen in the middle of my team and one shots me

I don't get it either, I get camped super hard a level and a half behind the other sololaner and the second I move close to a teamfight people blow 4 ultimates on me and I die but that kind of wins the teamfight.

The funniest thing is that with a cleaver and tank items he can also delete you.

you buy a support

tank j4 can be peeled with a support

I had a janna shield and a locket on me and still got 1 shot vs the duskblade AD j4

Tabis, GA and if neccessary Thornmail


Are you actually retarded

bend over kiddo

Zhonya. Not even joking. If he's fed he will one shot you on sight so you need to survive the burst. Once he blows his load and you successfully cockblock him, you can kill him easily with your team.

>be twitch jungle
>clear my red
>gank top or mid
>gank probably fails
>im behind like two or three levels compared to enemy jungler
>clear my jungle
>be ahead or even in exp against enemy jungler who was doing things just right

>Pick Riot Squad Singed
>Run their adc down anyway even though im 0/10

I dont type/role play in chat, but i get a hearty chuckle when their adc is lucian

janna E isn't peel, her QR is

>Only get one honor per game
>Level 3 honor never

> lose game because you bought a BotRK instead of a Locket.

It's easy in silver

I wanna look EXACTLY like shyvana

Found the jew.

>Play ARAM
>Get Kog'maw
>Someone dodges

/pol/ memes arent funny underage

Tabi's+GA and MALLET.
IF thats STILL not enough just outright get Steraks

>have like 12 keys
>no chests

>two dimensional

Agreed. I loved old Urgot, but he was as 2-D as Mr. Game and Watch when it came to his playstyle

People like to shit talk Yasuo, Riven, Lee Sin, Zed, and Vayne players.

But nobody is more autistic than Darius mains. I swear they're all goddamn idiots.

Post funny league pictures

Y-you too?

>Receive 4 key frags
>get 2 champ shards
>I already own all champions

>play ARAM
>teammate uses clarity

I've only lost two games in the past week.

Being a main is suffering

this is legit mind numbing

I only play ARAM these days. Getting feeding teams is too enraging. I was breaking shit because of my bot lanes that fed 10 kills in 10 minutes

I want a fist full of YOUR pubes, user!


Basically comes down to ziggs vs fiddle edition

So you literally
>Team ooga
>Me booga
Being shit and unable to carry ad babies is one thing but raging? How old are you my dude

Like what is the problem?

And so on and so on and so on..

>you win and you lose games
Whoa, truly mind numbing.

tristana is boring as fuck but it win games and I fucking hate playing adc/jungle but I can't afford to let retards take both roles