Second Life General /slg/

Prom Anticipation edition

> Veeky Forums group : secondlife:///app/group/41548e97-0945-f938-67b2-88ee0d825ad6/about
> Group info (may be outdated, just ask if confused) : (embed)
> Want to be an anime grill?

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Veeky Forums group parcel:

You got arrested quick

i griefed the mods and the mods won

too early for slg go back to sleep

you should have ate them and became the mods




[muffled malicious cat noises]

ni mods ni maƮtre

eat the government


haha bad girl naughty girl :))


that's still fat capitalists

fat capitalists that think they are oppressed proletariat to boot

mfw /slg/ becomes a political discourse thread

Don't worry, these people won't exist for long


people like this never get far


surprisingly he got banned for his name before the ageplay shit

ll usually kills ageplay faster

who banned?

why did cub even buy an avatar if he just wants to look like a grieflord anyways
he can't even blend into sims with that, so it's a waste of money

he just wants to be the little girl

to be fair you go literally anywhere as an anime people are gonna make fun of you and call you an anime and also probably accuse you of being a child avatar. Even the nicest anime avs you can buy or make still don't blend in anywhere

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Man the new Rick and Morty this week sucked

really makes you think

Single wolf, looking around. IM if curios.

hit up chainsword.audion in world

looks suspicious


I haven't seen those old wings for at least 6 years


because I never did anything wrong you fucking retard LOL
you reported me for speaking to someone who isn't even ageplaying, topkek - and someone who i literally was speaking to about music, and then the other person whom I was speaking to about language, you guys make big deal about nothing.

I got banned for my name, I'll have my account tomorrow back, with a different name

You are about to get banned again lol

I didn't even report you

I thought it was a joke originally and somewhat all along but then I aws thiknging some peopel are genuinely crazy so maybe they are paranoid due to some sort of childhood experience obviously

why? I got banned for my name even though I had the name for 3 years - I do nothing else wrong pidoras

You can be a retard and people will get you fucked up. You don't have to do anything "wrong" besides be an asshat.

hahaha I suppose you are right, I didn't even be a retard though honestly, I literally walked up to copcake and was talking about music or languages or something and then people went retard mode because I was takling to her, it was really strange but I guess people have autism and can't help tantrums so I Don't blame them but im not going to say they shouldn't be in a concentration camp bceause the latter is obviously most fitting

>I guess people have autism and can't help tantrums
you mean like this?

that's not even a flame what I wrote LOL nice reading interpretation

no but I definitely read it right its you flipping out at some random person accusing them of reporting you without any way of possibly knowing who it really is

very embarrassing

I started a Star Trek inspired sim for people who aren't massive cucks.

If anyone is interested.

yes but that's not flipping out...

and the person initiated with "surprisingly" which is enough to form a somewhat valid accusation

and then even then i obviously don't care if someone reports me, it literally cannot affect me for obvious reasons

>for people who aren't massive cucks.
You won't find anyone like that here.

Naww my dude! The cucks are those basement dwellers who take SL seriously.

They're absolutely no fun

nigga you are over studying this shit. I don't even know who the fuck cop cake is. I just said a true statement

lol thats enough to form an accusation and look like a paranoid lunatic but somewhat valid? no

anyway debate the semantics all you want I am just letting you know how and why its an embarrassing autistic outburst im definitely not gonna sit here and try to convince you even more my dude

I agree he's overreacting but accusing people of pedophilia with no grounds and shit talking anonymously is pretty retarded.


he does look like a pedo tho I won't lie. I had a teacher like him once

glad someone fed the trolls for today

feed this

i'd rather eat it baby!!

post slurl

tfw u impulse buy rly bad pants

could have gotten a McChicken instead..


all aboard the fucktard express



[16:58] Nep Faulkes: this is literally a rug store
[16:58] Arty (zwshadow): its
[16:58] Arty (zwshadow): rugs
[16:58] 2 Girls 1 Cub (cub949): haha
[16:58] 2 Girls 1 Cub (cub949): wtf
[16:58] Nep Faulkes: this is sick
[16:58] Arty (zwshadow): ITS JUST CALLED
[16:58] Arty (zwshadow): THE RUG SHOP
[16:58] Nep Faulkes shouts: look at all these rugs
[16:59] Arty (zwshadow) shouts: THERES ANIME
[16:59] Nep Faulkes shouts: it's all rugs
[17:00] Belone Delicioso shouts: that's a lot of rugs
[17:00] 2 Girls 1 Cub (cub949) shouts: who is buying this many rugs
[17:00] Nep Faulkes shouts: winners don't do rugs

This store is all rugs and one tortured prim

we used to put prims like that in sim crashers and they'd break everything

i declare the maiden voyage of the fucktard express to be a success

what happened to the ROOF

speeddude invented the world's first convertible bus roadster for the exclusive use of Veeky Forums expeditions.

Is that an autist rug I see?


Where can I buy one?

what does belone smell like

cats, bone marrow, and yaoi

Are there such things as dolljoint arms/legs out there that you can modify to some degree to fit on an avatar like prosthesis parts? The coco doll arms and legs work decently but sadly they are no modify and good luck communicating for a mod enabled copy with Japanese devs.



A couple of doll avis out there exist that aren't coco but they too are japan owned and I don't know if they get updated anymore

you gotta know a guy who knows a guy


is this loss

Didn't they have a mod version? Or is that just with like an applier?
Arbalest has one that's really mod, but it doesn't fit clothing very well.
I think there's also a doll body that was a gacha prize that people have talked well about.

Season 2+ basically rehash older episodes. It's not nearly as good.

buy from arbalest because domina is a certified qt/ certified genius

tell her i sent you for no discount or kudos at all

Seems that Coco has 3 different bodies at the moment. The older two don't seem to have a mod version but the arms and legs of those fit with different bodies pretty well. The mod version of their newest body is twice as expensive as the regular.
Arbalest looks cool but doesn't have a demo sadly.

goodnight internet senpai

I do what I can!

Spend TP and I'll show you what the arbalest bod look like/comes with.


Rigging dummy when?


does it ocme with the 12 year old chinese boy in this image?

rare sighting

shit that is rare

