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how long until new ziggs/brand/malz skins

One champ
One song
One shot

Urgot is actually good. Fite me.

riot i was one win off getting to diamond promos why let that man have my role and do so poorly

xth for bratposting

>Team thinks game is over
>Enemy team talking shit in all chat
>Walk out of jungle with twice their top lane's farm and proceed to one shot their entire back line
>entire enemy team erupts into hysterics
>walk down mid and collect my freelo

I fucking love Kayn dude

>Playing Kayn jungle instead of top
Doing it wrong

Have you thank your mom yet?


>Missing out on
>at level one
>on a seven second cooldown
>for lmaonomana!1

It's just too good.

xth for Syndra

>Gragas can shit damage all over my adc but only has to build tank items

Reminder: Shyvana lost her burnout bonus damage for clearing too fast. Then they release this bullshit, that also ignores jungle pathing


I mean, it's defiantly gonna get nerfed, but until then I'm enjoying being able to do full clear sans krugs and still counter-ganking the enemy jungle.

He rocks, best man!!
I'm plat 4 now, awesome!!!

I'm so fucking happy /lolg/
Today I got my first penta on my fav champ Warwick AND just then I got promoted to honor 3.
Altough I got many pentas before I never got to get one on Warwick and today I finally got it.
I just wanted to share my little happines with you guys.

Bets? Figured I may as well bring out my waifu for promos

Kayn is gonna turbofeed Cass, you lose

what the FUCK did she mean by this

Is that a brat post user? We've talked about this.

>maokai with tp
looks like snek'll be laning against dinger

on on hand they have ezreal and cass
the other; maokai and xin

i like your comp more though if xin doesn't get fed as shit early

I hate these fucking people, and I don't even play jungle.
If you lose your lane and you get shit on, it's NOT your jungler's fault. Even if he doesn't gank your lane at all. You're just losing.
I hope you reported this guy for extreme retardation.

He means he got hung out to dry into fucking Malz and he's pissed off. I would be too

these people should be ip tracked and executed infront of a crowd

Why are people playing Malzahar top suddenly?
Is this another "play ranged champions to make my top laner int" episode?

>that feel when you're winning all game but make dumb decisions to let the enemy team come back enough to win a fight and then end the game

>Always flaming my team
>Never stop with it
>Got so into it I start going deep like a motherfucker setting up whole bits of jokes ingame to make fun of a motherfucker baiting them to say shit
>It's like there always is that really bad guy
>And I just start talking to him real nice and get it going and make fun of him with real thought out jokes
>Sometimes I bomb
>But every time I log into the game I get a key fragment or some shit from the honor system

How's your experience with the new honor system? I like it.

i remember when it was expected that junglers gank

recommended on ls's tier list
occasionally pops up in top 5 winrates

he also seems to work reasonably well if enemy top lacks waveclear or allied jungler

>elise and dario dive
>dario gets cold feet and backs off
>spider doesn't
>kill her
>/all hah he left you
>she never came top again
god bless

i know this feel except its my team refusing to go for objectives and instead trying to look for 1v1 outplay fights with no vision

If malz is sitting top lane at Fioras turret all lane long with no ganks, that's a shit jungler who now has to deal with a 9/1 free farmed malz running lose midgame.

Malz has always found a home top lane when he's viable, since ahead he can usually 1v2 no matter his current iteration. Hes as common top as a Cass, Vlad or Swain.

>If malz is sitting top lane at Fioras turret all lane long with no ganks, that's a shit jungler who now has to deal with a 9/1 free farmed malz running lose midgame.

Mate youre wrong on so many levels Id be shocked if you were any elo higher than silver or a boosted support main

uh thanks riot?


> Immobile mage that auto shoves waves
> Not the freest of ganks
> Not wanting to snowball a Fiora

He should have been 0/4 at least not 9/1 and able to freely kill any 2v1

What's the tankiest Rhaast build with sustain along with a blue build as well, i like him in red form but not sure which one is the BEST build for him, he's my favorite jungler out of all along with Sion

oh shit lads
am I gonna make it?

I hurt myself every day

I love Riven!! So much!!! My perfect and cute wife!!!

you played that SO fucking bad jesus christ

didnt even auto weave or wall E, jesus christ im mad

>Maokai can shit damage all over my adc but only has to build tank items
>Malphite can shit all over my adc but only has to build tank items.
>WW/Yorick can shit all over my adc but only has to build tank items

It sucks.

>A grown man posted this

>Immobile mage that auto shoves waves

If malz doesn't have down syndrome he'll control the wave, also if Fiora managed to lose to him then there is no quantity of ganks in the world that will get her to stop being fucking useless.

that was rough to watch


to be fair all of them are kiteable, except maybe Maokai but an skilled adc can survive him too.

maybe it was a cute lesbian girl who posted it

Sorry, you're wrong. I just don't think losing your lane is your jungler's fault. Never. Unless he feeds the enemy team kills and they curbstomp you in the aftermath.
I simply consider the jungler's help as a bonus that may or may not come up. If the jungler doesn't come to my lane, it means he's probably ganking other lanes twice as hard. Why would I complain ?

>Yorick can shit all over my adc but only has to build tank items
>Yorick only going tank

That doesn't make it any less sad. They're still a grown ass adult typing like a 12 year old saying that a drawing of a fictional character is their wife.

that's what she did all game. she'd dive under turret against malz and then blame me for not ganking

youre wrong girls cant be cringe material unless theyre ugly

either you're underage or in the same camp

see ? Fiora is retarded. She can blame the jungler all she wants, she's just losing and asking for more.

Mb. You're right. Triforce and maybe one AD item.

>getting shit on in lane
>tower dive to delay recall
>die again
>have the testicular fortitude to blame their jungler

how do their little minds even work

Maybe ? I honestly don't see a Yorick not building DD.

which one of u fuckers was it that left in the middle of the game

/!\ dont click /!\ full damage poppy gameplay /!\

How do either of these options make any sense? Too hard for you to face the fact that you're a sad sack of shit who posts daily about their fictional wife?

Wow gnar destroys yorick. Might have to max e vs him

Seriously idk ?
I mean, if you're already wayyy behind, why would you try to DIVE a guy that is almost impossible to dive ? We don't get to see it but Malz probably just pressed R and killed her.

>"I'll have you know I was only in bronze for 2 months" -Trick2g
and people actually think this guy can still play this game.

i'm not op senpai, just observing the little pickle you put yourself in by preaching from the pulpit

looks like he just used his ult before she dived him

>he has like 70% health
>she doesn't have ult
>he only has enough mana for one spell
curious as to what happened now desu baguette might've just had a stroke

>Sona with meme mask not even bothering with a sightstone item also buying mercs.

Jesus christ what kind of per-

>Look at their OP.GG

Never mind, it doesn't matter, none of this matters.

>the little pickle you put yourself in
>I'm somehow in any sort of disadvantage for being right just due to the fact that I'm also using Veeky Forums
Amazing logic here.

>usually builds triforce
>never builds censer


Are you saying my CLIMB doesn't matter user?

One day I'll carry myself to silver and it will matter a whole lot!

I have the headcanon of female yordles skin being particularly elastic, just like the rest of their organs, and are capable to take jumbo sized dickings.

And hes been high Diamond since and has even been in Master in the past. Have you ever gotten to Master user ;^)?

What do you guys think about vladimir? I kinda finda him fun. Instead of being difficult to play as a champion (easy as fuck gameplay) he is hard to carry with because you need at least six items to be effective. Playing him top

>tfw ezreal does more damage than you

at least we won though. Jinx is pretty fun but I'm too scared to take her to solo q

>hes currently streaming him in bronze/silver games
Look like him being diamond and masters in the past sure is helping him.

>Bronze for 3 straight seasons.
>Over 200 games with Sona.
>Probably going to bronze this season.
>Doesn't even try changing up the build to actually be cohesive.
>Still taking Thunderlords on her.

Like holy shit. Holy shit why do these people even play.

I would have quit after the 3rd season, Jesus christ.

>Build trinity force instead of even trying for Liche bane.

This is some next level shit.

> Yorick building DD

Eventually late in the game maybe, or if you've snowballed off the face of the earth. Normally it's tank, titanic or steraks second.

you could make her a mommy user, you just have to use your size against her and then it won't even matter if she says no. :)

In general I build talisman, longsword, machete, hammer as I work towards my jungle item

Blue smite w/ warrior, tabis/Merc, Black Cleaver, DD, LW, [insert tank item here].

Protip, stay the fuck away from the backlane if you can't actually get onto them, you're not actually a tank.

>C O L D S T E E L

Again, blue smite w/ warrior then build lethality like the ape you are, also buy mobis. Your job is now to split until a team fight happens then fly in and one shot the enemy carry like an autistic ghost on speed. I used to still build Black Cleaver on this form too, but honestly it's not worth giving up Dusk Blade or Youmuu's imo.

urgot is actually cancer if he gets fed

>no bee champion
>no loli with giant weapon
>no spooky loli from shadowisles
>no yordle assassin girl
>no repitillian shapeshifter
>no swarm champion
>no void parasite
>no bee champion

Oh boy I am SOOO GLAD we got Kayn! What an interesting and UNIQUE design xD
Better buy the skin too lads!

why is poppy the cutest?

Who gives a shit.

>you will never impregnate poppy

Whos the most fun champ to be fed as anons?

And why isn't it pic related

seriously, swarm champ when? malz doesnt count he only makes like 3

Its Flex m8.
Hes playing with other Bronzies in Flex for shits and giggles. He still has several accounts in Diamond Solo/Duo.

>botlane turbofeeds twitch
>twitch decides that top is his lane now
>him and darius analraping me
>botlane still can't take fucking t1 when it's them vs braum

because shes the hero. only the cutest of all girls are chosen to be the hero

just pick her up and take her home user. she needs a master (and a daddy)

>Using Flex as measure of skill
I fuckin hate that loud fuck user but come the fuck on.

>decide to try Duskblade
>Infinity Edge and Shiv
>100-0 unarmored targets with a single auto

>ADC come on your man lane
>Not instantly going all in on his baby ass and tunnel visioning until you kill him
come on now

Tristana + Ziggs support


>A grown man posted this as well

easily my favorite rework, especially the dialogue

who the fuck makes these

>tfw just got tier 3 honor

Why Yasuo is consider as a cancer champ when brain dead people cannot even play him?

Is the omega squad skin any good?

How exactly does one enjoy the retarded dialogue that's blatant waifufag pandering? You likely never even played Poppy before she was reworked to actually say it's your favorite.

What's that little girl doing inside of Vlad?